New Total English Intermediate Pdf

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Pre-intermediate Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. It provides solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day with a complete package of effective, easy-to-use resources. Total English Pre-intermediate Workbook contains further practice of key language areas covered in the Students’ Book: Antonia Clare. New Total English - Advanced - Students’ Book.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Student book. New Total English Pre - Intermediate.

Pre-intermediate Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. It provides solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day with a complete package of effective, easy-to-use resources. Total English Pre-intermediate Workbook contains further practice of key language areas covered in the Students’ Book:
Antonia Clare
• Additional grammar, vocabulary, skills and pronunciation exercises consolidate and extend language. • Four Review and consolidation sections enable teachers to assess learners’ progress. • Vocabulary bank encourages learners to record key words and phrases and build on what they know. • ‘Catch-up’ CD-ROM available with extra support for learners who miss lessons.
Total English Pre-intermediate
Total English
JJ Wilson
Total English Pre-intermediate is correlated to the Common European Framework. It covers A2 and goes towards B1 level. Each lesson guides students to a 'Can do' goal in line with the Council of Europe's 'Can do' statements.
JJ Wilson
Total English Workbook (with key)
Workbook (with key)
• Students' Book with and without DVD • Class Audio Cassettes/CDs • Workbook with and without ‘Catch-up’ CD-ROM • Teacher’s Resource Book with photocopiable activities, DVD worksheets and Tests • DVD/Video available separately for institutional use • Companion Website
Antonia Clare
ISBN 1-405-81991-X
9 781405 8 1 9 9 1 6
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Antonia Clare
JJ Wilson
Total English Workbook (with key)
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Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex, CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world © Pearson Education 2005 All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright holders. The right of Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2005 Second impression 2006 Set in 10.5/13pt Meta Plus Book and 10/13pt Meta Plus Normal Printed in Malaysia ISBN-10: 1-4058-1991-X (Book only) ISBN-13: 978-1-4058-1991-6 (Book only) ISBN-10: 1-4058-2009-8 (Book with key and CD-Rom pack) ISBN-13: 978-1-4058-2009-7 (Book with key and CD-Rom pack) ISBN-10: 0-582-84193-3 (Book for pack) ISBN-13: 978-0-582-84193-2 (Book for pack) Illustrated by: Mike Phillips, Theresa Tibbetts, Colin Brown, Martin Sanders, Jon Mitchell, Janos Jantner, Phil Garner (all from Beehive Illustrations) Photo Acknowledgements We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce photographs: Associated Press for p. 80; Axiom for pp. 37(b), 39; Christie’s Images for p. 64(illustration on book cover); Corbis for pp. 4(b), 15, 34, 37(t), 76(t); Mary Evans Picture Library for p. 32(t); Getty images for p. 81; IOC Museums Collections © IOC for p. 55; Penguin Books for p. 64; Punchstock / Rubberball for p. 14; Redferns Music Picture Library for p. 10; Rex Features for p. 32(b); South Wales Echo (Valley Edition) for p. 77; Stockbyte for p. 4(t). Cover images by Corbis (l); Lonely Planet Images (t); Punchstock / Photodisc (b). Picture research by Kevin Brown
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12/26/05 7:16:08 PM
Contents 1
24 hours LESSON 1.1
LESSON 4.1 (p24-25) Vocabulary: collocations Grammar: comparatives Vocabulary: adjectives to describe people Reading: Running Man
Vocabulary: everyday actions Grammar: likes and dislikes Reading: A time for everything Vocabulary: time phrases
(p6-7) Listening: sleep patterns discussion Vocabulary: daily routines Grammar: Present Simple; adverbs of frequency Pronunciation: do/does
Vocabulary: survival Grammar: superlatives Pronunciation: sentence stress Writing: choosing the right word
(p8-9) Grammar: Present Simple vs Present Continuous Reading: Shop 24 Writing: double consonants
LESSON 5.2 (p32-33) Reading: Friends of the world Grammar: Present Perfect with for and since Vocabulary: friendship Writing: punctuation and capital letters
LESSON 5.3 (p14-15)
Taste LESSON 3.1 (p16-17) Vocabulary: food, drink, people, kitchen equipment Listening: eating habits Vocabulary: phrases Grammar: going to How to: talk about future plans (p18-19)
Reading: two film reviews Pronunciation: silent letters Grammar: relative clauses Lifelong learning: describe it! Writing: punctuation and capital letters
Vocabulary bank (p84-85)
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Places LESSON 6.1 (p36-37) Vocabulary: geography Grammar: will Pronunciation: /Å/ or /´U/ Reading: Switzerland and Western Australia LESSON 6.2
Grammar: too/enough/many Vocabulary: machines at home How to: talk about choices Listening: discussion about a TV show
Vocabulary: adjectives to describe food Grammar: Present Continuous How to: make arrangements Review and consolidation units 1-3
Reading and listening: Jeanne Calment Grammar: used to Listening: how buildings have changed Pronunciation: used to Vocabulary: good and bad habits
Grammar: Present Perfect Vocabulary: achievements Reading: three music festivals
Vocabulary: stages of life Grammar: should(n’t), can(‘t) and (don’t) have to Pronunciation: should, can and have to How to: exchange opinions with a friend
Vocabulary: word families Pronunciation: word stress Grammar: So do I/Neither am I Listening: my favourite music Lifelong learning: record it all! Writing: recognising errors
Stages LESSON 5.1
Vocabulary: music Grammar: Past Simple Pronunciation: past form of regular verbs How to: refer to times in the past
Grammar: indirect questions Listening: conversations around town Reading: four things you didn’t know about England
Music LESSON 2.1
(p40-41) Grammar: like/would like/be like/look like Pronunciation: sentence stress Reading and listening: The Richest Man in the World Writing: referring words Review and consolidation units 4-6
Key (p86-96)
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Body LESSON 7.1
Vocabulary: animals; phrasal verbs Pronunciation: sentence stress Lifelong learning: keeping a record How to: use conversational phrases
Vocabulary: appearance Grammar: first conditional
LESSON 7.2 Vocabulary: adjectives of personality Pronunciation: word stress Grammar: gerund and infinitive Reading: introverts and extroverts
(p66-67) Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns Reading: the trouble with elephants Writing: although Listening: animals in advertising
Vocabulary: speed Grammar: Present Simple passive Reading: Pret a Manger How to: talk about simple changes
Travel LESSON 11.1 (p70-71) Vocabulary: transport Grammar: Present Perfect with just, yet and already Pronunciation: /j/ or /dZ/ Vocabulary: holidays Lifelong learning: keep a record (2) How to: talk about a holiday you’ve had
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs Grammar: questions Listening: the immigration officer
LESSON 11.2 (p72-73) Vocabulary: greetings and presents Grammar: verbs with two objects How to: make generalisations about groups of people Listening: advice for business people Reading: a diary
(p54-55) Grammar: Past Continuous and Past Simple Pronunciation: stress in questions and short answers Writing: telling stories Reading: Speedy Betty
Work LESSON 9.1
12 (p58-59)
Vocabulary: make and do Grammar: can/could/be able to Reading: child protégés Pronunciation: can/can’t/could/couldn’t Lifelong learning: setting targets
LESSON 9.3 Vocabulary: crime Grammar: Past Simple passive Reading: unsuccessful criminals Writing: stories Review and consolidation units 7-9
Money LESSON 12.1 (p76-77) Vocabulary: money Grammar: second conditional Reading: the most honest people in Britain LESSON 12.2
Vocabulary: verbs + prepositions Grammar: both/neither/either Listening: continuing studying Pronunciation: both/neither/either Review and consolidation units 10-12
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Vocabulary: education Grammar: reported speech How to: deal with difficult questions Writing: expressions for formal letters
LESSON 12.3 (p62-63)
Grammar: Past Perfect Pronunciation: had and hadn’t Writing: adjectives
Vocabulary: jobs Pronunciation: word stress Listening: writing a good CV
Reading: seven short jokes Vocabulary: animal sounds; verb + preposition combinations Grammar: the How to: speculate
Speed LESSON 8.1
LESSON 7.3 (p48-49) How to: respond to jokes Vocabulary: illness and injury Grammar: purpose/reason/result Writing: short letters Listening: an interview with a Shiatsu practitioner
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1.1 24 hours Vocabulary 1
everyday actions
a Match a verb from A with a word or phrase in B. A
Grammar 2
a bus
to bed late
get up
on the phone
your emails
in bed late
to the radio
10 catch
Andreas (26) Germany ‘I can’t stand doing nothing. I really (1)_____ holidays where people lie on the beach all day – I can’t understand it. I e so I get absolutely (2)____ doing exercis ten for up early every day and run not very kilometres before breakfast. I’m tball. When I (3)_____ on team sports like foo like surfing go on holiday, I do water-sports lking and and sailing. I quite (4)_____ wa cycling too!
You can read magazines while you are waiting for the dentist.
I always __________ when I get up in the morning.
Seung Ah (24) South Korea ‘I absolutely (5)_____ eating good food. Cooking is very important in my culture. Usually my mother and my grandmother do all the cooking. They don’t (6)_____ doing this but sometim es I (7)_____ helping them too. I can’t (8)____ _ fast food, especially hamburgers, but I do (9)_____ like Italian food, like piz za!
I always __________ in my car.
I usually __________ to go to work.
5 On Saturdays I don’t work, so I
mind quite love stand like
I __________ with my sister every day.
a Complete the texts with words from the boxes. love like stand keen hate
b Use the phrases above to complete the sentences.
likes and dislikes
Listen and check your answers.
On Tuesdays I stay at home and __________ all day.
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1.1 3
Complete the dialogues using phrases from the box. don’t mind quite keen on not very keen on absolutely love can’t stand like
really like
Vocabulary 5
time phrases
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
A: Do you like swimming? B: Yes, I absolutely love (+++) it. I swim in the sea every day. 1
A: Are you keen on tennis? B: I don’t play, but I quite _____ (+) watching Wimbledon.
A: Do you enjoy watching football on TV? B: I _____ (+/-) it but it’s better to go to the match.
A: Do you like walking? B: No, I don’t. But I’m _____ (+) cycling.
A: Do you like watching boxing? B: No, I _____(---) seeing people hit each other.
A: Do you watch a lot of TV? B: Not really, but I _____ (++) watching films sometimes.
A: Do you read novels? B: Yes, but I’m _____ (-) science fiction.
Mina She gets up _at__ 11 o’clock every day. 1 _____ the afternoon she watches TV. 2 _____ about 8 p.m. she has a pizza at home. 3 _____ Saturdays she stays at home chatting on the phone.
Reading 4
a Read the text quickly and match the headings in the box to the correct time of day. Stretch Visit the dentist Think about a problem
Eat your dinner
b Read the text again. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6
Your brain works best in the middle of the day. The best time to do a crossword is early morning. It’s a good idea to go to the dentist between 1 and 3 p.m. Food tastes good in the early evening. This makes you hungry. The best time to eat dinner is just before you go to bed. It is good to do exercise in the evening because your muscles are warm.
Dan _____ the summer, he goes to the beach to meet people. 5 He always goes out with friends _____ the evenings. 6 _____ weekends, he goes to parties or out to the cinema. 4
A time for everything ...
What is the right time of day for your body to do everything? Noon _______________ to talk to your Your brain works best at around midday. It’s a good time ord. crossw t difficul a boss about a problem or do 2 p.m. _______________ the early Do you hate going to the dentist? Make an appointment in day. of afternoon. You don’t feel pain so badly at this time 5 p.m. _______________ food tastes Are you very hungry when you finish work? This is because ht it is more midnig After idea. bad a is late Eating . better in the early evening problems. heart you give can this and fat, s proces to difficult for our bodies 8 p.m. _______________ our body The best time to do exercise is around 8 p.m. At this time r. warme are s temperature is at its maximum, so our muscle
TotalEnglishWbUnit1.indd 5
Sofia _____ the mornings she reads the newspaper. 8 _____ Mondays she always goes to a museum. 9 _____ lunchtime she likes going to art galleries. 7
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1.2 Listening
Cover the tapescript. Listen and make notes in the table.
Sleep weekdays (hours)
Sleep weekend (hours)
Insomnia (yes/no)
Alarm clock (yes/no)
daily routines
Complete the sentences below with one word. Write that word in the puzzle and find the hidden word.
b Answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Who is always tired? ________________________________________. Who likes to stay in bed late on Sundays? ________________________________________. Who has problems sleeping when they are worried? ________________________________________. What happens to Liz when she drinks a lot of coffee? ________________________________________. Why does Liz use two alarm clocks? ________________________________________. When does Paul use an alarm clock? ________________________________________.
TAPESCRIPT Interviewer: So, how many hours do you sleep, Liz? Liz: Not enough. I usually sleep about six hours on weekdays. That’s why I’m always tired. Interviewer: And you, Paul? I get seven or eight hours sleep on weekdays. It depends what time I go Paul: to bed. Interviewer: What about weekends? Liz: Oh, I get more sleep at weekends – about ten hours. Sometimes I don’t get up until lunchtime! Paul: Really? I can’t stay in bed that long. I usually sleep a bit less at weekends, about an hour less. Sometimes I try to stay in bed but then I just get up and start doing things in the house. Interviewer: Did you know that ten per cent of the population suffer from insomnia – when you can’t fall asleep. Do you ever get that? Paul: Yeah, sometimes. When I’m worried about work. Interviewer: And you, Liz? Liz: No. I don’t usually have any problems falling asleep. Very occasionally, I can’t sleep if I’ve drunk too much coffee. Paul: Yes, drinking coffee is a bad idea. Interviewer: And do you use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning? Liz: Absolutely. Yes. I can’t wake up without an alarm clock. In fact, I have two because I turn the first alarm clock off, and fall asleep again. Paul: I don’t need an alarm clock usually. Sometimes I use one if I have to get up very early, to catch an aeroplane or something.
8 6 5
b e d
1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: At about 10.30 pm. I usually read a book until 11 pm. Do you have a ______ in the morning or the evening? On Sundays I have a _____in until about 11 am. I like having a _____ in the afternoon, for example some fruit or chocolate. I always _____ up very early in the morning. I find it difficult to _____ asleep if I am worried about something. When I am very tired I ______ a nap on the sofa. Some nights I only _____ for about four hours. I have to _____ up at 7 o’clock on weekdays.
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1.2 Grammar 3
Present Simple
Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Sylvie studies (study) French at university. She (1)_____ (not know) what she wants to do when she (2)_____ (finish) her degree. Sylvie (3)_____ (live) at home with her family.
Grammar 5
Rewrite the sentences using adverbs of frequency from the box. usually hardly ever never often
1 2 3
Albert (9)_____ (not work) now. He’s 75 years old. He usually (10)_____ (spend) his time at home. He (11)_____ (watch) TV and (12)_____ (read) the newspaper. Sometimes he (13)_____ (go) for a walk or (14)_____ (do) some shopping. He (15)_____ (not cook), so his daughter (16)_____ (bring) him food to eat.
Change the sentences to questions and write short answers. You live in Monaco. (✓) A: Do you live in Monaco? B: Yes, I do. 1
You like swimming. (✓) A: ________________? B: _____________. They go to bed early every night. ( ) A: ________________? B: _____________. She speaks Spanish. (✓) A: ________________? B: _____________. He goes to university. ( ) A: ________________? B: _____________. You have lots of homework. ( ) A: ________________? B: _____________. We have her telephone number. ( ) A: ________________? B: _____________. They remember you. (✓) A: ________________? B: _____________. You want to come out later. (✓) A: ________________? B: _____________.
I go out with my friends in the evening. (40%) I sometimes go out with my friends.
Max (4)_____ (work) in the city. He (5)_____ (have) a new sports car, and a big house. He (6)_____ (enjoy) going out and spending lots of money. He (7)_____ (not smoke) and he (8)_____ (do) a lot of exercise in the gym.
adverbs of frequency
4 5 6
I forget to take my books to college. (5%) ______________________________. Jake is late. (0%) ______________________________. We see Pablo and Juan after the game. (60%) ______________________________. Do you drink coffee in the mornings? (100%) ______________________________. We visit my grandmother in France. (40%) ______________________________. It is sunny in August. (90%) ______________________________.
Pronunciation 6
a 1 . 3 Cover the tapescript and listen. Write the questions and the answers you hear. 1
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
A: ____________________________? B: ____________________________.
b Underline the stressed form of do/does/ don’t or doesn’t. Practise saying the questions and the answers. TAPESCRIPT 1 2 3 4 5 6
What do you do? I’m an artist. Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, I do. Do you have the tickets? No, I don’t. Does she know we’re coming? Yes, she does. Do you remember your dreams? No, I don’t. Does he have a car? No, he doesn’t.
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1.3 Grammar
Present Simple vs Present
Read the texts. Choose the correct alternatives.
Answer the questions about each picture. Write sentences.
My name is Becky, and . I I ‘m/‘m being a dancer g sin cti (1) practise/am pra , day ry eve for five hours ching and I (2) teach/am tea of up gro ll sma a to ce dan At k. wee a children twice am ce/ dan (3) I , the moment We Co. ce Dan al ion Nat dancing with the ming on Fridays in (4) perform/are perfor t two months. Covent Garden for the nex (5) think/am I and It is a great show, it. in be to ky luc thinking I am
I'm a teacher
Does he teach? Yes, he does. Is he teaching now? No, he isn’t. What is he doing? He’s painting his house.
