Dsview 4 Manual


Chapter 3: Basic Operations


Emerson,EmersonNetworkPowerandtheEmersonNetworkPowerlogoaretrademarksor servicemarksofEmersonElectricCo.Avocent,theAvocentlogo,Cyclades,DSView,Dambrackas. Basically, any session viewer programs (#1 and #3) are supposed be downloaded / installed to client PC via DSView port 443. If if does not work due to any network configuration at site, you can use the following files (#2 and #4) which are located at DSView server.

4.If desired, type a name in the Name field and modify any other information in the dialog box.

5.Click the OK button.

Adding and Managing DS Users

Adding DS users

You must add DS users within DSView in order for them to have access to the system. Users are assigned a default access level when they are added. If you wish to assign DS users a different access level, you will need to change their permissions.


To add a user:

1.Within the DSAdmin window, right-clickon the DS appliance or port you wish to change and selectPermissions. This will activate the Permissions dialog box.

Avocent dsview 4 manual

2.You may either type the username of the DS user you wish to add, or click on the button marked Add. ClickingAdd will display a listing of all DS users on the Windows domain network.Double-clickon the DS user you wish to add. This will move that DS user’s name to the permissions list.

26DSView Installer/User Guide

3.Click on the new DS user’s name and check the access boxes appropriately.

To change default DS user permissions:

1.Right-clickon the DS appliance or port you wish to change and select the

Permissions command.

2.A DS user listing will appear. You will see a DS user listed as Everyone, which is configured with the default permissions. Any DS user you do not set up with individual permissions will use this default configuration.

Figure 3.5: Permissions Dialog Box

3.Click Everyone. The default setting shows both boxes checked. Check or uncheck theAdmin andUser boxes to control access for all DS users without a specifically assigned configuration.

NOTE: Remember, Administrator access will allow the DS user to change permissions in

DSAdmin for any DS user listed.

To change specific user permissions:

1.Right-clickon the entry you wish to change and selectPermissions.

2.The Permissions dialog box will appear, listing all configured DS users. Change an individual DS user’s access level by clicking on the username and selecting the access level you wish the user to have. If a DS user isn’t listed, click the Add button. Refer to the previous section,Adding DS users.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations


NOTE: If you remove all permissions from a port or DS appliance, access to that port or DS appliance will be lost.

Setting the Remote Session Window Size

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Before using DSView for the first time, you will need to enter the default remote session window resolution. This is the default window size that will be applied to every DSView session. DSView will automatically adjust the display if the window size changes during a session as long as autoscaling is enabled. When a DS user accesses a channel via sharing, the display will be adjusted to match the input resolution of the first person to access that channel.

To set the default remote session window resolution:

1.Load the DSView software. This will activate the Node Manager and provide you with a list of target devices that you may access.

2.Select File - Default Session Window Resolution and click on the resolution that you wish to use. Available resolutions are:


640 x 480

Avocent Dsview Software

800 x 600

960 x 720

1024 x 768

Setting the color depth

The DSR Dambrackas Video Compression™ (DVC) upgrade enables DSView users to adjust the number of viewable colors in a remote session window. You may choose to display more colors for the best fidelity, or fewer colors to reduce the data transferred on the network.

NOTE: The DSR DVC upgrade is standard on all newer DS/DSR appliances. Older DS/DSR appliances use standard video compression. For DSR DVC upgrade purchase information, contact Avocent Technical Support or your Avocent reseller.

Remote session windows can be viewed using the best color available (slower updates), the best compression (fastest updates), a combination of best color and best compression or in grayscale.

28 DSView Installer/User Guide

If a DSView user starts a video session by double-clickingon a port or channel and a color depth setting has not been previously specified, the Video Settings dialog box will appear. The specified setting will be used globally for all ports or channels and any remote session windows opened from the ports.

The color depths of individual ports and channels can be specified by selecting the Video - Settings command in a remote session window. These settings are saved individually per port and channel and override the global color depth setting. SeeAdjusting Video Parameters in Chapter 4 for more information on these settings.

NOTE: A color depth cannot be applied to a remote session window during a shared device session. SeeSharing or Terminating a Device Session later in this chapter for more information.

To set the initial color depth for all ports and channels:

1.Double-clickon a port or channel. A remote session window will appear.

2.Select Video - Settings from the remote session window. The Video Settings dialog box will appear.

3.Move the slider to the Best Color position. - or -

Move the slider to the middle position.

- or -

Move the slider to the Best Compression position.

- or -

Select the Grayscale Video checkbox.

4.Select the Use as Default checkbox to use the specified setting for all ports that have not been assigned an individual color depth setting.

5.Click OK to apply your changes.

To set the color depth for an individual port or channel:

1. Double-clickon a port or channel. The Video Settings dialog box appears.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations


2. Move the slider to the Best Color position. - or -

Move the slider to the middle position. - or -

Move the slider to the Best Compression position. - or -

Select the Grayscale Video checkbox.

3. Click OK to apply your changes.

Accessing Target Devices

You may access one or more target devices within a DS series appliance at the same time. To access multiple target devices, double-clickon every port that you wish to display. Windows may be tiled or cascaded as you choose.

NOTE: When tiling windows from the Node Manager, each remote session must be in Full Scale mode in order for windows to tile properly. By default, the scaling mode is specifi ed as Auto Scale. To change the scaling mode, selectVideo - Scaling - Full Scale in the remote session window.

To access a target device:

1.Load the DSView software. This will display the Node Manager and provide you with a list of target devices that you may access.

2.Double-clickon the target device that you wish to access. This will open a remote session window and allow the DS user control of the target device.

NOTE: If you are using the DSR DVC upgrade and have not set the color depth, the Video Settings dialog box appears and you must set a color depth. SeeSetting the color depth earlier in this chapter for more information.

