Hirens Boot Cd Latest Version

May 07, 2013  Download Hiren's BootCD 15.2. The most complete all-in-one bootable CD. Hiren's BootCD is an independent CD that contains a start sequence with an extensive software and utilities list grouped by category so your equipment will have everything it needs. That way you. I was looking for the latest HBCD and then I found this one: 'Hiren's Boot CD 16.2' which seems to be the latest, however on their own website, they only have vs. 'Hiren's Boot CD 15.2' not 16.2 w.


Hiren's BootCD Review

Hiren's BootCD is an independent CD that contains a start sequence with an extensive software and utilities list grouped by category so your equipment will have everything it needs. That way you also don't have to download these tools one by one from Internet. Lots of them have a similar function and can look redundant but they normally have an important difference or they complement each other.

Hiren's BootCD can also be useful even when the primary operating system cannot be initiated because of some mistake in the system.

Additionally, when you are sometimes installing an operating system and you find errors, like when the partition table doesn't function correctly or the space of the hard disk doesn't match up, thanks to this CD you can solve the problems with its tools. Especially with 'Acronis Disk Director Suite', this allows you to take control and to see where the error is through a graphic environment.

How to install it?
1- create a folder called HirensBoot on the desktop.
2- Double click on the Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip file and decompress it in the created folder.
3- Execute the universal program USB installer.
4- In the drop-down menu select the option Hiren's Boot CD.
5- Search the ISO in the HirensBoot folder on the desktop.
6- Select your pen drive and the box 'We will format:Drive as Fat32' (ATTENTION: it will delete everything on the USB stick)
7- Click on the 'create' button.

Hiren's Boot Cd Latest Version

Visit Hiren's BootCD site and Download Hiren's BootCD Latest Version!

Files which can be opened by Hiren's BootCD

To learn what file types can be opened by Hiren's BootCD please visit WikiExt.com. WikiExt monitors and provides timely updates for its database in order to have up-to-date information and the latest programs for opening any file types at all times.

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Hirens Boot Cd Latest Version

  • Hiren's BootCD Simple & Fast Download!
  • Works with All Windows (64/32 bit) versions!
  • Hiren's BootCD Latest Version!
  • Fully compatible with Windows 10

Hiren Boot Cd Latest Version Download


Hiren's Boot Cd Windows 7

Hiren's BootCD is a product developed by Hiren. This site is not directly affiliated with Hiren. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.