I'm a bank manager
I'm Marc, and I am the manager of a ba nk in Hamburg. I (6) work/am working ve ry hard, so I (7) don’ t have/‘m not havi ng much time to see my family. We (8) like / are liking going on holiday whenever we can. At the moment we (9) ski/are skiing. We (10) st ay/are staying in a small resort near Mont Blanc for three we eks. The weather (11) is /is being wonderful an d I (12) learn/‘m lear ning some French too.
Does he manage a bank? ________________. Is he working now? ________________. What is he doing? ________________.
We are musicians
3 2
Do they play guitar? ________________. Are they playing guitar now? ______________. What are they doing? ________________.
Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1 2 3 4
I'm a French Student
5 6 7
Does she study French? ________________. Is she studying French now? ______________. What is she doing? ________________.
At the moment I ’m learning (learn) to drive. I ___________ (not like) travelling by train. Sue and Derek ___________ (celebrate) their anniversary today. Marta ___________ (finish) school at 2 o’clock on Tuesdays. Turn the TV off. I ___________ (not watch) it. Matt can’t come to the phone at the moment. He ___________ (have) a shower. Sandra ___________ (not work) today. She’s doing her computer course. Marc ___________ (not think) it’s a good idea to go to Spain. My brother isn’t working at the moment. He ___________ (look) for a new job.
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1.3 Reading 4
I press the buttons to make our order. A big mechanical hand moves across the window. It picks up a box of eggs and drops it onto a shelf. The arm moves left and right collecting our order. It’s fun to watch, better than normal shopping. Then, disaster: the eggs are broken and the door closes before I can take my shopping out. Sandy is watching. He started Shop 24. He read about a shop like this in Belgium. Now there are two Shop 24s in town, and he hopes to introduce fifty more in the UK. We finish our shopping in a local shop. It’s much better than Shop 24 but it isn’t open twenty-four hours a day. We ask the cashier about the new vending machine shop. 'I think people will use it late at night. But people don’t really like technology. Most people would prefer to talk to a face.'
a Read the text and choose the best title. • The future of shopping • The coffee shop • 24-hour banking for the future
It sells bread, milk and cigarettes. But Shop 24 is not a good place to talk to the shopkeeper because there isn’t one. Shop 24 is a new idea for shopping in the UK. It’s a very big vending machine, the size of a shop. It’s open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Is this the future of shopping? We tried it. Our shopping list: eggs, milk, brown bread, ham, toilet roll, fresh coffee, aspirin, vegetables, chocolate. It starts well. Shop 24 has eggs and milk. There are toilet rolls, aspirin, and lots of chocolate. But there is only white bread and there isn’t any ham. There are no fresh vegetables and there is no fresh coffee.
b Read the text again and answer the questions. 1
What is different about Shop 24? a It has no staff. b It has no customers. c It sells robots.
The cashier thinks that people will continue going to local shops because a customers prefer people to new technology. b Shop 24 doesn’t have enough things to sell. c local shops will stay open for twenty-four hours.
What things from the list does the writer not buy from Shop 24? a brown bread, vegetables, aspirin, fresh coffee b brown bread, ham, vegetables, fresh coffee c white bread, ham, tomatoes, coffee
What problems does the writer have? a the eggs are old, and the door closes b the eggs are broken and there is no milk c the eggs are broken and she can’t take her shopping out of the machine
To: Gloria
Find five more mistakes with double consonants. From: Jo
The owner of the shop. a is from Belgium. b read about a Belgian shop like this. c went to Belgium on holiday.
They finish their shopping in
a Shop 24. b a big supermarket. c another shop near Shop 24. 15
Hello Gloria, How are things in Spain? I hope you are well. Here From: Jo everything is changing. Paul and I got maried, and we are starting a To: new Gloria businness too. It’s very exciting! We are opening a restaurant in the city centre called JoJo’s, and we are going to serve Malaysian food. Everyone loves the food, but there are no restaurants here at the moment. We are opening next month, so we are realy busy looking for staff, and making the restaurant look nice. I hope we finnish in time! I would love to hear what you are doing. Are you still traveling a lot? When are you planing to visit us again? Hope to hear from you soon. Take care, Jo
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2.1 Music Vocabulary 1
b Match the sentence halves.
a Put the letters in the correct order and match them to the pictures. A
I’m really into Latin
but I can’t sing.
I downloaded
last concert. It was
I love the
I went to U2’s
My favourite record is d lead singer. He’s great.
I can read music
Grammar 2 B
great. c
music at the moment.
their new song from the Internet.
a Bob Marley album.
Past Simple
Read the texts. Choose the correct verbs from the boxes and put them in the Past Simple. use be sing win
Swedish singer Agnetha Faltskog first (1)_____ in public when she (2)_____ five years old. Many years later, in _____ the 1974, her group, Abba, (3) and became Eurovision song contest 0s the world famous. In the 199 (4)_____ London musical Mamma Mia ll one of their songs. They are sti bands. the world’s most popular
meet study die change be
adel isnreg ____________ = picture _________
ocmreosp _____________ = picture _________
dnab _________________ = picture _________
rugiat ________________ = picture _________
ceronct _______________ = picture _________
lionocampit dc _________ = picture _________
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 10
As a student, gu itar player Bria n May (5)_____ astr onomy. When he (6)_____ Freddie Mercury, they started one of th e world’s most famous bands, Qu een. Freddie Mercury (7)_____ born in Zanzibar and his real name was Freddie Bulsara. He (8__ ___ his name to Mercury when he became a singer. When Mercury (9)_ ____ of AIDS in 1991, there wa s a concert to celebrate his li fe. It was shown on TV in 76 coun tries.
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2.1 perform
)_____ Four Dublin schoolboys (10 a hit this band in 1980 and had Boy. They with their first album, after (11)_____ even more famous e Aid they (12)_____ at the Liv um The alb Concert in 1985. Their r 10 Joshua Tree (13)_____ ove alone. US million copies in the cs, they Always interested in politi ld’s poor. also work to help the wor
There was a film on TV last night, but we _________ it. (see)
She loves Colombia. She _________ there for six months. (live)
I was really busy yesterday so I _________ my homework. (do)
10 I _________ my sister a dress for her birthday.
Pronunciation 5
a The verbs end with /t/, /d/ or /Id/. Underline the odd one out. 1
a c
kissed played
b d
watched stopped
a c
wanted waited
b d
needed washed
Write the questions for the answers, using the prompts.
a c
lived moved
b d
worked rained
A: (go/last night?) Where did you go last night?
a c
liked ended
b d
finished wished
a c
believed saved
b d
loved hated
B: I went to a concert. 1
A: (eat/for lunch?) ______________________? B: We ate spaghetti.
A: (be/this morning?) ___________________?
Listen and check your answers.
B: I was in bed. 3
A: (do/Saturday night?) _________________? B: I played the guitar with some friends.
A: (leave/school?) ______________________? B: I left when I was 18 years old.
How to … 6
a Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.
A: (start/this job?) ______________________?
as up
B: I started last week. 6
A: (instrument/play at school?) ___________?
Six weeks _________ I sold my business for $2 million.
_________ the mid 1990s I graduated from university with a degree in music.
_________ a teenager I played four musical instruments.
_________ working for a year in my old university I started my own business making musical instruments.
B: I played the piano. 7
A: (live/as a child?) _____________________? B: I lived in London until I was 12.
A: (study/college?) _________________? B: I studied electronics.
Complete the sentences using the Past Simple affirmative or negative. 1
The book was boring. I _________ it. (like)
I _________ a party to celebrate my birthday. It was great. (have)
I grew _________ in Lagos.
I left school in the summer _________ 1990.
I _________ well because there was a lot of noise. (sleep)
I first became interested in music _________ the age of six.
She _________ a lot because she was very hungry. (eat)
b Put the events in order to make Ibi’s life story.
The concert was too expensive, so they _________. (go)
1e 5__
We went to the best restaurant in London. The food _________ delicious. (be)
2 __ 3__ 6__ 7__
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 11
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2.2 Vocabulary 1
word families
Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Pronunciation 2
a What is the stress pattern of the words? Write one word in each column. energetic energy relaxing intelligent imagination imaginative tiring
pa MusicS Spa la la la blem Are stress and (1) _____ (tired) a pro for you? Why not use your (2) _____ sic (intelligent) and take a break at Mu ng) Spa?! It's the most (3) ______ (relaxi spa in Europe! Many of our customers are (4) _____ y (tired) after working hard all year. The come to Music Spa for (5) ______ sic (relaxing). We offer massages and mu therapy. If you prefer more have (6) _____ (energetic) activities, we can a 40-metre swimming pool. Or you join use your (7) _____ (imaginative) and our painting course. here Enjoy the (8) _____ (relaxing) atmosp of at Music Spa. You will leave here full (9) _____ (energetic)! for Visit . prices, availability and booking
b c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Listen and check your answers. Listen and repeat the sentences. He's really energetic. I have no energy. It's very relaxing. She's really intelligent. They have no imagination. What an imaginative idea! Running is tiring. 2.2 2.3
Grammar 3
So do I/Neither am I
Match the statements to the responses. I'm hungry. a So was I. 2 I don't like cats. b I can. 3 I went to the cinema last night. c Neither do I. 4 I love rock music. d I was. 5 I didn't do any work today. e Neither did I. 6 I can't swim. f So did I. 7 I'm not a tourist. g I can't. 8 I was born in Paris. h I don't. 9 I can play the piano. i Neither am I. 10 I wasn't here yesterday. j So am I. 1
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 12
14/2/05 11:36:19 am
2.2 4
b Read the tapescript. Complete the gaps with one word each.
Complete the dialogues. Where there is (✓), agree. Where there is ( ), disagree. 1
A: B: A: B: A: B:
I went swimming this morning. 1 ______________________________. (✓)
A: B: A: B: A: B:
I can't stand hospitals. 4 ______________________________. (✓)
Pavel Well, I'm (1) _____ jazz at the moment. I bought this CD about three months ago and I really love it. I don't know anything about jazz, but I'm learning! In the past I (2) _____ to a lot of rock music, which I still like. I love (3) _____ like The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. And I like dance music too. In fact the only (4) _____ I don't listen to is classical. I just find it boring. My parents always listen to classical music but I just don't like it. Helena I grew up listening to classical music. Mainly Beethoven, Mozart and a lot of Italian opera, and this is what I love listening (5) _____ in the evening. Also I'm (6) _____ into jazz music, especially singers like Louis Armstrong and Nina Simone. I (7) _____ love to sing like them or play an instrument, the piano or the guitar. I can (8) _____ music, but I can't play anything. So, yes, I love music but not all types. I don't like rock or dance music very much.
I love the water here! 2 ______________________________. ( ) And I've got two more weeks' holiday! 3 ______________________________. (✓)
But I like the doctors. 5 ______________________________. (✓) And I go home tomorrow! 6 ______________________________. ( )
Lifelong learning 6
a Look at the notes this student made about a word.
(1) boring (2) (adjective) (3) not interesting (4) Classical music is boring
b What information has the student written A: B: A: B: A: B:
I arrived yesterday. 7 ______________________________. ( ) I'm only staying for a few months. 8 ______________________________. ( ) But I need a holiday already. 9 ______________________________. (✓)
Listening 5
Pavel Helena
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 13

Writing 7
a 2 . 4 Two people talk about their favourite music. Cover the tapescript and listen. Complete the table with (✓) if they like this type of music, and ( ) if they don't. Jazz
about the word? Write the number next to the type of information. stress 1 example sentence definition part of speech
Read the text. Find five mistakes and correct them.
I like many different types music. Hip hop is my favourite, but I also listen rap music. My favourite band is call Fugees. I love their CD, The Score – the songs are intelligent and have excellent tunes. Sometimes I am listening to classical music. I like Verdi and Puccini. I don't go in concerts because I prefer listening to music at home.
14/2/05 11:36:20 am
2.3 Grammar
Present Perfect
a Complete the sentences about Charlotte Church, Madonna and Whitney Houston. Use verbs from the box in the Present Perfect or Past Simple. change watch arrive sell win be start
Choose the correct alternative. A: Nick, tell us about your career. B: (1) I've made/I was made 22 CDs and (2) I've perform/I've performed for the President many times. A: Fantastic. B: And (3) I's won/I've won 18 awards. A: How many records (4) you have sold/have you sold? B: (5) I've sold/I'm sold about 50 million. A: (6) Has you/Have you ever wanted to do a different job? B: No. I was born to be a rock star. A: On your new CD, (7) have you change/have you changed your musical style at all? B: No, I (8) haven't changed/hadn't changed anything. My fans love me as I am. Complete the dialogues. Use verbs from the box in the Present Perfect negative. play
She _____ in New York, from Michigan, in 1978, with just 35 in her pocket.
Her albums _____ over 10 million copies before she was 18 years old.
She _____ her image many times.
She _____ her career as a model and a singer in 1981.
She _____ internationally famous with her first album Voice of an Angel.
She _____ many international awards. Her first Grammy was for Saving All My Love For You.
Nine million people _____ her concert at Brixton Academy in 2000, via the Internet.
She _____ always _____ very close to her family. Her brother Michael was her production manager, and another brother Gary has sung with her.
b Who is each sentence about: Church (C), Madonna (M) or Houston (H)?
Vocabulary 4
Read the text. Put the underlined verbs in the correct gap.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 14
Is this TV programme good? I don't know. I ___________ it. Do you like Rome? I don't know. I ___________ there. Is the spaghetti ready? I don't know. I ___________ it. Do you like the new computer game? I don't know. I ___________ it. Do you like Gabriel's new book? I don't know. I ___________ it. What do you think of Sam's new boyfriend? I don't know. I ___________ him.
I was born in Denmark in 1980 and I started playing the violin when I was three years old. When I was 12, I (1) wrote a prize for Young Musician of the Year. I came to England to study music. I also (2) won English. I (3) learned my music exams in 1997 and (4) started to the United States to play with an orchestra. I (5) made articles for the New York Musician magazine and (6) travelled speeches at many music colleges. In 2004 I (7) passed my company MusiciansExchange. com. The company organises international travel for music students.
14/2/05 11:36:29 am
2.3 Reading 5
a Read the texts and answer the questions. Write NO (New Orleans), G (Glastonbury) or S (Salzburg). 1 Which festivals have different types of music? 2 Which festival doesn't keep the money it makes? 3 Which festivals happen outside? 4 Which festival is over 100 years old? 5 Which festivals have changed or grown bigger? 6 Which festival takes place in a city square?
b Look at the seven underlined words in the texts. What do they refer to?
The Salzburg Music Festival
The Salzburg Music Fe stival began, in a smaller form, in 1877 . Since 1945, it has taken place ever y summer. For three weeks a year, Eu rope's best orchestras come and pla y the classics – Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss – at the festival. These days its programme also includes modern classi cal music. The beautiful seventeenth ce ntury square in front of Salzburg Ca thedral is the perfect place for listen ing to the music of Europe's past and pr esent.
G la sto n b u ry
New Orleans Jazz Festival Jazz was born in New Orleans, and every year the city celebrates its birthday. The festival, which started in 1970, is full of colour, art, food and, of course, music. You can hear jazz, blues, rock, R&B, and gospel in the streets and concert halls of the city. Mahalia Jackson and Duke Ellington came to the first festival, and guest stars have included Lenny Kravitz, Van Morrison and LL Cool J. At the first festival there were only 350 people. Half of them were musicians. In 2001, 650,000 people came. Life magazine called it ‘the country's very best music festival’.
y festival in 1970 two At the first Glastonbur 0 Now, every year 150,00 e. m ca le op pe nd sa ou th nce in the rain, stay in people come. They da ree days in the English tents and party for th , of bands play there: U2 countryside. All kinds rground, and there is The Cure, Velvet Unde ae and classical music dance music, pop, regg n, but it has a serious too. Glastonbury is fu d owner of the land, side. The organiser an It's 's not a charity event. Michael Eavis, says, ‘It away all the money it a business which gives fam es to charities like Ox makes.’ The money go and Greenpeace.
c Change the underlined words. Use it, they or its. 1 The Summer Jam Festival takes place in Cologne. The Summer Jam Festival is held in July every year. 2 The festival started in 1986. The festival's original name was ‘Loreley’. 3 In 1986 The Wailers came to the festival. The Wailers sang No Woman No Cry. 4 Many reggae bands attend. The reggae bands come from all over the world, including Africa and South America. 5 The festival attracts 25,000 people and is famous for the festival's atmosphere of peace and fun!
TotalEnglishWbUnit2.indd 15
14/2/05 11:36:32 am
3.1 Taste Vocabulary
Shall we _____ _____ tonight? Let's try the new Mongolian restaurant. (eat) 8 A: Would you like some chocolate? B: No, thanks. I _____ _____ chocolate last week. (up) 7
food, drink, people, kitchen
Match the things in the pictures to the words below.
Cover the tapescript. Listen and choose the best summary. 1 Hannah likes eating out in restaurants with celebrity chefs. 2 Hannah is a vegetarian who likes eating at home. 3.1
3 Hannah doesn't cook so she eats a lot of fast
food like pizza.
b Answer the questions. Listen and check your answers. When did Hannah give up meat?