30 DSView Installer/User Guide

Figure 3.6: The Remote Session Window

Using Privacy mode

If a DS user needs to access a port while excluding all others, Privacy mode is used. When a port is selected in Privacy mode, no other DS user in the system may switch to that port. If another DS user initiates a connection to a port in Privacy mode, that user will receive a message indicating that the port is in Privacy mode.

To access a target device in Privacy mode:

1.Load the DSView software. This will display the Node Manager and provide you with a list of target devices that you may access.

2.Highlight the target device that you wish to access and select File - Privacy Mode Select.

- or -

Right-clickon the target device’s name and selectPrivacy mode.

Sharing or Terminating a Device Session

If at any time the channel to which you are connecting is already in use, you will receive a notification message and have the choice of two options:

You may access a port with other users and share the device session.

If you have Administrator privileges, you may disconnect other users from a port and terminate the users’ device session.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations


Sharing a device session

When you attempt to access a port already in use, you will receive a notification message that the port is in use along with the name of the current DS user(s). At this point, you may request to share access to the port with the current DS user(s). The DS users that are currently active will receive a request to allow sharing. If they confirm, the new DS user will gain access to the port. When sharing access to a port, all DS users may monitor the port and may take control if no other DS user is currently active.

When you attempt to connect to a port, the DSView Connection Sharing dialog box displays. If you select the Stealth Connection checkbox and then click

Share, the DS user that is currently active will not receive notification that access is being shared and no request to authorize sharing will be made.

NOTE: The only way to prevent a stealth connection to a port is by enabling Privacy mode.

Up to 12 DS users may share a single port at one time. If a 13th DS user attempts to connect, an error message will inform the DS user that no sessions are available. Administrators will be given the option of terminating a DS user session.

At any time, DS users may select View - List of Shared Users to view a list of DS users sharing their port or channel. DS users in Stealth mode are excluded from this list.

Session time-out

A remote session will time-outif there has been no activity in a Session window for a specified time. The sessiontime-outvalue is configured by your Administrator by selectingOptions - System Settings in the DSAdmin window.

You may override this value within the DSView. If you specify a new time-outvalue, it will be used the next time DSView is started.

To change a remote session time-outvalue:

1.From the Node Manager, select Tools - Settings, enabling the Program Settings dialog box to appear. Click theGeneral tab.

32 DSView Installer/User Guide

2.Select one of the following from the General tab:

Default System Timeout Values - The value set by an Administrator and stored on the DSAuth Server (default).

No Timeout - A remote session will never time-outdue to inactivity.

Timeout Value - A remote session will time-outafter the number of minutes of inactivity specified. Type a number from1-60in the Minutes field.

3.Click OK to save the settings.

Terminating a target device session

If you have Administrator privileges and the target device you are attempting to access is currently being viewed by a local DS user, DSView allows you to disconnect the local DS user so that you may access that target device. To terminate a local DS user’s session, you must first specify the ability to do so in DSAdmin’s System Settings dialog box.

When you choose to terminate a local DS user’s connection, a message box will display prompting you to confirm the termination. The local DS user will receive a notification message when you click Yes in the message box. Control of the port is then transferred to you.

Administrators may also disconnect a DS user by selecting the port that the user is accessing and choosing File - Disconnect, or byright-clickingon the port and selectingDisconnect in the DSAuth window.

Avocent Dsview 4.2 License

NOTE: You cannot preempt a local user that is in Broadcast mode. See the DSR Installer/User

Guide for additional information.

To specify settings to terminate the local DS user session:

1.Select Options -System Settings in the DSAdmin window. The System Settings dialog box will appear.

2.Select the DSR Local Port Session Termination Enable checkbox in the area.

3.Click OK to save your settings and close the dialog box.

Chapter 3: Basic Operations


To terminate the current DS user session using the

Disconnect command:


1.Select a port in the DSAdmin or DSView Client window and then select

File -Disconnect. A message box will appear prompting you to confirm the termination of the current DS user connection.

2.Click Disconnect. A message box displays prompting you to confirm the termination of the DS user session. ClickOK. The current DS user will then receive a notification message.

Rebooting and Changing Power States

If you have Administrator privileges, you may perform a warm reboot on a DS appliance at a remote location.

To reboot a remote DS appliance:

1.Select the DS appliance in the DSAdmin window.

2.Select File -Reboot. A confirmation message box will appear.

3.Click OK to reboot the remote DS appliance.

Changing the SPC device power state

NOTE: To change the power state of a target device powered by an SPC, the SPC must be connected to a CPS810 or CPS1610 appliance. For more information on connecting an SPC to a CPS appliance, see the SPC Installer/User Guide.

The power state of either a particular SPC device, CPS appliance or server powered by an SPC device may be turned on or off. The SPC may also be used to reboot a server.

To change the SPC device power state:

1.Load the DSView software. This will activate the Node Manager and display a list of DS appliances with ports linked to SPC devices that you may access.

2.Select an SPC, then right-clickon the item and selectPower State from the shortcut menu. This will open the Power State dialog box with the current power state of the SPC selected. If a CPS port is linked to one or more SPCs, these linkages will appear in the dialog box.

34DSView Installer/User Guide

3.Do one of the following:

Click On to turn the SPC on.

Click Off to turn the SPC off.

Click Reboot to reboot the SPC and any attached servers. The SPC device’s On or Off state will remain the same as the last time the Power State dialog box was accessed.

4.Click OK to perform the selected action and close the Power State dialog box.

NOTE: One DS port may have multiple SPC ports associated with it. Any on, off or reboot operation you choose to perform to one SPC port associated to a specifi c DS port and target server occurs to every SPC port associated to the DS port and target server.

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