_______________________________________ 2 Does she usually eat out?
I 4
cooker = ___
_______________________________________ Does she like inviting people to eat at her house? _______________________________________ Who cooks when she has dinner parties?
knife = ___
fork = ___
8 chef = ___
spoon = ___
ice cream = ___
10 spaghetti = ___
mineral water = ___
11 meat = ___
saucepan = ___
12 vegetables = ___
_______________________________________ 7 Is she eating a lot of pasta at the moment?
_______________________________________ 5 Where does she get her new recipes?
customer = ___
Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 I'm not very keen on eating out. I prefer to stay at home and _____ _____ _____. (myself ) 2 He eats hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and supper. The doctor told him to _____ _____ _____ fast food. (down) 3 He doesn't eat meat or fish. He's _____ _____. (a) 4 There is an excellent restaurant in Buckingham Street. It is owned by a _____ _____. (celebrity) 5 I am _____ _____ _____. I can only eat apples. (diet) 6 Sonia had a lovely _____ _____ last night. She cooked delicious food for everybody. (party)
_______________________________________ What is her favourite type of cooking?
_______________________________________ Why/Why not? _______________________________________
TAPESCRIPT I'm a vegetarian. I gave up eating meat when I was at school because the food was so terrible. I like eating healthily so I usually stay at home and cook for myself. I don't usually eat out but there is a wonderful Indian restaurant near my house which does very good vegetarian food so I go there when I'm feeling lazy. I love cooking for friends so I have dinner parties quite often too. I like trying to cook new dishes. I watch the cookery programmes on television, where the celebrity chef has to cook a meal in just 20 minutes, and then I copy the recipes. I cook a lot of Italian food too. It's my favourite. I'm on a diet at the moment so I'm trying to cut down on pasta but it's not easy!
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 16
14/2/05 11:38:55 am
2.2 3.1 Vocabulary 4
Complete the text using the words from the box. success chef abroad experience restaurant
fin ed in ing. co.u k n Tu be Covent Garde Cu isin e Italian (57 euro) Av erag e Pr ice £35 nt ura sta Re St Neal
(2) ______ ____, opened this -class Italian (1) __ top very a me o, so cci s rlu ha Ca nu io Anton and the me He loves great food, and grilled ms roo sh mu h wit over 22 years ago. s he for example pasta dis e a real (4) ______ (3) ______ recipes, rden, and it has becom Ga nt ve Co ndon. in is t w restaurants in Lo fish. The restauran nning to open six ne pla is ve io ha u ton yo An if t, re fac story. In only work the new staff but you can opportunity This will mean 250 Italian. It is a good k ea sp d an __ __ __ (5) rn English. t lea ran d an tau previous res to work (6) ______ ly Ita m fro s sse for waiters and waitre
Grammar 5
going to
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using going to and the verbs in brackets. He isn't going to buy a new car. (buy)
She __________. (leave)
We __________ (win) the World Cup.
They __________. (play)
Complete the sentences using the correct form of going to. 1
Pete and Sal ___________ (sell) their house.
Rob ___________ (start) a new business in Australia.
______ the builders ______ (finish) the work before May?
Jenny ___________ (have) another baby in February.
We ___________ (not have) time to see you before we leave.
______ you ______ (visit) the pyramids when you go to Egypt?
We ___________ (try) that new Turkish restaurant this evening.
I ___________ (not be) at the party on Saturday.
How to … 7
Find and correct the mistakes in these dialogues. 1 A: What are you going for your holidays? B: We're going visit my cousins in South Africa. 2 A: What your plans for next year? B: I going to look for a job because I need to earn some money. 3 A: What you going to do at the weekend? B: I'm going stay at home at Saturday to study. 4 A: What are you plans for when you leave university? B: I to go to work abroad.
I __________. (be)
He __________. (pass)
They _________. (get married)
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 17
14/2/05 11:39:03 am
3.2 Reading 1
a Read the texts. Which is positive and which is negative?
ss who has a This film is set in Canada. The story is about Julie (Jane Wild), a waitre Carl already has date with a doctor named Carl (Tom Payne). She doesn't know that twin. al identic an has an ex-wife and some kids. He doesn't know that she And it doesn't Fast Food in a Fast World doesn't have an exciting story or fast food. e who dies, it is the have any laughs. When Julie receives lots of money from a relativ movie. happy ending to the story. But unfortunately, this is a poor quality
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
tt). The only This is the story of 30-year-old Toula, who falls in love with Ian (Corbe get married should women Greek problem is that he's not Greek. According to the film, be happy family her (to Greek men), have lots of babies and feed lots of people. Will n when they see if she marries a non-Greek? Maybe not. Will they accept her decisio the wedding. that she is happy? The answer is yes and the rest of the film is about we learn about the It's not a great story but the film is very funny. The first hour, when relationships in a Greek family, has some very good humour. the same time talks My Big Fat Greek Wedding shows us a traditional wedding and at about accepting people who are different from us.
b Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Fast Food in a Fast World is a film about women doctors. 2 The story ends happily when Julie gets some unexpected money. 3 My Big Fat Greek Wedding is about a young Greek couple who get married. 4 It is a funny film, which talks about Greek family relationships. 1
c Find words or phrases in the texts which mean: go to a restaurant or film, etc. with someone you like in a romantic way ___________ 2 informal word for children ___________ 3 US word for film ___________ 4 to say yes to something/to agree ___________ 1
Pronunciation 2
Listen and underline two words in each sentence with silent letters. 1 My daughter hurt her knee. 2 The writer thought about her book. 3 It was a cold night in autumn. 4 There were eight foreigners. 5 Could you take the dog for a walk? 6 I know you're wrong. 7 The sign was high in the sky. 3.2
b Write the words in the table. Silent g
Silent w
Silent l
Silent k
Silent n
c Listen and repeat the sentences.
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 18
14/2/05 11:39:05 am
3.2 2.2 Grammar 3
relative clauses
a Complete the crossword clues with who,
Lifelong learning 5
which or where. Down 1 2 3 4 7 8
It's the person _____ serves your food. It's something _____ is very cold and you can eat it at the end of a meal. (3,5) It's someone ____ eats in a restaurant. They are the instructions _____ you use for cooking a particular dish. They are things _____ you use for cutting. It's the meal _____ you eat in the middle of the day.
It's the dish _____ you eat before your main course. 6 It's a place _____ you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables. 9 It's the room _____ a chef works. 10 It's the person _____ cooks your meal. 5
b Use the clues to complete the crossword. 1
3 4 5
6 9
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 use It's bottles. for opening which you something 2 yourself. that thing you It's to the dry use 3 stuff bread. can put It's you the on which 4 changing the for which thing the TV. you on use It's programme 5 can It's cook that you in. something 6 your the put It's food. that stuff you white on
Writing 6
There are twenty mistakes with spelling, punctuation or capital letters in this letter. Find the mistakes and correct them.
Dear Anna, Thanks for your letter. Im sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I only recieved the letter this morning. I have been away on holiday whit my sister, and I only came home yesterday. We went camping in Cornwall, wich was beautifull exept for the wether. It rained nearly every day! Its very kind of you to invite me to stay. I would love to come to scotland, and it would be great to see you again. We havn't seen each other for nearly tow years now – I can't belief it. I could come for the last weekend in september (27th / 28th). I am finishing my job, so I will have a few days free. Would that be OK with you?
Match the sentence halves. Make complete sentences with who, which or where. 1 A builder is someone a flies planes. 2 A cooker is a machine b writes books. 3 An airport is a place c tells you what 4 A pilot is someone food you can eat. 5 A pencil is something d you use for 6 An author is someone writing or drawing. 7 A cinema is a place e builds houses. 8 A menu is something f makes food hot. g people catch planes. h you can watch films.
Anyway, I hop youre well, and I am looking foward to hearing your news. How is your course going. Are you still planing to open a flower busness when you finnish? Speak to you soon. Love, Paola
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 19
14/2/05 11:39:05 am
3.3 Vocabulary 1
adjectives to describe food
Three sentences have mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 Did you make this chocolate cake? It's very delicious! _______________________________________ 2 I can't eat snails. I think they are absolutely disgusting! _______________________________________ 3 This fruit salad looks mouth-watering. Would you like some? _______________________________________ 4 I don't think the soup is very good. It's a bit tasty. _______________________________________ 5 That meat looks very horrible. I think it's old. _______________________________________ 6 This magazine is full of tasty recipes. _______________________________________
Choose a verb from A and an adjective from B to complete the sentences.
looks feels tastes
delicious soft
Not again! That music ________ ________.
I don't think it's any good. It ________ ________.
This jumper ________ so ________.
This meal ________ ________.
That dress ________ ________.
Complete the text with words from the box. appearance dishes location texture
Great Ideas for Restaurant Owners The area The most important thing is to find a good (1)_____ for your restaurant. Why get (2)_____ marks for your menu if there are no customers? The chef Find an experienced chef but make sure you try his cooking first. The food has to have a good (3)_____ and (4)_____ and has to taste delicious too! Ask the chef to cook you a few different (5)_____ from the menu, so you can be sure he can cook the recipes you want. The food You need to know where to buy top (6)_____ food for your menu. Your chef may know so ask him/her first.
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 20
14/2/05 11:39:10 am
3.3 Grammar 4
Present Continuous
Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous and the words in brackets. Use contracted forms where possible. 1 A: What _____ (you/do) this evening? B: I _____ (stay) at home and _____ (watch) television. 2 A: _____ (you/cook) supper later? B: No. We _____ (have) a takeaway pizza. 3 A: _____ (you/do) anything this afternoon? B: I don't know. I _____ (not play) tennis with Pete because _____ (rain). 4 A: How ___________ (you/get) home from the meeting? B: I ___________ (not drive). I ___________ (catch) the six o'clock train. 5 A: ___________ (you/come) to the football match on Saturday? B: Yes. We _____ (bring) a friend too. 6 A: We _____ (not go) on holiday next week. B: Why not? A: Matt _____ (go) to hospital. 7 A: Help! I’m not ready. B: Don't worry. The guests _____ (not arrive) until 8.30. 8 A: _____ (you/come) to the office on Monday? B: No. I _____ (not work) next week. Complete the sentences with verbs from the box in the Present Continuous.
How to … 6
Listen to Jim inviting two women out. Write notes in the table. 3.3
Plans: staying at home
Plans (Sat):
Reason: Plans (Sun):
b Write sentences to say what the women are doing at the weekend. 1 Sal is staying at home to study for her exams. 2 On Saturday, Bella … 3 On Sunday, Bella … c Number the lines of the dialogues in the correct order. Listen again to check. Dialogue 1 Hello Jim. Thanks Jim. I'll tell you … Not really. I'm staying at home to study for my exams.
1 Hello, Sal. It's Jim. OK. I'll call you again next week. Good luck with your exams! Oh, that's really nice of you but I don't like going out when I have to study. I'm sorry. Perhaps another time? Are you doing anything this weekend?
meet move leave finish go catch work have play visit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We _____ sailing this weekend on Jack's new boat. They _____ for France on Friday morning. I _____ the Natural History Museum this afternoon. He _____ the bank manager tomorrow morning. _____ you _____ football on Saturday? We _____ not _____ house this month. She _____ a baby soon. _____ they _____ a train to Venice? We _____ on this project for two weeks. He _____ the painting tomorrow.
I see. Well, why don't you come out for a drink on Saturday evening? There's a new bar opening on the river …
Dialogue 2 What are you doing on Saturday evening? Hello, Bella? It's Jim. Perfect! I can meet you on the river at 7 p.m. Nothing. Why? 7.30 would be better for me. I'm going to Oxford on Sunday to visit my aunt and I'm driving so I won't be back … Well, would you like to come out for a drink, or something to eat? Hello. Great idea! Oh, wait a minute. Saturday? No, I've just remembered. I'm going to a concert on Saturday. Diane's bought some tickets to see Guns and Roses. Why don't we go out on Sunday evening?
TotalEnglishWbUnit3.indd 21
14/2/05 11:39:12 am
Review and consolidation units 1–3 Present Simple vs Present Continuous 1
Underline the correct verb form. 1 Are you leaving / Do you leave now? 2 Sam doesn’t usually wear / isn’t usually wearing jeans. 3 I am never watching / never watch TV. 4 Who does James talk / is James talking to? 5 Do you know / Are you knowing my wife, Samira? 6 She is sometimes going / sometimes goes out. 7 A: Can I help you? B: I look / am looking for this dress, in size 12. 8 The manager often has lunch / is often having lunch in his office. 9 A: What are you doing/do you do? B: I’m waiting for the train. 10 It doesn't rain/isn't raining now. Write the questions. Match them to the answers a–j. 1 What / you / do? _____________________________________ 2 Where / you / go? _____________________________________ 3 What / she / eat? _____________________________________ 4 Where / they / live? _____________________________________ 5 What time / you / get home? _____________________________________ 6 You / go / the shops? _____________________________________ 7 What / Paul / do? _____________________________________ 8 You / enjoy / your course? _____________________________________ 9 How / get / to work? _____________________________________ 10 Jayne / have / a car? _____________________________________ a b c d e f g h i j
Yes. Do you want me to buy something? No, she doesn’t. In South Africa. I walk. To the dentist. I’ve got an appointment. I’m a teacher. Usually at about 7 p.m. Yes. I’m learning a lot. He’s playing tennis. Vegetable soup with pasta.
Past Simple vs Present Perfect 3
Choose the correct verb form.
he Goddesses are a new girl ban d from Dublin. They (1) started / have started playing in 2002, and (2) have made / made fourteen albums. Their first album (3) sold / has sold 50,000 copies in the first two mo nths. They (4) have won / won the Irish Music Awards twice, and (5) have toured / toured around Europe and America. Why (6) have they been / were they so successful? Amy and Sam, the lead singers, are sisters. ‘We (7) have always loved / always loved singing. When we were at primary school we (8) started/ have started a band with some friends and (9) sang / have sung in a concert at the end of the year. It (10) was / has been a great suc cess. Since that day we (11) have always been / were always very lucky.’
Complete the dialogues using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. 1 A: you ever (go) to Brazil? B: Yes. I (go) to Carnival in Rio last year. 2 A: I (live) in Rome for five years now. B: Why you (move) there? 3 A: you (visit) any interesting sights in Beijing when you were there? B: No. We (not have) enough time. 4 A: you ever (see) any famous bands in concert? B: I (see) Pink Floyd when I was a teenager. 5 A: you (watch) the Spiderman film on television last night? B: No. I (see) it three times already.
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14/2/05 11:40:30 am
Going to and Present Continuous (for future plans/arrangements) 5
Vocabulary 8
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 We leaving on Friday at 2 p.m. 2 Are you go to see Tariq this weekend? 3 I’m have lunch with my mother tomorrow. 4 We is meeting in Hyde Park. 5 Do they coming to the party tonight? 6 I amn’t flying to Hong Kong. 7 He is to go to buy a new computer later. 8 We aren’t going drive through the mountains. 9 Is Mark to playing football on Saturday? 10 Maria isn’t comes to the restaurant.
Put the words and expressions in the box into the correct groups. 1 food 2 daily routine 3 shops 4 music 5 adjectives classical compilation CD concert customers delicious disgusting energetic fall asleep get a takeaway pizza get up early go clubbing intelligent lamb lead singer mineral water onion play the violin products read a magazine shop assistant staff tasty vegetable yoghurt
Defining relative clauses 6
Complete the sentences using which, who or where. 1 It’s the place I like to sit and read. 2 She is someone I can talk to. 3 It’s the thing you use for cutting food. 4 That’s the film I told you about. 5 This is the office we can work. 6 That is the theatre I saw my first concert. 7 He is the man told me about the job. 8 It is the grammar I find difficult. 9 That is the restaurant we met. 10 It’s something you use for opening a bottle. Put the relative clauses (a-g) in the correct place in the sentences (1-7). a who has his own software company b which you can’t find c which has double rooms for 50 euros d where we had our first meal together e who offered me her seat on the bus f which you gave me
Complete the sentences using the words from the box. into relaxed distinction tasty cook download checked picnic nap started 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you for yourself or do you prefer to eat out? I’m very tired. I think I’ll have a this afternoon. It’s a very sunny day. Why don’t we buy some food and have a in the park? I’m really jazz at the moment. I don’t buy CDs anymore. I usually music from the internet. I had a hot bath and a massage, and I felt very . Tim is working very hard because he has just his own company. This is a very recipe. I’ve never cooked apples like this before. I have been away so I haven’t my emails for a few days. I passed my exam with a !
I can’t find that bag. I can’t find that bag which you gave me. Are these the keys? __________ Do you remember the restaurant. __________ Do you know the name of that hotel? __________ That’s the woman. __________ My sister introduced me to a man. __________
TotalEnglishWbRC1to3.indd 23
14/2/05 11:40:30 am
4.1 Survival Vocabulary 1
b Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 These courses at ABT are ______ ______ ______ (expensive) the courses at Knockout. 2 ABT has ______ (good) accommodation ______ Knockout. 3 Knockout sounds ______ ______ ______ (enjoyable) ABT. 4 Knockout seems ______ ______ (friendly) ABT. 5 You can do ______ (long) courses at ABT. 6 Knockout has a ______ (great) variety ______ ABT. 7 ABT welcomes people who are ______ ______ (young) 18. 8 For ABT you need to be ______ ______ (fit) normal people.
Put the underlined letters in order to complete the sentences. 1 I held my btrahe when I was under the water. 2 I don't have the ahpcsiyl eshrtgtn to swim for two hours a day. 3 You need netlam strength to cope with bad news. 4 I tcdenrlloo my fear under water, but it was difficult. 5 We lyre on our colleagues because we can't work alone. 6 I haven't cahevide my goals. I want to travel the world. 7 The biggest ehlgclena in sport is winning an Olympic medal.
a Correct the sentences. 1
Grammar 2
a Read the texts.
3 4
ABT Extreme Sports Holidays Kayaking, mountain climbing, base jumping and free diving. Accommodation: 4-star hotel, all meals provided. You need to be: over 16, a strong swimmer, very fit. Cost: $500 for one week or $1,500 for one month.
Knockout Vacations Try 15 extreme sports! Minimum age is 18. No experience necessary. Beginners welcome. Non-stop fun and games! Accommodation: simple
flats for 6 people. Price: $349 per person. All vacations last 7 days. For a knockout holiday you will never forget!
5 6
This one isn't as fast than the other one. It was much more bad this morning. It rained for hours. It was most interesting than his last one, and I liked the acting. This one is more cheap than the other place, and breakfast is included. She's crazyer than her sister. It's gooder than my last one because I have more independence.
b What are the sentences in Ex. 3a about? cars people
Do the pairs of sentences have the same or a different meaning? Write S for the same, D for different. 1 a Keisuke was younger than Joe. b Joe wasn't as old as Keisuke. ___ 2 a The Hilton is more expensive than The Marriott. b The Marriott is cheaper than The Hilton. ___ 3 a I can run faster than my brother. b My brother can't run as fast as me. ___ 4 a The first exam wasn't as easy as the second. b The second exam was more difficult than the first. ___ 5 a My French isn't as good as my German. b I speak better French than German. ___ 6 a Today we walked further than yesterday. b We didn't walk as far yesterday as we did today. ___
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4.1 2.2 5
Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same. Use the adjectives in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1
Reading 7
Read the text. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1
Robert Garside has run across seven continents.
Garside robbed someone in China.
He split up with his girlfriend during his journey.
Mountain climbing with oxygen isn't _____ mountain climbing without oxygen.
He went to prison in Australia.
He carries a photo of Nelson Mandela.
Physical strength is important for divers. Mental strength is very important. (important)
He listens to music.
He runs about 9,000 miles a year.
Physical strength _____ as mental strength, for divers.
He thinks he is a normal person.
Mountain climbing is difficult. Without oxygen it is very difficult. (difficult)
Temba Tsheri climbed Everest when he was 15. Sherman Bull May climbed Everest when he was 64. (old)
Junichi Koide dived 132 metres. Tanya Streeter dived 160 metres. (deep)
adjectives to describe people
Write the words in the correct places and find the hidden word. 1
He's good at basketball, he's a great artist and he speaks five languages. He's very _____.
Free diving is dangerous. Swimming isn't dangerous. (dangerous)
Tanya dived _____ Junichi.
The Pacific _____ the Atlantic.
Temba Tsheri wasn't as _____ Sherman Bull May when he climbed Everest. 6
She wasn't frightened when she saw the lion. She's very _____.
The Atlantic is 76.762 million square km. The Pacific is 155.557 million square km. (big)
Free diving is _____ swimming. 3
2 3 4 5 6 7 e 1
She gives lots of presents to her friends. She's really _____.
No one can stop him when he wants something. He's really _____.
She solves problems and understands things easily. She's _____.
She is sure that she is good enough. She's very _____.
He wants to be manager of this company by the time he's 30. He's _____.
Running Man
His friends call him Running Man. Thirty-threeyear-old Robert Garside has run through four continents – Australia, Asia, Europe and South America – on an incredible three-year journey. Now he wants to be the first person to run across all seven continents. His journey has had problems. In Russia, someone tried to shoot him. In China, police put him in prison for five days. In Pakistan, he was robbed and left with just his clothes and passport. When he called his girlfriend to tell her, she ended their relationship! In Australia, police stopped Robert when they found him running in 55 degree heat. Robert travels lightly. He carries a walkman with cassettes of Pavarotti and Beethoven, a letter from Nelson Mandela and a camera. He runs for eight hours each day, and he hopes that his journey, a total of 45,000 miles, will take five years. His friends think he is crazy. He says, I just wanted to do something different. I'm a very normal person.
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4.2 Vocabulary 1
Match the sentence halves. I'm good at coping a 2 I learned survival b 3 There are many big c 4 I like to push d 5 I live in a city but e 6 We learned to build f 1
challenges in my job. with problems at work. I love the wilderness. a shelter at survival school. skills in the army. myself to the limit.
Read the text. Complete the gaps with words from the box. skills
myself wilderness
here My name is Billy Bones. I have lived on a desert island for about two years. Living 2 a is full of big 1_____. I learned survival _____ on this island and I built 4 any with _ ____ can 3_____ because it rains a lot. But I'm happy now. I the problem and I love to push 5_____. So why am I writing this letter? Because back. write Please 6_____ is very messy and I'm looking for a cleaner. BB
Grammar 3
Write sentences. Follow the examples. I've eaten some good food, but this is the best. I've seen some beautiful countries, but this is the most beautiful. 1
watch/boring films __________________________________
have/bad days __________________________________
play in/great games __________________________________
live in/quiet places __________________________________
stay in/expensive hotels __________________________________
have/long conversations __________________________________
learn/important lessons __________________________________
Read the text and make superlatives from the words in brackets.
It's Big Brother, but on an island! Who will survive this time? Here are the four remaining contestants.
Mike is physically (1)_____
(strong) contestant. He loves nature and he likes to push himself to the limit. He isn't (2)_____ (intelligent) contestant.
is from Ancona, Italy. She loves water and she is (3)_____ (good) swimmer in the group. She is (4)_____ (small) contestant but she has many survival skills.
Yevgeny likes challenges.
He was in the Russian army for five years. He says it was (5)_____ (hard) time of his life but he enjoyed it. Yevgeny is (6)_____ (popular) contestant because he has a good sense of humour.
Virginia is (7)_____ (tall)
contestant. She played basketball for the US women's team. Now she works in a survival school. She is (8)_____ (fit) person in the group.
have/crazy moments __________________________________
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4.2 5
b Each phrase has three stressed words. Mark
Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the words in brackets. Write 2–5 words. 1 2
the stress.
No runner is faster than Lewis. (the) Lewis ___________ runner in the world.
I have never eaten better food! (ever)
1 2 3 4 5 6
This is the ___________ eaten! 3
There were not many easier exams. (of ) This was one ___________ exams.
No other country in Europe has more tourists than Italy. (popular) Italy is ___________ tourist destination in Europe.
I've never stayed in a house this beautiful. (have) This is the ___________ ever stayed in.
The other theatres in the town are bigger than this one. (theatre) This is ___________ the town.
He is 100 kg. The other boys are not so heavy. (is) He ___________ boy in the group.
None of the other songs on the CD are as good as this. (the) This is ___________ song on the CD.
Pronunciation 6
a Match the pictures to the phrases.
The biggest day of your life. The best book of the year. The tastiest snack of the day. The funniest programme on TV. The fastest machine on the road. The hottest show in London.
Writing 7
Choose the correct words to complete the letter.
Dear Josie, A (1)_____ thank-you for last Saturday. I (2)_____ a really good time and the barbecue was great (3)_____. The fish was the most delicious I've (4)_____ tasted! Also, thank you for (5)_____ me to cook shrimps! We (6)_____ love to do it again, but next time in our garden! (7)_____ wishes, Marcin 1
The biggest day of your life. ___
The best book of the year. ___
The tastiest snack of the day. ___
The funniest programme on TV. ___
The fastest machine on the road. ___
The hottest show in London. ___
a strange chocolatey mix
small enjoyed funny ever help would Love
B big
B spent
B enjoyable
B always
B teaching
B will
B Kind
great had fun been making do Nice
D real D was D time D never D show D can D Best
Wedding Services E
The explosive new series to the sitcom channel
Listen and repeat.
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4.3 Grammar 1
b Match the questions in Ex. 2a to the answers.
indirect questions
Put the words in the correct order to complete the questions. 1
is the
Can you tell me _________________________? 2
Do you know ___________________________? 3
It is at Belém. Question ___ b There are many cheap hotels in and around Belém. Question ___ a
Do you know ___________________________? 4
Prices vary, but usually between $700 and $1,000. Question ___
You need an injection against yellow fever. Question ___
Try to identify the type of snake. Tie a bandage around the bite and go to the doctor. Question ___
Probably not far. There are many small towns along the river. Question ___
Can you tell me _________________________? 5
Do you know ___________________________? 6
Can you tell me _________________________? 7
Do you know ___________________________? 8
Only for local calls. Question ___ h It is safer to boil the water first. Question ___ g
Can you tell me _________________________?
a Change the questions to make them indirect.
Listen to the dialogues. Where are the speakers? Choose a place from the map. 4.2
Dialogue 1 = Camden Market What can I do if a snake bites me? (Can/tell) ____________________________ ? (Do/know) ww.survi http://w in the Amazon phones 2 Do mobile ____________________________ does the plane ticket cost from 3 How much London? (Do/know) ____________________________
Where is the nearest airport? (Can/tell) ____________________________ 5 Is there a hotel in the Amazon? (Do/know) ____________________________ 6 How far is the nearest town? (Can/tell)
Dialogue 2 = _____________ Dialogue 3 = _____________ Dialogue 4 = _____________ Dialogue 5 = _____________ Dialogue 6 = _____________
____________________________ 7 Can I drink the water from the river? (Do/know) ____________________________ 8 Do I need any injections before I go? (Can/tell)
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4.3 b Complete the dialogues. Write one word in each gap. 1 A: Can you tell me what time it (1) _____? B: What, the market? A: Yes. B: (2) _____ 6.00. A: 6.00. Thanks. 2 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me (3) _____ we can go inside the palace? B: Yes, you can. It costs £12 a ticket. A: OK, can we have two tickets, please? B: Certainly. That's £24. Thank you. (4) _____ the palace. 3 A: Do you know (5) _____ we can take photos of the paintings? B: Here in the gallery? A: Yes. B: No, you can't. There's a (6) _____ that says ‘no photography’. A: Oh yes. 4 A: Excuse me, do you know where the (7) _____ tube station is? B: Yeah, go out of the park. A: Yes. B: Through the gardens. And it's (8) _____ five minutes’ walk. A: Out of the park and about five minutes. B: That's right. A: Thanks. 5 A: Can you tell me (9) _____ a ‘chicken faal’ is? B: It's a chicken dish. Very very hot. A: Oh really? B: Very spicy. But delicious. A: OK, I'll (10) _____ it. B: One chicken faal. Anything to drink? 6 A: Excuse me, do you know when the next train (11) _____ for Heathrow? B: Yes, you want the Heathrow Express. They leave every thirty minutes. A: Which platform? B: I don't know. You can ask (12) _____ there. A: Thank you very much. c Listen and check your answers.
Reading 4
a Read the text. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1
Only the English and Japanese drive on the left.
England and the United Kingdom are the same.
The English are good at writing rules for sports.
In Britain there are people from many different countries.
TotalEnglishWbUnit4.indd 29
b Tick (✓) the correct meaning of the words. 1
head (n) a person in control or at the top b person who works at night
inhabitants (n) a people who live in a place b people from the UK
Four Things You Didn't Know About England
Why do the English drive on the left?
In the 1700s people used their right hand to carry a sword. But Napoleon carried his sword in his left hand and rode on the right. Everyone followed Napoleon because he ruled half the world. These days about 25% of countries still drive on the left, including Japan and the West Indies. Top tip: Don't forget to drive on the left in the UK!
What's the difference between England and the United Kingdom?
England is one country. The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (the Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.) The Prime Minister is the head of all four of these countries. Top tip: Never say, 'You're English, aren't you?' to someone from Scotland, Ireland or Wales.
Do the English really love sport?
The English invented many of the world's most popular sports. They wrote the rules for football, boxing, tennis, cricket and many more. Unfortunately, the English are better at writing rules than winning games. Top tip: Don't ask someone from England when England last won a football competition.
How multicultural is Britain?
Britain is one of the world's most multicultural countries. You can hear hundreds of languages in London alone. In fact, 15% of the UK's 56 million inhabitants were born outside the UK. Top tip: Visit the Notting Hill carnival in late August. It is two days of multicultural music, food and dancing.
14/2/05 11:48:53 am
5.1 Stages Vocabulary 1
Find nine words connected with times of life and write them below. Write (n) if the word is a noun and (adj) for an adjective.
ere ag n e te
stages of life
middle-ag lderly edb aby oldc er hild sion adultt n e p r oddle
Complete each sentence with one word. Write the words in the crossword. 1 2 4 3 6 7
5 8
5 7 8 9
have to
a Read what four people say about their jobs. Use the verbs in brackets once each to complete the sentences. Diane
(don't have to / can't / have to) 1 Most people _____ afford my designs. 2 I _____ attend all the fashion shows, but I do because I enjoy them. 3 I _____ work hard before Fashion Week in October. There are many things to do. Clive
(don't have to / shouldn't / can) 4 We _____ smoke or drink, but some of us do after the match. 5 We _____ go to the gym but we go sometimes. 6 You _____ earn a lot of money if you play for the national team. Rafael
should(n't), can('t) and (don't)
Doctors and lawyers earn a good ________ in my country. (Mohamed, Egypt) You can learn to ________ a car when you are 17. (Mick, the UK) Women usually ________ married in their late 30s. (Inge, Norway) Most women ________ children in their 20s. (Nobantu, Malawi) Most people ________ when they are 65. (Dave, the US)
It's expensive to get a ________ of your own. (Thais, Brazil) 2 We ________ from university in our 20s. (Laura, Ireland) 4 Grandparents often ________ after the kids. (Romina, Italy) 6 Not many children ________ against their parents. (Jose, Spain)
(can't / have to / should) 7 I _____ take long holidays because the company needs me in the office. 8 I _____ speak to all my workers but I don't always have time. 9 I _____ make important business decisions. Siegfried
(have to / shouldn't / should) 10 I tell people that they _____ eat too much sugar. 11 I tell people that they _____ visit me three times a year. 12 I _____ look into people's mouths every day.
b What jobs do they do? Choose from the words in the box.
dentist lawyer businessman actress doctor singer gardener fashion designer journalist taxi driver teacher footballer Diane ________ 2 Clive ________ 3 Rafael ________ 4 Siegfried ________ 1
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2.2 5.1 4
Correct the sentences by crossing out one word. I can't be look after the children today. 2 Do you have not to work at weekends? 3 Should we to go to the shop this morning? 4 I am have to buy a new guitar. 5 I can to swim very well. 6 You shouldn't of play there. It's dangerous. 7 Can you will help me with my bags? 8 I don't have not to do any homework tonight. 1
Pronunciation 6
a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Choose the correct words to complete the text.
8 9
Growing up in a big family sisters. Liv Grundy has eighteen brothers and ut living in a There are good and bad things abo . We (1) _____ big family. Money is always a problem e bedrooms. afford holidays and we (2) _____ shar nts (3) _____ We are very close as a family. My pare r ones help look after all the children so the olde r brothers' clothes. the younger ones. I wash my younge ry day but we Families (4) _____ eat together eve (ten of us at don't. We usually eat in two shifts buy a lot of __ 6.30, the rest at 7.30.) We (5) ___ food, of course. you People ask us things like, '(6) _____ hers and brot r remember the names of all you ask, 'Do you sisters?' Of course I can. And they The answer buy everyone presents at Christmas?' __ be just is no, we (7) _____. Christmas (8) ___ about presents. 1
A don't have to C
B haven't
can't D should have to B should can D don't can't B should have D can doesn't have to B can't don't D should shouldn't B has to have to D don't have to Can B Have Should D Have to should B can doesn't have to D don't have to should B can shouldn't D don't have to
b Listen and repeat the sentences.
How to … 7
a Put the words in order to complete the sentences.
A: _________________ (my in opinion),
you need a haircut. B: _________________. (think don't so I)
A: _________________? (do think you what) B: You look interesting.
A: We need to clean this room. B: _________________. (right you're probably)
TotalEnglishWbUnit5.indd 31
Underline the words you hear. You should/shouldn't go home. We can/can't see very well. You have to/don't have to do the shopping. Can/Can't you read? We should/shouldn't watch this. I have to/don't have to work tonight. Should/Shouldn't he call me? I can/can't understand it. They have to/don't have to come. 5.1
A: Beautiful scenery. _________________? (think you so don't) B: _________________. (not sure so I'm) 5.2
Listen and check your answers.
14/2/05 11:50:12 am
5.2 2.2 Reading 1
b Find words 1–4 in the text. Match them to the correct definitions (a–d) below. 1 invest in (v) (line 10) __ 2 charity (n) (line 14) __ 3 institution (n) (line 27) __ 4 human rights (n) (line 29) __ a a big organisation b put money into a business c an organisation that gives money or things to people who need help d things that everyone should be free to do/have
a Read the texts. Write C (Carnegie), S (Soros), CS (both of them) or N (neither of them). Who left his country when he was a teenager? __ 2 Who had a good education? __ 3 Which of them made his money in the US? __ 4 Which of them worked in politics? __ 5 Who created new institutions to help people? __ 6 Who gave money to improve education? __ 7 Who returned to his home country to live? __ 8 Who wrote books? __ 1
Friends of the World Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835. His family was very poor. When Carnegie was 13 years old the family moved to Pittsburgh in the US. He didn't finish his education, but a rich man called James Anderson gave Carnegie books from his library. As a young man, Carnegie worked on the railway. He invested his money in business and made money quickly. In 1873 he started his own steel company. By 1900 the company was producing 25% of the steel in the US. There were no free public libraries in the US so Carnegie built 2,800 of them. He also gave a lot of money to charity. Finally he returned to Scotland, where he wrote several books. He gave away 90% of his money and died in 1919.
George Soros George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930. An intelligent young man, Soros went to England in 1947 and studied at the London School of Economics. Nine years later he went to the US. Soros started an international investment company and became rich quickly. He understood international financial markets, and was called, ‘the man who broke the Bank of England’ when, in 1992, he earned $1.1 billion in one day. Soros created institutions to solve world problems in health, education, the media and human rights. These institutions cost $400 million a year. Soros now writes books about politics, economics and society.
Present Perfect with for and since
One ending is not possible. Cross it out. 1 I haven't been to the cinema for ages/since June/since years. 2 We haven't played tennis since last year/ages ago/for months. 3 She's worked here for two weeks/since three months/ for a long time. 4 I've played the piano since I was a child/since ages/for five years. 5 Have you lived here for a long time/since January/ years ago? 6 Has she known him for years/since last July/for February. 7 I haven't seen you since I was in India/for a year or two/since months. 8 He's been in the team since two weeks/since he scored his first goal/for too long.
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5.2 3
Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the words in brackets. Write 2–5 words. 1 I arrived in China last Thursday. (here) I've been ___________ Thursday. 2 It is 2005. She first lived here in 2000. (lived) She ___________ five years. 3 I met John at school. He's my best friend. (known) I've ___________ we were at school. 4 Letitia doesn't smoke. She stopped years ago. (hasn't) Letitia ___________ years. 5 I last saw Giorgio seven days ago. (haven't) I ___________ last week. 6 I first played tennis in 1990 and I still play now. (have) I ___________ 1990. 7 We arrived at 6.00 a.m. and it's now 9.00 a.m.! (been) We ___________ three hours! 8 I'm a poet. I wrote my first poem years ago. (poetry) I've ___________ a long time. Complete the dialogues. Use the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Vocabulary 5
Dear Will, Great to hear from you. I was Fr wo om rr:ieh. dpa I ta doud n'[email protected] t wa pash ntmto ina. (1co )_m____ wi u. To:thwiyo [email protected] I'm ry hi well. I've got a Su bjve ect: new girlfriend! I met (2)_ ____ a few weeks ago and he introduced me to his friend, Kim. Now I'm (3)_____ her! I met her parent s and I (4)_____ with them. Work is fine. I shar e an office with two (5)_____, Mary and Kunle. They are really nice. Anyway, when you next visit Manchester, (6)___ __. All the best, Hanif
A: Cigarette?
A: How long _____ (you/know) him? B: Since school.
A: Nice hairstyle! B: _____ (she/have) it for years.
A: Is Gregor coming? B: I don't know. _____ (we/not speak) to him
for weeks. 8
A lose touch
B miss touch C
stop touch best friends B an old school friend a girlfriend going on B going out C going out with got on well B got in C got over work people B work friends colleagues get on touch B come in touch get in touch
Writing 6
Add punctuation and capital letters to the text.
A: Where are the dogs? B: I don't know. _____ (I/not see) them for ages.
A: When did he arrive?
B: No, thanks. _____ (I/not smoke) for years. 4
To: [email protected] Subject: hi
A: How long _____ (they/live) here?
B: _____ (he/be) here all evening. 3
Choose the correct word or words to complete the text. From: [email protected] pashmina.
B: Twenty-four hours! 2
since university ive worked as a sales representative for a publishing company its a nice job my colleagues are really friendly and i travel a lot at the moment im living in milan i've been here two years and i love the city im not married i havent been in touch with anyone from university for years but id love to hear from you so send me an email sandy smith
A: How long _____ (he/wear) that suit? B: Since I met him, ten years ago!
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5.3 Reading and listening 1
c Use the phrases in Ex. 1b to complete the summary. You may need to change the verb form. 1 She is famous because she lived a _____ _____. 2 She died in her _____ _____, Arles. 3 She _____ two _____ a day and _____ red _____. 4 She never _____ _____. 5 She had a good _____ _____ _____. 6 She _____ _____ _____ until she was 100. 7 Her mind stayed young even when her body _____ _____. 8 There is a funny _____ _____ about her house and her lawyer. 9 Her lawyer thought he would pay her a small _____ _____ _____ for the house. He was wrong!
Read or listen to the text and choose the best title. 5.3
• Ten Ways to Live Happily • A Long, Long Life • Jean Calment's Lawyer
Jeanne Calment was born in 1875 and died in 1997. At 122 years old, she was the world's oldest person. She was born in Arles and became a celebrity in her home town. Journalists asked her about the secrets of her long life. She told them she used to eat chocolate, put olive oil on her skin, smoke two cigarettes a day and drink red wine. But the truth, her doctor said, is that she never felt stressed. She once said, ‘If you can't do anything about it, why worry about it?’ She also had a good sense of humour. When one visitor said to her, ‘Maybe see you next year,’ she replied, ‘I don't see why not. You don't look so bad to me.’
Grammar 2
The best true Calment story was about her house. When she was 90, her lawyer bought the house. He paid her only $400 a month, a very small amount of money. His plan was to get the house when Jeanne Calment died. But he died first, aged 77, after paying $180,000, much more than the house was worth!
word from B to make phrases from the text. A home drink ride true
long smoke feel sense of grow get amount of
B cigarettes humour money old a bike wine town stressed bored story life
a Write Yes/No questions using used to and the prompts. play/any instruments Did you use to play any instruments? 1 watch/a lot of TV ______________________________________? 2 go abroad/for your holidays ______________________________________? 3 cook/for your parents ______________________________________? 4 help your mother/around the house ______________________________________? 5 do/a lot of exercise ______________________________________?
She used to ride a bike (she stopped when she was 100), and her mind was strong even after her body grew old. She said, ‘I never get bored.’
b Cover the text. Match a word from A to a
used to
b Match the questions (1–6) to the answers. Yes, I always washed the dishes. b No, I hated sport. c Yes, I went to Jamaica, India . . . d No. My father used to make the dinner. e Yes, four hours every day.
Correct the sentences by adding or crossing out one word. 1 Did you use work here? 2 I used always to eat junk food. 3 Didn't she to be a singer? 4 She didn't use to be smoke so much. 5 Did use to get on well with your grandparents? 6 We were used to have to work all the time. 7 I didn't use listen to the radio. 8 We used then to have a house on the beach.
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5.3 Listening
B: Old Pool Hotel. Didn't there (4) ___________ a
Listen and complete the table. The first one has been done for you. 5.4
B: A: B: A:
swimming pool here? Yes, there did. There weren't any tourists in the past. So the hotel used to be the swimming pool? Yes. Did you use to come here when you were young? No, I (5) ___________ . I preferred the sea.
Pronunciation 5 1 2 3 4 5 IS NOW
A supermarket
a school
B car park
________ ________ ________
D Old Pool Hotel
b Listen again and complete the sentences with the missing words or phrases. A: It's changed a lot. This is Main Street, the biggest street in town. You see the supermarket on the left here? B: Yes. A: This (1) ___________ a school. B: Really? A: Yes, it was my school. But about ten years ago they closed it. Now it's a supermarket. B: I see.
Vocabulary 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
A: Do you always eat good food, like fruit and B:
A: There (2) ___________ a car park here. It was a
sports field. We played football here every day. B: A sports field? A: That's right.
B: 3
B: Where are we now?
the hospital. B: Really? A: It was called King's Hospital. They built the museum about ten years ago. B: What type of museum is it?
A: B:
4 A: This is King's Road. The museum (3) __________
good and bad habits
Complete the sentences and write the words in the puzzle. Find the key word.
A: On the right here, you see the car park? B: Yes.
Listen and repeat the sentences. This used to be a school. There didn't use to be a car park. The museum used to be a hospital. I used to come here to study. Did there use to be a swimming pool? There didn't use to be a hotel.
A: B:
A: B:
A: B:
A: Art. It's got a lot of old art.
A: B:
A: B:
vegetables? Yes. I like to eat ________ly. Do you always eat hamburgers, chips and chocolate? Yes. I love eating junk f________! Do you smoke forty cigarettes a day? Yes. I'm a heavy ________r. Do you go to the gym every day? Yes. I love doing ________al exercise. Do you like reading, playing chess and doing crosswords? Yes. I like to be mentally a________. Do you always go to bed at 3 a.m.? Yes. I go to bed very l________. Do you always carry bottles in your bag? Yes. I drink a lot of w________. Do you always feel good about life? Yes. I always think p________y.
TotalEnglishWbUnit5.indd 35
14/2/05 11:50:19 am
6.1 Places t
Vocabulary g e r w o l
fgeography t i g
Answer the questions below to complete the g crossword. e a g l e h h i g e a g l e h
sea mountain lake beaches ocean river forest desert
1 2 3
8 6
Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
7 8
10 11
Australia is the biggest _____ in the world. The Pacific is the largest _____ in the world. The Nile is the longest _____ in the world. The highest _____ in the Alps is Mont Blanc. The mountains of Canada are covered in a thick _____. The long, white _____ in Brazil are beautiful. Over 80% of the country of Egypt is a _____. The Caspian Sea is surrounded by land so it is, in fact, the world's biggest _____. The city of Odessa, Ukraine, is on the coast of the Black _____.
Grammar Down 1 3 5
8 9
Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia are all regions of _____. The Algarve region is a popular tourist destination in which country? Which European country is surrounded by Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary? Which continent now has 22 countries? What is the capital of Egypt?
Complete the dialogues using will or won't and a verb from the box. know
Across 2 4 6 7 10 11 12
In which country are the remains of the ancient city of Pompeii? Lake Geneva is situated in south-west _____. In which Asian country is Mount Fuji situated? Which nationality of people started the Olympic Games? The Black Forest is in which country? What nationality was the painter Pablo Picasso? Which language do people speak in Brazil?
A: This bag is very heavy! B: Let me help. I ________ it for you.
A: Shall we talk about this tomorrow? B: No. I ________ here tomorrow.
A: I don't have any money for the taxi. B: It's alright. I ________ for it.
A: Would you like some coffee? B: No, thanks. I ________ tonight if I drink it now.
A: How does this computer work? B: Come here and I ________ you.
A: How were your exam results? B: I ________ until I go back to school.
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6.1 2.2 Choose the correct alternative. 1 I am going out to lunch. I see you/I'll see you later. 2 The weather is getting better. I think I'll go/I go to the beach this weekend. 3 Will you stay/Do you stay in the same hotel when you come back next month? 4 I am very tired. I'll finish/I finish this report tomorrow. 5 Is that the phone ringing? I'll get/I get it. 6 I love sport. I do/I'll do lots of sport at the weekends. 7 My mother is in hospital, so I visit/I'll visit her every day. 8 I haven't spoken to Jenny for ages. I send/I'll send her a postcard.
Pronunciation 5
Do the underlined words in the story have the sound /Å/ or /´U/? Write the words in the table. Listen and check. A man went to a shop to buy a dress for his wife. But when he got there the shop was closed. ‘I'm sorry,’ said the shopkeeper, ‘but we close at five.’ ‘Oh dear,’ said the man. ‘My clock stopped, and now I'm late, and I have no present for my wife.’ ‘Don't worry,’ said the shopkeeper. ‘I'll open the shop for you. But only if you promise to buy the most expensive dress we have got!’ The man did this and went home. He didn't know that the shopkeeper's clock always said 5.05 pm. 6.1
/Å/ orange
b Read the texts to check your answers.
is (1) one of Europe's most beautiful countries. Cities like Zur ich seem like a concrete jungle, and then you look up and see the wonderful mountains of the Alps. (2) In the north the landscape has a natural beauty, with green fields and villages which look like the pictures on a chocolate box. Each of Switzerland's main cities has a different character, from French-speaking Gen eva to German Bern to Italian Lugano. Swiss people (3) are famous for their efficiency, so travelling around the country is easy. Switzerland's beautiful lakes, clea n air, and fields full of flowers (4) attract visitors thro ughout the year.
Western Australia
Sun, adventure, a beautiful environment and friendly people. This is what you’ll find on a holiday to Western Australia. Western Australia has a natural beauty, long days of sunshine, clear blue skies, and fantastic beaches. (5) Come to Western Australia to swim with wild dolphins, walk through the ancient forest, or sleep under the stars in the Outback desert. (6) Why not start your holiday in the capital city of Western Australia, Perth? You can spend an afternoon sitting outside a pub and enjoying a cool drink with the locals.
Mark these sentences true (T), false (F) or no information (NI). Switzerland
The north is more beautiful than the south. The main language in Bern is German. 3 It's difficult to travel from one city to another city. 1
/´U/ won't
Western Australia
Outback is a town. 5 Perth is the capital of Western Australia. 6 There are a lot of pubs. 4
Reading 6
a You are going to read about two tourist destinations: Switzerland and Western Australia. Before you read, answer the questions. Write S if you think the answer is Switzerland or write WA if you think the answer is Western Australia. Where 1 do people speak different languages in the different cities? 2 can you explore the desert? 3 can you find beautiful beaches? 4 can you visit lakes in the mountains? 5 can you swim with dolphins?
Phrases 1–6 in the text are useful ways of describing a tourist destination. Match 1–6 to a similar phrase (a–f ) below. a It's a good idea to start your holiday … b well-known because of c In the south/east/west … d Visit … in order to … e There are some very famous/beautiful/ expensive places. This is one of them. f tourists like to visit this place all year
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6.2 2.2 Grammar
Complete the sentences using too, too much, too many or enough. 1 It’s ___________ crowded for me in the city. I prefer the country. 2 There are ___________ people on the beach today. 3 There aren’t ___________ buses. We always have to wait. 4 There is ___________ noise in here. I’m going to work next door. 5 It’s ___________ hot in the office. Can you turn on the air-conditioning? 6 I’m sorry, but I didn’t have ___________ money to buy you a drink. 7 I have got ___________ homework to do. I’ll never finish by tomorrow! 8 There are ___________ TV channels. I can never decide which one to watch.
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using too or enough and words from the box. suitcases crowded small tall 1
Vocabulary 4
He isn’t _____ _____.
They have got _____ many _____.
Complete the sentences using too, enough, too many, too much and the words in brackets. 1 I’m not going to play football tonight. I’m ______ _____. (tired) 2 You are not working ___________. You won’t pass your exams. (hard) 3 He spends ___________ on the computer. He never goes out. (time) 4 We would like to buy a new car, but it is _____ ______. (expensive) 5 Those children eat ___________ . It’s not good for them. (hamburgers) 6 I want to write to them in Russian, but my Russian is not ___________. (good) 7 The film was really boring. It was ___________. (long) 8 We didn’t go into the museum, because there were ___________. (people) 9 I can’t speak to her now. I am ___________. (busy) 10 You can’t come into this club. You are not _____ ______. (old)
The music is _____ _____.
He hasn’t got _____ _____ to buy food.
machines at home
Use the pictures to complete the sentences. 1 Sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but I couldn't find my _____. 2 I need to clean my house but my _____ isn't working. 3 Come and listen to my music. I’ve got a new _____. 4 You should put that ice cream in the _____ before it melts. 5 I left a message on your _____. 6 I heard an interesting programme on the _____ this morning. 7 Your hair is still wet. Do you want to use my _____? 8 You don’t need to wash the dishes. We’ve got a _____. 3
2 1 5
The train is _____ _____. 5
8 6
His jacket is _____ _____ for him.
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6.2 How to … 5
Choose the correct alternative. 1 I think we should/would take the digital camera because/so it's better. 2 I like/'d like to take the CD player. I couldn't/ mustn't live without it! 3 We'd like choose/to choose Istanbul for the new office. The main/mains reason is that it is a busy city. 4 I think we should take/to take a taxi to the airport. I'm so/too lazy to carry these bags on the train. 5 We think we should go/to go to the hotel first because/because of the restaurant is a long way from here.
Listening 6
a 6 . 2 Cover the tapescript. Listen to the conversation about a TV show and choose the best description.
b Complete the tapescript using words from the box. television programme teenagers mobile telephones interesting car parks confusing technology
TAPESCRIPT Woman: Man: Woman:
Man: Woman:
Man: Woman:
Man: Woman:
Man: Woman:
Man: Woman: Man: Woman:
Have you seen that programme Amish in the City? No. Why? Oh. It’s really (1)_____. It’s about these five Amish people. You know, they are these religious communities who live in America, in the countryside, and they don’t have (2)_____. No technology? Don't they have computers? No. Nothing. They build their own houses, and ride horses. They don’t have cars, or (3)_____ or anything. Wow. So what happens in the (4)_____? Well, the programme takes five Amish teenagers to live in a big house in Los Angeles, with some other (5)_____, who are not Amish. So the Los Angeles kids teach these Amish people about the modern world? Yes. That's right. The Amish have never seen (6)_____ before, or CD players, videos , washing machines. Nothing! They have never seen them? No. And they go to the beach, and the Amish have never seen the ocean before. It’s really good. Yes, it sounds interesting. They go out to discos, and go shopping. And do the Amish like what they see? Do they like the modern world? Well, they find it very (7)_____. They don’t know what to think. The girls like wearing the new clothes. And everything is very interesting for them, even things like (8)_____! Car parks? Do they ...
4 p.m. 1 Amish in the City takes five teenagers from an Amish community, who know nothing about technology, and moves them to live with 5 p.m. other teenagers in Los Angeles. They are going to learn about modern life in Los Angeles. 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 2 Amish in the City takes five Los Angeles teenagers to a community of Amish people, 5 p.m. where they learn how to live without modern technology. There are no cars, no mobile phones and there is no TV. 6 p.m.
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6.3 Grammar 1
like/would like/be like/look like
Choose the correct alternative. 1 Your eyes look like/like/would like Amanda’s. Are you two sisters? 2 Do you would like/like/are like living in Spain? 3 Would you like/Do you like/Are you like to come to lunch with us? 4 A: I painted my new flat yesterday. B: Really? What would you/does it look/do you look like? 5 A: I prefer the old part of the city. B: Why? What would you/is it look/is it like? 6 A: Would you/Do you/Are you like a drink? B: Thank you. I like/'d like/look like an orange juice. 7 A: I don’t know Marek. What does he look/is he look/would he like? B: He’s tall, with dark hair and very blue eyes. 8 A: Would you like/Do you like/Are you like cooking? B: Yes. I love it. 9 A: What is/does/looks your new teacher like? B: She is really good. I like her. 10 A: You’ve been to Tunisia. What do you/What’s it/What would you like? B: It’s very hot, and the people are very friendly.
Choose the correct alternative. 1 A: Do you like/Would you like a glass of water? B: Yes, please. 2 A: Do you like/Would you like chocolate? B: Yes, I eat it every day. 3 A: Are you free this afternoon? Nadia would like/likes to meet you for a coffee. B: Yes. Tell her I can meet her at 4 p.m. 4 A: What time do you like/would you like to leave? B: Let’s leave at 6.30 p.m. 5 A: Do you like/Would you like going out in the evening? B: Yes, but I don’t stay out late. 6 A: Do you have Phil's email address? I like/I’d like to write to him, but I don’t have his address here. B: Yes. It's [email protected]
a Complete the text using words from the box. B
Pronunciation 4
Cover the tapescript. Listen and write the questions. 6.3
b Underline the stressed words. c Practise saying the questions. like ’d like likes look like don’t like ’s he like am I like My brother and I are twins, but we’re very different. We don’t (1)_____ each other because Marc is dark and I am blond, and we (2)_____ the same things. We eat different kinds of food, see different friends, and have different interests. He (3)_____ playing football, but I prefer reading books. I (4)_____ going out to parties but he prefers to stay at home and watch sport on TV. What (5)_____? Well, he’s a great sportsman, but he’s not very friendly. And what (6)_____? I have lots of friends but I am terrible at sport! I (7)_____ to be better at sport, but I think it is too late now. I’m nearly 40!
TAPESCRIPT 1 2 3 4 5 6
What do you like doing at the weekend? What would you like to do this evening? What’s your mother like? What does she look like? Do you like swimming? Would you like some help?
b Look at the pictures. Which man is the speaker? Which is Marc?
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2.2 6.3 Reading and listening 5
b Correct the sentences to make a summary of the story. 1 A man was drinking coffee in his house. 2 A young couple walked past and asked if they could buy his washing machine. 3 The old man only had $5. 4 They bought the dishwasher for $2.50. 5 Later, the man sold his fridge to a family with six children and a dog. 6 Then he sold his computer, his hairdryer and his sofa. 7 He had $870. 8 When a young boy returned with his dog, the old man told him that he was the happiest man in the world.
Read and listen to the story.
The Richest Man in the World by Ferenc Sjorzsinskev 1 He sat in his garden, drinking coffee. On the sofa behind him there was a
washing machine, and on the washing machine a video player, a vacuum hairdryer cleaner and an old radio. Next to the sofa there was a fridge with a his chair on there sat just on top of it. And as the sun got higher and hotter, he 5 drinking coffee. One old It was Sunday and there were families walking back from church. couple saw him and stopped. ‘Hello there!’ said the old man. ‘Good morning,’ said the man on the chair. 10 The old couple stood there. machine.’ ‘Mr,’ said the old man. ‘We . . . er . . . we see you have a washing ‘That's right,’ said the man drinking coffee. ‘Er . . . is it a sale? I mean, do you want to sell it?’ ‘A sale? I wouldn't say that exactly.’ 15 ‘Because we would like to buy that washing machine, you see.’ ‘OK,’ said the man. ‘How much do you want to pay?’ The old man said, ‘I only have ten dollars on me at the moment.’ ‘Ten dollars?’ some The old man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out some coins, 20 paper, a bag of tobacco. you more ‘I know it's not enough, but I can get more. I can go home and get .’ . . open is money, or we can wait till tomorrow when the bank dollars ‘Ten dollars?’ said the man drinking coffee. He put the cup down. ‘Ten is too much. I'll sell it to you for two dollars fifty.’ washing machine 25 The old couple looked at each other. And they bought the lived with them, who for two dollars fifty cents, and they called their sons, and the sons carried the washing machine away. man A little later, a young family came to the garden. They looked at the string. a on dog one and the man looked at them: five children, no shoes, 30 ‘What's your dog's name?’ said the man. The youngest boy shouted, ‘Loopy! His name's Loopy!’ his nose to The boy dropped the string and Loopy walked across the garden, dogs. other of ghosts the ground. He came to the sofa and smelled the ‘Hey, Mr,’ said the young woman. ‘Are you selling that fridge?’ 35 ‘Yes, I am. But it'll cost you.’ ‘How much?’ ‘Two dollars. And if that's too much, I'll take one fifty.’ and the And the mother bought the fridge for one dollar and twelve cents who boy st younge the children picked it up and carried it home, all except 40 ran with the dog on a string. cents. A little later, the man sold his video player to a young couple for ten he finally Then hair. Then he sold his hairdryer to an old lady with blue his in nothing was even sold the sofa. Now, in the early evening, there the garden except the last heat of the sun and a small breath of wind in 45 man's face. The boy with the dog on a string came back. ‘Hello, Loopy!’ said the man. ‘Can I ask you something, Mr?’ ‘Of course you can.’ 50 ‘Mr, are you rich?’ moon The man smiled. He looked at the first stars shining and a big lemon hand. his in behind a tree. He had eight dollars and seventy cents ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I'm the richest man in the world.’
Writing 6
a Find these underlined words in the text. What do they refer to? 1 there (line 10) 2 it (line 13) 3 it (line 21) 4 his (line 31) 5 it (line 39) b Rewrite the second sentences using referencing words. 1 The painting was hanging on the wall. The painting was beautiful. ______________________ 2 Kiev is a beautiful city. The people who live in Kiev are lucky. ______________________ 3 The lake is so pretty in the summer. I love watching the lake. ______________________ 4 The desert was very quiet. It felt like we were the only people in the desert. ______________________
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Review and consolidation units 4–6 Comparatives and superlatives
should(n’t), can(‘t), (don’t) have to
Complete the sentences using the adjectives in brackets. Use a comparative or superlative. 1 Malawi is (hot) than Iceland. 2 Wolves are (dangerous) than dogs. 3 Elephants are (large) land mammals in the world. 4 Russ is (young) than me. 5 The Psychology course is (interesting) the History course. 6 Casablanca is (romantic) film I’ve ever seen. 7 The Karoo Desert is (small) than the Sahara. 8 That was (good) day of my life. 9 Sarah is (lazy) than her sister. 10 Hannah bought (pretty) dress in the shop. 11 My old teacher was (kind) than the new one. 12 He’s (fast) runner in our team.
Indirect questions 2
Make the questions indirect. When does the library open? Can you tell me when the library opens? 1 What time does the bus leave? Can you tell . . . 2 How much do these shoes cost? Can you tell . . . 3 Who was the 41st US President? Do you know . . . 4 How does this photocopier work? Can you tell me . . . 5 What is the capital of Mexico? Do you know . . . 6 When does the next train leave? Do you know . . . 7 Is the museum open on Sundays? Can you tell . . . 8 Is there a train to Asiago? Do you know . . . 9 Does Josh work here? Can you tell . . . 10 Do penguins fly? Do you know . . .
Make sentences with the same meaning. Use the words in brackets. Write 2–3 words. 1 I know how to fly an aeroplane. I an aeroplane. (can) 2 It’s a good idea to buy our tickets early. We our tickets early. (should) 3 It isn’t necessary to pay for children. You pay for children. (have) 4 She needs to do her exam again. She her exam again. (has) 5 Is it possible for me to go home now? home now? (Can) 6 It’s not a good idea to arrive late. We late. (shouldn’t) 7 She doesn’t know how to drive. She . (can’t) 8 Is it necessary to read this book? Do we this book? (have) 9 It’s healthy to eat more vegetables. You more vegetables. (should) 10 Is it necessary for me to leave? Do leave?
used to and Present Perfect with for and since 4
Complete the gaps with used to and the words in brackets. Then match to a–e and choose for or since. 1 I (smoke) � 2 She (be) good at the guitar � 3 We (not/like) each other when we were children � 4 Mum and Dad (travel) a lot � 5 I (not/cook) much pasta � but we’ve been friends for / since the last few months. b but I’ve eaten a lot of it for / since I went to Italy. c but I haven’t had a cigarette for / since last year. d but they haven’t had a holiday for / since 1999. e but she hasn’t played for / since two years. a
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will with too/enough/very
Make predictions using will/won’t and circle the correct underlined word. 1 The disco (be) full now. There are always enough / too many people. 2 Where (you/have) breakfast? Jojo’s Café serves very / enough good food. 3 She (stay) in this hotel because it’s too / enough expensive. 4 What time (they/arrive)? Not enough / very late, I hope. 5 My new flat is too / very close to my office, so I (need) to drive to work. 6 She (study) law if her exam results are good very / enough. 7 It’s too / enough cold to eat outside. Also, I think it (rain) this afternoon. 8 It’s a very / too short film, so we _____ (be) home late . 9 Where (you/go) on your next holiday? Bali is beautiful and not very / enough expensive. 10 We (go) swimming this afternoon because the water is enough / too cold.
like/would like/be like/look like 6
Put the words in order to make questions. Match the questions to the answers a–h. 1 you a Would like drink ___________________________________ 2 she her sister look Does like ___________________________________ 3 do in free What you doing like time your ___________________________________ 4 is John’s like What girlfriend ___________________________________ 5 would go to Where you like tomorrow ___________________________________ 6 you like Who look do ___________________________________ 7 brother Does your like Ireland ___________________________________ 8 book like is What that ___________________________________ a b c d e f g h
Write a word from Units 4, 5 or 6 in the gaps to match the definitions. The first letter of each word is supplied. 1 a (n) not a child (Unit 5.0) 2 b (adj) doesn’t fear anything (4.1) 3 c (n) something that is difficult to do (4.0) 4 d (n) place with a lot of sand and not much water (6.1) 5 e (adj) old (5.0) 6 f (n) geographical feature with many big trees (6.1) 7 g (adj) kind (4.1) 8 h (adv) when you eat the right amount of good food, you eat . . . (5.3) 9 i (n) not stupid (4.1) 10 j (adj) . . . food = what you eat in fast food restaurants (5.3) 11 k (n) first aid . . . = necessary to survive in the wild (4.4) 12 l (v) . . . touch = not stay in contact (5.2) 13 m (adj) not young or old (5.0) 14 n (n) discos, bars etc. (6.4) 15 o (n) very big sea (6.1) 16 p (n) old person who doesn’t worknow (5.0) 17 q (n) they need answers (6.1) 18 r (v) trust or depend on someone (4.0) 19 s (n) a person who smokes (5.3) 20 t (adj) has a lot of natural ability (4.1) 21 u (n) it stops the rain from falling on your head (4.4) 22 v (n) machine for recording and watching films (6.2) 23 w (n) use it to clean clothes (6.2) 24 x (adj) not old (5.0) 25 y (n) New . . . = famous for sheep, rugby and Lord of the Rings (6.1)
It’s OK but the story is a bit boring. My father. We are both blond with blue eyes. Yes, he loves it, especially the people. Yes, they both have long red hair and green eyes. I like listening to music and playing with my dogs. She’s really friendly and very intelligent. No thanks. I’m not thirsty. To the park. I want to see the birds.
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7.1 Body 9 11 14 12
Trisha's Wedding Day
Complete the text using adjectives from the box. tall skinny handsome medium height thin good-looking short overweight muscular well-built
Vocabulary 1
Put the letters in order to label the pictures. 1 twias ____ 8 neke _____ 2 dohulers _____ 9 ginfre _____ 3 blewo _____ 10 hekec _____ 4 stirw _____ 11 lanek _____ 5 rae _____ 12 yee _____ 6 seon _____ 13 tumoh _____ 7 kacb _____ 14 ahri _____ Complete each sentence with one word. I look ______ my mother because we both have the same eyes. 2 I shouldn’t eat too much pasta or I will ______ on weight. 3 I am going ______ a diet but I’ll start next week. 4 Working hard ______ me stressed. 5 She spends an hour in the bathroom every morning. Her physical ______ is very important to her. 1
Trisha: ‘You can see my mother. She’s the (1) _____ (not tall), slightly (2) _____ (a bit fat) lady on the left. And standing next to her is my father. He’s very (3) _____ (not short) and (4) _____ (not fat)! There’s my brother, Jake, at the back. He’s very (5) ____ (big, but not fat) and (6) _____ (with big muscles). He’s (7) _____ (not tall, not short), and that’s his girlfriend next to him. She’s a bit (8) _____ (too thin), if you ask me. And the (9) _____ (not short), (10) _____ (beautiful, male) man at the front is my new husband, Pierre. He’s really (11) _____ (attractive physically), isn’t he?’
b Choose the correct alternative. 1 2 3 4 5 6
TotalEnglishWbUnit7.indd 44
He goes to the gym every day so he’s very handsome / muscular / short. My trousers are too small for me. I must be thin / medium height / overweight. A: Do you think he’s good-looking? B: Yes, I think he’s handsome / skinny / tall. Her mother is very short but she’s quite tall / well-built / handsome. I’m not tall and not short. I’m muscular / medium height / overweight. I think you need to eat more. You’re too overweight / tall / skinny.
14/2/05 11:56:22 am
2.2 7.1 4
a Which two letters make two words from the
Lesson? Example: f a t tractive (fat, attractive) 1 wai _ _ omach 2 mou _ _ in 3 wri _ _ ressed 4 handso _ _ dicine 5 sever _ _ ternative 6 ank _ _ ssons 7 sandwi _ _ eek 8 fa _ _ lebrity 9 mon _ _ umb
b Complete the sentences using words from Ex. 3a. 1 I am working too hard and I feel _____. 2 If you are feeling sick, you should take some _____. 3 I’m hungry. I’m going to make a cheese _____. 4 My trousers are too big. I need a belt to put around my _____. 5 I go out with colleagues from work about once a _____. 6 He’s been very successful and now he is a _____. 7 If you want to read a book, there are _____ on the desk. 8 I am doing a massage course. My _____ start on Monday.
Grammar 5
first conditional
Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. we’ll talk about it later. I’ll buy you a copy for your birthday. we’ll celebrate with a party. I’ll go to the bank and get some. will you come? we’ll stay in and eat a pizza. there won’t be any left. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
If you pass your exams, ___________________ If you don’t want to go out tonight, _________ If you need some more money, _____________ If you like that CD, _______________________ If you’re too busy now, ____________________ If we don’t buy tickets soon, _______________ If I invite you to the party, _________________
Choose the correct alternative. If you see/will see Max, will you/do you tell him I want to talk to him? 2 If they won’t come/don’t come home soon, their dinner will be/is cold. 3 Your mother will be/is worried if you don’t call/won’t call her. 4 If you don’t leave/won’t leave now, you’ll miss/you miss the train. 5 Your manager won't be/is not very happy if you will go/go to work in those clothes. 6 If we find/will find a nice restaurant, we’ll tell/ we tell you about it. 7 We’ll be/are in New York by 8 o’clock if there aren't/won't be any problems. 8 If you don't sleep/won't sleep well tonight, you won’t feel/do not feel good in the morning. 1
Pete and Shaune are going to a health farm. Complete the sentences using the prompts. 1 If Pete / do / lots of exercise / his muscles / get stronger _______________________________________ 2 If Shaune / do yoga / she / feel happier _______________________________________ 3 Their / skin / look better / if they / drink / lots of water _______________________________________ 4 They / feel / more relaxed / if they / have / massages every day _______________________________________ 5 If Shaune / eat salads / for a week / she / lose weight _______________________________________ 6 They / not feel / so tired / if they / sleep / for ten hours a day _______________________________________ 7 If they / not smoke / for a week / they / feel healthier _______________________________________ 8 They / be / less stressed / if they / not think / about work _______________________________________ 9 If Pete / lose weight / he / have / more energy _______________________________________
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2.2 7.2
New Internet design company is loo king for a young, (1) _____ (wants success) person to help us increase business in our second year.
Vocabulary 1
adjectives of personality
Complete the job adverts using words from the box. One of the words is not necessary.
to talk to and talks a lot) Friendly, (2) _____ (easy ntage. café. Experience an adva al loc r fo ed ed ne s es itr wa
look after old lp e h to d e d e ould be Nurses ne mes. You sh o h ir e th in doing people lanning and p t a d o o (g ____ (3) _____ do) and (4) _ to e v a h u o el*). things y eople will fe p r e th o w o h (think about
ambitious hard-working reserved sensitive open organised lazy unreliable chatty
We are look ing
for a new ga
rdener. Must
be (5) _____
Would you like to be on TV? Are you happy to talk about your relationships? We are looking for (6) _____ (happy to talk about feelings) people to be part of a new TV show. No (7) _____ (doesn’t do what he/she should do) people, please. * this word also means ‘easily upset’
University libra ry needs assist ant. The job is goo d for a quiet, (8 ) _____ (does not talk about feelings) person.
Complete the story using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. You will have a long life.
Pronunciation 2
(wants to wo rk
7.1 Listen to the pronunciation of the words from Ex. 1. Write them in the correct column of the table.
Grammar 3
gerund and infinitive
Choose the correct alternative. 1 She seemed to think/thinking that the concert was yesterday. 2 I’ve enjoyed to talk/talking to you. 3 We can’t avoid to meet/meeting him. 4 He offered to take/taking us to the station. 5 I can’t imagine to work/working without a computer. 6 I’ve decided to change/changing my job. 7 We considered to move/moving to the US. 8 They didn’t expect to find/finding you here. 9 Do you promise not to tell/telling anyone? 10 I miss to see/seeing the mountains.
When a woman read my palm, I didn’t expect (1)_____ (learn) anything new. I don’t believe in things like that and I avoid (2)_____ (look at) my horoscope. Then I met a woman in a bar who offered (3)_____ (read) my palm. At first I didn’t want her (4)_____ (do) it, but then I decided (5)_____ (try) it. She promised not (6)_____ (tell) me anything terrible. She told me about the problems I had at work. She told me that I wanted (7)_____ (change) things. I really enjoyed (8)_____ (listen) to her and she seemed (9)_____ (understand) me. Then she told me I would go on a journey which would change my life. I laughed because I couldn’t afford (10)_____ (travel). Two weeks later I won a holiday to the Caribbean. Can you imagine (11)_____ (win) a holiday like that? Anyway I met my husband on that holiday, so it really did change my life! I have always wanted (12)_____ (say) thank you to that woman in the bar.
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2.2 7.2 5
There are mistakes in some of the sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 I am hoping to meeting the artist at the exhibition. 2 I miss to see my friends and family. 3 I expect you be here at 9 o’clock. 4 She offered to help me with the cooking. 5 He has decided taking a week off work. 6 We avoided to tell you earlier because of your exams. 7 You can’t afford going out every night. It’s too expensive. 8 I promised to going to her house this evening. 9 I want tell you what happened. 10 It seems to be the cheapest shop.
Reading 6
a Read the quiz and answer the questions. Then read about how your personality can help you learn English.
b Tick (✓) the correct answers. According to the text, an extrovert enjoys A walking alone. B being with lots of different people. C talking on the phone. D making new friends. E doing homework. 2 According to the text an introvert enjoys A being at home with family and friends. B sitting in the centre of a room. C going to parties. D talking to small groups of people. E making mistakes. 1
1 Do you make friends quickly when you start a new job? YES / NO 2 Do you spend your free time going out, shopping and being with other people? YES / NO 3 Are you usually the first person to answer the phone? YES / NO 4 Do you have a lot of different friends? YES / NO 5 Do you enjoy going for walks on your own? YES / NO 6 Do you like spending your free time relaxing in a quiet, family atmosphere? YES / NO 7 Do you like talking to people in small groups? YES / NO 8 Do you usually sit nearer the side, not in the centre, of a room? YES / NO Score Give yourself one point for every Yes you answered for questions 1–4. Give yourself one point for every No you answered for questions 5–8. Your total score: __ points
If you scored between 1–4 points, you are an introvert.
You enjoy spending time on your own, or with people you know well. Your friends and family are very important to you too. You can improve your English by reading books, listening to songs, studying on your own and talking to a friend in English. And don't worry too much when you make mistakes!
If you scored between 5–8 points, you are an extrovert.
You are very active and enjoy spending your time with people, especially at parties. You like talking, but sometimes you need to stop and listen. You learn English well in big groups where you can talk to lots of people and have fun. But remember to do your homework!
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7.3 How to … 1
Read the jokes and put the words in order to complete the responses. 1 A: Doctor, Doctor, I think I need glasses. You certainly do. This is a fish and chip shop! B: (funny really that's) __________. 2 A: Doctor, Doctor, my son has eaten my pen. What should I do? Use a pencil until I arrive. B: (get I it don't) __________. 3 Doctor, Doctor, I've broken my arm in two places. Well, don't go back there again then! B: (funny that's very not) __________.
Vocabulary 2
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Have you got an aspirin? I feel a terrible headache. 2 I can't eat anything. I feel to be sick. 3 You don't look well. Are you a high temperature? 4 Steve is in hospital. I think he's got the broken arm. 5 I'm going to try acupuncture for my backsache. 6 I don't feel very good. I've got cold. 7 I'm staying at home. I've feel the flu. 1
Grammar 4
Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the box.
illness and injury
to because that so that I not to in order because it so
Use a word from A and a word from B to complete the sentences. 1
sore broken feel sprained high pain
chest leg wrist temperature throat
3 1
I've got a _____ _____, and I can't use my computer.
4 5 6 7
I've got a very _____ _____. 8
5 3
Doctor. I have this terrible _____ in my _____.
Yes, he has a _____ _____.
I can't eat any more. I _____ _____.
I went skiing, but now I've got a _____ _____.
Can you turn the music down so _____ I can hear the telephone? They moved house _____ to be near the train station. I came here _____ I want to ask your advice. I am writing _____ invite you to our party. She was out _____ I left her a message. We have to leave very early in order _____ miss the train. I cycle to school _____ don't have to sit in traffic all morning. I swim every day _____ is good for my back.
Complete the sentences using because, so, so that or to. If so and so that are possible, use so that. 1 I went to the chemist ________ get some medicine. 2 Jane bought a car ______ she hated getting the bus to work. 3 I stopped eating biscuits ______ I can lose weight. 4 We arrived early _____ buy the tickets. 5 He was angry _____ his train was late. 6 I didn't know the answer _____ I asked Jack. 7 They wanted Lisa to come to the party _____ she could meet Tim. 8 I get up early _____ I can have breakfast before I leave. 9 I sent a message to Kate _____ ask for some money. 10 I work very hard _____ now I'm the manager.
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De Yo (4 a be s c t b _
2.2 7.3 Writing
a Match the letters (1–3) to the pictures (A–C).
Cover the tapescript. Listen to the interview and answer the question. Shiatsu is A a type of Swiss massage. B a Japanese medicine. C a type of Japanese massage. D a Chinese mushroom. 7.2
b Listen again and complete the notes in the table. SHIATSU What are the main beliefs?
Like (1)___ it believes that there are channels of (2)___.
Where is it from?
It is a (3)___ massage.
What happens in a typical
• Firstly, the practitioner will
(4)___ about your health. • Then, he/she will give you a (5)___. • Lastly, he/she will (6)___
points on your body.
Dear John, en ________ and gre Firstly, (1) _______ . ________ vitamins vegetables in (2) _____ ______ hot drinks for (3) __________ stay at home and rest. your throat? Then you should 2
Dear Sam, , cy Lu Dear Maybe you are eating You need to relax. Try som ething that your (4) _______________, and sto ma ch doesn't like. Go a hot bath or shower to a specialist so (6) __ _ before you go to bed. You __ __ or __ tea __ k in __ dr t __ _ shouldn' _. (7) __________ coffee, but you could ____ to help move yo try camomile tea*, ur _ __ __ stomach muscles, and because it (5) ____ ______. Sweet dreams. don't eat in the evenings before you go to bed.
What does it treat?
stomachaches and (8)___. How long does it take?
A session takes about (9)___.
Do patients always feel better
(10)___. Sometimes it takes
(11)___ sessions.
Woman: Man: Woman: Man:
*camomile – a small yellow flower
Use these phrases to complete the letters. You should try doing some exercises b order to give you more c you should try eating lots of fruit d that he/she can tell you what to eat e having a massage to help with stress f Why don’t you try making g helps you to relax
It is very good for (7)___,
Woman: Man:
Woman: Man: Woman: Man:
So what is Shiatsu? Well, it's a type of massage. It's like acupuncture because it believes that there are channels of energy. You press on different points on the body and the energy moves around better. I see. Where is it from? Shiatsu is a Japanese massage, but now you can have Shiatsu treatments in many countries. Right. And what happens in a typical session? First, the Shiatsu practitioner asks you questions about your health, and your problem. Then he gives you a massage to relax the muscles. Lastly, he presses points on your body. He usually uses his hands, but sometimes he uses his arms, elbows, knees and feet. His feet? OK. So what problems can it treat? It's very good for problems like backache, stomachache and headache, but it works for other problems too. That's good. How long does it take? Each session usually takes about an hour. An hour. And do patients feel better after one hour? Actually, no. Some patients will feel worse at the beginning. Sometimes they need two, three or more sessions before they feel better.
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8.1 Speed Match the sentence halves. 1 A jumbo jet 2 Snails move 3 A Mercedes has a top 4 The speed 5 The Harry Potter books are the fastest 6 Mexico City has the worst rush 7 British roads have had speed
Grammar 3
1 2 3
-selling children's books in history. hour in the world. c cameras since 1992. d speed of 180 km per hour. e travels at 885 km per hour. f limit in Nevada US is 55 km per hour. g at 0.0028 m a second. a
4 5 6 7 8
Complete the text using words from the box. up down behind in on up with
Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Use the Present Simple passive. take stop spend give write make play wash
Our pizzas _____ with fresh ingredients. This book _____ by a very famous author. Football is the only sport that _____ in almost every country. He _____ by customs every time he enters the country. I _____ to work by taxi every morning. Most of our money _____ on food and drink. The dirty clothes _____ in the washing machine. I _____ £20 pocket money every week by my parents.
Make questions using the prompts and the Present Simple passive. The answers to the quiz are below.
1 2 3
Do Are you always (1) _____ a hurry? r work? you often get (2) _____with you ice to Do you have to stay late in the off Do catch (3) _____ _____ your work? you panic when you can't arrive ing! (4) _____ time? Why? Stop worry . It will The world is 25 billion years old need continue with or without you. You _____! to slow (5) _____, not speed (6) and see Join the Slow Living movement ay! Or a better, slower world. Join tod . or . . . tomorrow . . . or next week . .
Present Simple passive
5 6
What food / Italy / know / for? A pizza B hamburgers C apples What meat / not serve / to Hindus? A chicken B beef C pork How much / milk / drink / in US compared to fizzy drinks? A 1/5 B 1/2 C 3/4 What complaint / hear / most often in US fast food restaurants? A the food is too expensive B there isn't enough meat in the hamburger C there's too much ice in the drink Which animal / not eat / by Muslims? A cow B sheep C pig How many teaspoons of sugar / contain / in one glass of cola? A 1 B 5 C 14
I l f o T
1A 2B 3A 4C 5C 6C
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2.2 8.1 Reading a Read the text and answer the questions. Underline the best answer. When did the first Pret a Manger open? A 1980 B 1986 C 1950 2 How is the food made? A in a factory B by chefs in the sandwich shops every day C by chefs the night before 3 What does Pret a Manger sell? A only sandwiches B only sandwiches and sushi C sandwiches, sushi and other types of food 4 How can you find information about the calories in each dish? A look on the website B ask the Pret a Manger workers C write to Mr Metcalfe or Mr Beecham 5 What happens to the food that isn't eaten? A They throw it away. B It is recycled. C Charities take it. 1
How to … 6
a Match the sentence halves.
The economies of the poorer countries Violent crime Air pollution is getting The team's results are Oil prices have gone The cost of housing has
1 2 3
������������� Beecham spent a In the 1980s Julian Metcalfe and Sinclair king for a good, lot of time walking around London loo in 1986 they fast lunch. They never found one. So t a Manger. opened their own sandwich shop, Pre the UK and Today there are 150 Pret a Mangers in ome successful? Hong Kong. Why has Pret a Manger bec ver s fresh Firstly, the food. Every night a van deli res. Ear ly in the ingredients to the Pret a Manger sto nts carefully, and morning the chefs check the ingredie the day. And these then they make fresh sandwiches for Manger sells many days it isn't only sandwiches. Pret a s sushi on the menu. different types of food: it even include company. For Quality and care is important for the t they are eating, people who want to know exactly wha tion about each Pret a Manger's website gives informa how many calories dish. For example, if you want to know can find out. are in a ham and cheese sandwich, you for the community. Pret a Manger also does good things any extra unwanted At the end of the day, charities take food and give it to homeless people. y, and this is one McDonald's owns 33% of the compan now know the reason why people all over the world name, Pret a Manger.
4 5 6
worse. b fallen steadily in the last three years. c has risen slightly in the last five years. d have got better in the last twenty years. e improving steadily. f up dramatically this year. a
b Match the sentences in Ex. 6a to the diagrams below.
1 2 3 4 5 YEARS
$ 80

Dec %
2004 2005 2006
TotalEnglishWbUnit8.indd 51
Air Quality
b Complete the sentences. Decide if the sentences are active or passive. 1 Every night fresh ingredients ___________ to the Pret a Manger stores. (deliver) 2 The ingredients ___________ early in the morning. (check) 3 Fresh sandwiches ___________ every day. (make) 4 Pret a Manger ___________ many different types of food. (serve) 5 Pret a Manger's website ___________ information about each dish. (give) 6 Unwanted food ___________ to charities. (give) 7 33% of the company ___________ by McDonald's. (own) 8 Pret a Manger ___________ by people all over the world. (know)
10 15 YEARS
60 40 20 May Jun Jul Aug
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1A An
8.2 2.2 Vocabulary 1
phrasal verbs
Complete the gaps in the text with a verb from A and a preposition from B. Put the verbs in the correct form. A B split out get out with go apart put up with ask up grow over
Grammar 3
Underline the correct sentence. 1 a I split up with him. b I split up him. c I split with him up. 2 a I asked out her and she said yes. b I asked out and she said yes. c I asked her out and she said yes. 3 a We grew us apart. b We grew apart us. c We grew apart. 4 a I’m going with a nice man out. b I’m going out with a nice man. c I’m going nice man out with. 5 a I over got him. b I got over him. c I got him over. 6 a I hate that dog. I can’t put up with. b I hate that dog. I can’t put up with it. c I hate that dog. I can’t put it up with.
Six of the questions have a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them. http://wShake ww.survispeare 1 To William Where did you got your ideas from? 2 To Bart Simpson: Why you are yellow? 3 To Prince Charles: What does the Royal Family eat for breakfast? 4 To Michael Schumacher: Have the police ever stopped you for speeding? 5 To Britney Spears: Can you teach me sing like you? 6 To Vincent Van Gogh: Why you did cut off your ear? 7 To Quentin Tarantino: Why your films are so violent? 8 To Pablo Picasso: Why you painted people with three noses?
Milly and Ahmed met in a bar. She 1 _____ him _____ and they went to the cinema the next day. After that they started 2 _____ _____ _____ each other, but things didn't go well. He was only interested in gardening and she was only interested in business, and soon they started to 3 _____ _____. She was always working late and never had time to see him. He couldn't 4 _____ _____ _____ it, so finally they 5 _____ _____. But he soon 6 _____ _____ it, and they stayed friends. Later she became a rich businesswoman and employed him as her gardener.
a Match 1–8 to a–h to make questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Who's your Do you What do you Did you go to Do you think Have you ever Were you shy What is your
a been on TV? b do in your free time? c
when you were a child?
d dream holiday? e you are a happy person?
like sport? g favourite film star? h bed late last night? f
b Match the questions in Ex. 4a to the answers. Answers A A month in the desert with a camel. = Question __ B A little bit, but I'm not now. = Question __ C D E F G H
About 12.00. = Question __ Not really, but I sometimes go skiing. = Question __ Sean Connery. = Question __ Yes. I'm always laughing. = Question __ I like learning languages and travelling. = Question __ Not yet. = Question __
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8.2 2.2 5
Make questions for the answers. _____ _____ you from? I'm from Germany. 2 What _____ _____ job? I am a writer. 3 _____ _____ you study? I studied German literature. 4 _____ _____ your hobbies? My hobbies are swimming and playing the piano. 5 How _____ brothers and sisters _____ _____ have? I have two brothers and one sister. 6 _____ _____ done speed-dating before? No, I haven't. 7 _____ are you _____ back to Germany? I'm going back to Germany in August. 8 _____ _____ come back to England? Yes, I will. 9 ______ ______ you think of speed-dating? I think it’s strange but good fun. 10 What ______ ______ reading at the moment? I’m reading How to Find your Perfect Partner. 1
Listening 6
Cover the tapescript. Listen to a US immigration officer interviewing a man. Tick (✓) the things they talk about. 8.1
the weather
b Listen again and complete the notes.
NOTES Mr Marius Cecillon Job: translator
Miss Judith Stein Job: works in a _____
Met in _____, _____ years ago. Miss Stein studied _____ at New Mexico State University. Hobbies: goes to _____ in the _____ 3 or 4 times a week.
TAPESCRIPT IO: So, Mr Cecillon, we're going to ask you a few questions, OK? C: OK. IO: What's your job? C: I'm a translator. IO: How long have you been a translator? C: About ten years, more or less. IO: What languages? C: English into French. IO: Uh huh. OK. Now I'm going to ask you about your relationship with Miss Stein. C: OK. IO: Where did you meet? C: We met in Paris, in France. IO: When was this? C: It was four years ago. IO: Four years ago. And what does she do? C: She works in a bank. IO: Have you met her family, Mr Cecillon? C: Her family? No. Well, I just met her brother once. IO: OK. Miss Stein went to university, didn't she? C: Yes. IO: Do you know where? Which university? C: Yes, she was at NMSU, New Mexico State University. IO: Uh huh. And what did she study? C: She studied Economics. IO: Sorry? C: She studied Economics. IO: OK. Does Miss Stein have any hobbies? C: She goes to the gym. IO: Does she go often? C: She goes three or four times a week. IO: When? What time of day? C: Well, she usually goes in the evening. IO: Do you go with her? C: No, I'm not very sporty. IO: Too busy translating, I guess. C: Yeah.
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8.3 Grammar
Past Continuous and Past
Pronunciation 3
Choose the correct alternative. 1 I was watching/watched TV when the lights were going/went out. 2 She was getting up/got up and was having/ had a shower. 3 Weren't you meeting/Didn't you meet him when you were being/were at university? 4 We were driving/drove across France when the car was breaking down/broke down. 5 I was finding/found $10 while I was walking/ walked home yesterday. 6 He was losing/lost his wallet when he was playing/played with the children.
Dionne Grobler
I (1) _____ (watch) TV when I (2) _____ (hear) about the astronauts landing on the Moon. It (3) _____ (be) an amazing moment for the whole world. In those days many people (4) _____ (not have) a TV. I (5) _____ (call) my neighbours on the phone and they said they (6) _____ (listen) to it on the radio so I (7) _____ (invite) them to my house and we watched it on TV together.
Marsha Vygotsky
I heard the news when I (8) _____ (sit) at the table eating my breakfast. I (9) _____ (be) a musician then, in a band. The Beatles (10) _____ (not be) our heroes, but we loved John Lennon. We heard the newsreader say, ‘John Lennon was killed while he (11) _____ (walk) home in New York,’ and we just (12) _____ (not know) what to say.
Billy Fingleman
Cover the tapescript. Listen and complete the sentences. 1 _____ it raining? _____, it _____. 2 _____ you dreaming? _____, I _____. 3 _____ she smoking? _____, she _____. 4 _____ they playing? _____, they _____. 5 _____ you running? _____, we _____. 6 _____ he singing? _____, he _____. 8.2
b Listen again and mark the stress. Check your answers with the tapescript. TAPESCRIPT 1 2 3 4 5 6
Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
Where were you when...
Was it raining? No, it wasn't. Were you dreaming? Yes, I was. Was she smoking? Yes, she was. Were they playing? No they weren't. Were you running? Yes, we were. Was he singing? No, he wasn't.
Writing 4
a Choose the best alternative. A strange thing happened last summer/ summer last. 1 2 After a while/While after the noise got louder, . . . 1
3 4 5 6 7
In end/In the end I realised the noise had been my cat fighting this bird! Beginning,/To begin with, I thought it was the wind, but . . . So I decided/So I did decide to see what it was. One night/Late night I was lying in bed when I heard a noise on the roof. I climbed onto the roof and a sudden/suddenly a bird flew past my face!
b Put the sentences in order to make the story. Write the numbers in the boxes.
I (13) _____ (study) for my Masters in Politics at the time. In fact, I (14) _____ (read) a book in the university library when I (15) _____ (hear) all this noise outside. Someone said the Berlin Wall was coming down and we all (16) _____ (go) to the square and celebrated. The party (17) _____ (not finish) until 6.00 a.m.
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8.3 2.2 Reading 5
a Read the text, then look at sentences 1–6. Did these things happen? Write Y (yes), N (no), or DK (don't know). Betty's teacher saw her running. 2 Betty's home town gave her a present after she won the Olympic gold. 3 Betty's cousin died in the plane crash. 4 Betty broke her leg. 5 Betty won gold in the 1932 Olympics. 6 Betty continued running for the rest of her life. 1
S P EEDY BETTY The Incredible Story Of
But then disaster. Three years aft er the Olympics, Betty and her cousin were involved in a plane crash. Be tty was unconscious for seven weeks and her leg was badly broken. Doctors thought she would die. But she recovered slowly. It took her two years to learn how to walk again.
An Olympic Champion
One day in the 1920s, a Biology teacher was sitting in a train when he saw one of his students. This studen t, a teenager called Betty Robinson, was running to catch the train. Th e teacher was amazed. She was the fastest girl he had ever seen. With her teacher's help, Betty starte d training. Less than two years late r she was an Olympic champion. Be tty won the 100 metres at the Amsterda m Olympics in 1928. She was sixtee n years old, and it was only her fourth race. When she arrived home the US was in love with her. Big crowd s shouted her name in the streets. He r home town gave her a diamond wa tch and her school gave her a silver cu p. b Number the events in order. A B C D E F
Betty won her second gold medal. Betty won the 100 metres at the Amsterdam Olympics. Betty received a diamond watch. A teacher saw Betty running to catch a train. Betty's plane crashed. Betty spent two years learning to walk again.
She missed the 1932 Olympics, bu t she returned to the American team in 1936, where again she won a go ld medal, this time in the 100 metres relay. Betty was involved in athleti cs for the rest of her life. She died in 1999, aged 87, a true sporting her o.
Match the underlined words in the text to these definitions. 1 got better after an illness or problem 2 learn the skills for a job or activity 3 lots of people in one place 4 very surprised 5 not awake
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9.1 Work A
Vocabulary 1
Match the jobs to the pictures. 1
plumber __
firefighter __
mechanic __
nurse __
lawyer __
factory worker __
accountant __
8 sales rep __
Match the sentence halves. 1
One day I would like to run
long hours.
Before I can get a new job, I need to prepare
get promoted.
He didn't like the job so he
as Managing Director.
If I do this job well, I might
offered the job.
As a doctor, I have to work
my own company.
My sister had an interview
the job?
I have applied for a job
His interview went well and he was
my CV.
Are you going to take
for the job yesterday.
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9.1 2.2 3
Choose the correct words to complete the texts. A Agnieska had lots of (1) _____ from university, but she worked as an (2) _____ in a chocolate (3) _____. She was reliable and worked long hours. She was never sick. Her employer noticed her hard work and gave her a (4) _____ at the end of the year. After five years with the (5) _____, she became the Managing Director. B Mirko prepared his (6) _____ and filled in the application form. He was applying for a job as sales rep for a computer software (7) _____. He didn't have any (8) _____, but he had some work (9) _____ selling mobile phones. When he went for the interview, he was asked to wait in the office. After three and a half hours, the (10) _____ still hadn't arrived. Mirko went home. 1
A interviewees B qualifcations C employers
A employee B application C experience
A bonus B factory C Director
A salary B qualification C bonus
A company B experience C employee
A salary B CV C experience
A bonus B Director C company
A qualifications B experience C salary
A employer B interviewer C experience
10 A interviewer B sales rep C company
Pronunciation 4
Listen and complete the sentences.
Do you have any _____?
Have you filled in an _____ ______?
I've got five years _____.
What _____ do you offer?
I'm an _____.
Ask the _____.
He's the _____ _____.
She works in a _____.
He runs his own _____.
10 Have you sent your _____?
b Listen again. Mark the main stress on the words you wrote.
Listening 5
a Read the sentences. Mark them GI (good
use a computer. say you have lots of qualifications, even if you do not have them. 5 give information about your junior school and all your hobbies. 3
Listen and check your answers.
Choose the correct alternative. 5% of the CVs that Melanie reads are good/ bad/OK. 2 She thinks a CV should be more than two pages long/exactly two pages long/two pages long or less. 3 25% of CVs she receives contain lies/true information/love letters. 4 Melanie says that people lie about their hobbies/qualifications/contact details. 5 You should write a new CV for each job/use the same CV for every job/write a new CV every month. 6 A Danish woman sent some Danish perfume/ clothes/food with her CV. 7 She was given the job/wasn't given the job/ became a chef. 1
TAPESCRIPT M: I read hundreds of CVs every week. Most of them are good. A few are excellent. And about five per cent of them are terrible. I: Really? What makes a bad CV? M: There are a number of things. A CV should be short. No more than two pages long. I recently read a CV that was twenty pages long. I: Unbelievable. M: But usually the problems are quite simple. I: What type of things? M: Spelling mistakes. People who write their CV with a pen, not on computer. But the worst thing is that twenty-five per cent of CVs are not true. I: What do you mean? M: People tell lies. They say they have certain qualifications and we find that they don't have them. I: So what advice can you give about writing a CV? M: Read the advert carefully. Learn as much as possible about the job. Then write a new CV specially for this job. Write it on a computer and only write what is important for this job. I: Are there any imaginative or interesting ideas that work? M: There was a woman from Denmark who applied for a job in an office. She sent some Danish food with her CV to remind us that she was from Denmark. And she got the job.
idea) or BI (bad idea). When you write your CV 1 write a minimum of three pages. 2 check your spelling.
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9.2 Vocabulary 1
make and do
There are mistakes in six of the sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 He sits in his office all day making absolutely nothing. 2 Have you done a decision about where to go on holiday? 3 She makes an effort to be friendly to all her employees. 4 Can you make me a favour? 5 I have made a lot of research on the Internet. 6 Good luck in the interview. You can only do your best. 7 Have you done an appointment to see the doctor? 8 The food was cold so we did a complaint. Complete the sentences using expressions with make or do, and the words in brackets. 1 She's getting better at Maths. I really think she's __________. (progress) 2 They _____ _____ _____ into why the weather is changing. (research) 3 We have got a History lesson today. Have you _____ your _____? (homework) 4 I often travel to Asia because my company _____ a lot of _____ in China. (business) 5 She isn't very good at _____ _____. (decisions) 6 He isn't working very hard. He should _____ an _____. (effort) 7 When the computer arrived it was broken, so we _____ a _____. (complaint) 8 I don't know what he does but I think he _____ a lot of _____. (money)
Grammar: can/could/be able to 3
Complete the sentences using can, can't, could or couldn't and verbs from the box. speak understand take cook sleep finish believe hear catch sing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My grandmother was a linguist. She _____ _____ six languages fluently. I _____ _____ why they haven't phoned us yet. They took us to the station so we _____ _____ the train to Manchester. I feel so tired because I _____ _____ last night. I can play the guitar but I _____ _____. My voice is terrible. That's impossible! I _____ _____ that what you are telling me is true. I've brought my camera with me, so I _____ _____ some photos. When I turned the music off, I _____ _____ someone knocking at the door. Tim is very fast at doing crosswords. Usually, he _____ _____ one in just three minutes. My mother always cooked for me, so I _____ even _____ a plate of spaghetti when I left home.
Complete the sentences using can, can't, could, couldn't or be able to. 1 Can you speak up a little? I _____ hear you. 2 Samantha _____ paint beautiful landscapes, but she can't paint people. 3 I want to _____ speak English fluently. 4 I _____ ski when I was younger, but now I'm not good at it. 5 She's been on a diet and now she _____ wear a size 8! 6 I'm sorry, but we won't _____ come to the wedding because we are on holiday then. 7 I _____ walk in these shoes. They're too big. 8 He _____ understand why everyone was laughing. Then he saw his photo. 9 _____ you come to the party tomorrow? I need to tell Marta. 10 I _____ do Maths at school, and I'm still not good at numbers.
TotalEnglishWbUnit9.indd 58
14/2/05 12:00:06 pm
2.2 9.2 Reading
Lifelong learning
Read the text and write notes in the table below.
Abigail Sin, 10 – Singapore
two, started playing the piano at Abigail Sin could read when she was so well that she plays as five and now, at age ten, she can play re Concert Hall. Her twin a professional pianist in the Singapo ic, says he can't understand brother, Josiah, who doesn't like mus s the same things again and again.’ why she practises so much. ‘She play
Ali Fukuhara, 14 – Japan
ods of table tennis’, Ali Then there is the Japanese ‘Tiger Wo g when she was just three Fukuhara, who started to play ping-pon couldn't see over the table. years old. She was so small that she onents who were three years Two years later she could beat opp ing for the Olympics. She used older than her, and now she is train she says she can control that. to cry when she lost a game, but now
Nguyen Ngod Truong Son, 12 −
watch his mother and father play At three years old, Nguyen used to ld play too. Eventually, they let chess. He always asked them if he cou he knew how to move the pieces him play and he showed them that his parents. When he was already. One month later he could beat ents, and won. His father says, ‘ seven, he played in national tournam hopes that soon Nguyen will be ‘He was born with a natural gift.’ He s, and he probably will! able to beat the grand masters of ches
Cover the tapescript. Listen and complete the notes with the activities a–f.. 9.4
Setting targets – my Spanish I can 1 ... 2 ... I can't 3 … I want to be able to 4 … I am going to 5 … 6 ... talk more fluently. write down new words in a book. c speak to Angela in Spanish every week. d read texts quite well, but I need a dictionary. e ask questions if I don't understand. f remember the vocabulary we learn in class. a
b Complete the notes for you. Special talent
When did he/
she start?
or hopes for the future
Abigail Sin Ali Fukuhara Nguyen Ngod Truong Son
Pronunciation 6
a 9 . 3 Listen to the pronunciation of can, can't, could or couldn't in the sentences. Are these words stressed (S) or unstressed (U)? 1 She can play the piano. 2 She can win the Olympics. 3 He can’t understand. 4 You can’t teach a baby to play chess. 5 He could write his own music when he was four. 6 She could read when she was two. 7 She couldn't see over the table. 8 They couldn't believe what they saw. b Practise saying the sentences.
TAPESCRIPT I think my Spanish is getting better, especially my reading. I can read the texts in the book now, and I understand them quite well. Sometimes I need to look up words in a dictionary or ask my teacher. She's taught us some phrases to use if we don’t understand, so that’s OK. One problem I have is that I don’t remember new words, the new vocabulary that we learn in the lessons. I'm going to write down all the new words in a small book, so that I can learn them. I want to be able to talk more fluently, but I can’t remember the words, so it is very difficult. I'm also going to practise speaking in Spanish with Angela, my classmate. We’re going to meet before the lesson every week, and spend half an hour talking in Spanish. I think that will really help me too.
TotalEnglishWbUnit9.indd 59
14/2/05 12:00:07 pm
9.3 2.2 Vocabulary 1
Use words from the box to describe what happened in the pictures. You may need to change the verb forms.
Underline the correct form of the verb. 1 The old lady was mugged/ mug in the street yesterday. 2 The murderer arrested/ was arrested. 3 The shoplifter was given/ gave a fine. 4 My wallet was taken/took by a pickpocket. 5 The bank rob/was robbed. They took/was taken £10,000. 6 The jury decided/was decided that he was guilty. 7 My computer stole/was stolen from the library. 8 My house was burgled/ burgled last week. 9 The burglars stole/were stolen the DVD player. 10 The politician was punished/punished for not paying his taxes.
Use the Past Simple active or passive to complete the sentences. 1 I _____ (ask) to give a presentation about my work. 2 Jo _____ (buy) some new CDs with the money he _____ (give) for his birthday. 3 I _____ (leave) my purse in the restaurant and it _____ (steal). 4 The two men _____ (take) our suitcases from the car. 5 They _____ (tell) the concert _____ (start) at 7.30 p.m. 6 _____ you _____ (invite) to the wedding? 7 He _____ (meet) at the station by a taxi driver. 8 The car _____ (drive) by a man wearing a black hat.
judge thief jury police officer steal arrest innocent punishment fine prison sentence 1
The _____ gave the criminal a 5-year _____.
The _____ _____ a bicycle and had to pay a £100 _____ as his _____.
The _____ _____ a young woman.
The _____ decided that the woman was _____.
a Complete the table using the words from the box. mugging shoplifter murder thief pickpocket burglar rob
(a) robber/_____
to steal something
to (b) _____ (a bank/someone)
(c) _____
to burgle a house
(d) _____
to mug someone
pick pocketing
(e) _____
to pick someone's pocket
(f ) _____
to shoplift
(g) _____
to murder someone
b Match the verbs in Ex. 2a to the definitions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to take something from a shop without paying for it ______ to take illegally from a house _____ to take someone's money/wallet from their bag/pocket, without the person noticing _____ to take something that is not yours _____ to kill someone _____ to attack and take something from someone (on the street) _____ to steal money or items from a bank or shop _____
Past Simple
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14/2/05 12:00:33 pm
9.3 5
Make questions using the Past Simple active or passive.
2 3
YPTIAN VASE POLICE REPORT: EG 1 _ , 2004 STOLEN: __________ p.m. TIME: 2 ___________ 3 _ Museum PL ACE: __________ 4 _______ REPORTED BY: ____
4 5 6 7 8
5 €___________ REWARD OFFERED
SHOP IN AN 6 ___________
FOUND: (BY MRS G) CE BY MRS G RETURNED TO POLI SEPT, 2004 DATE: 7 ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
When was the vase stolen? What time _____________________________? Where ________________________________? Who __________________________________? How much _____________________________? Where ________________________________? When was _____________________________?
9 10
What was David Morris trying to steal? Where did he go? How many times did he try? Was he successful? Where did the lady in the chemist put his note? Where did he go next? Why didn't the owner of the Italian shop read the note? Why did the manager of the restaurant go into the back room? Who telephoned the police? What did the police do?
Writing 7
a Label the paragraphs in Ex. 6: Introduction, Story or Conclusion.
b Put the sentences below in order, to make a story.
Reading 6
Read the text and answer the questions.
Better luck next time
One-legged thief is caught
David Morris was an unsuccessful robber. He walked into a shop with a note which read, ‘I have a gun in my pocket. I will shoot you if you don't give me the money.’
During the fight, Ghansyam pulled off Eric's false leg by mistake, but then the thief escaped by hopping into his car.
First, he went into a chemist. The female assistant took the note but she didn't read it, she just threw it in the bin. The thief left the shop with nothing. He tried the Italian shop next door. The owner of the shop took the note and looked at it. He shook his head. ‘I'm sorry, sir,’ he replied, ‘but I can't read English.’ The man tried one last time. He went to a Chinese takeaway restaurant. The manager there took the note, said that he didn't have his glasses and he had to go into the back room to find them. While he was there, he telephoned the police, who arrived shortly afterwards and arrested the failed robber.
A shopkeeper helped to catch a burglar who only had one leg. Mr Patel said, ‘It was a real shock when his leg came off in my hands.’ Ghansyam Patel, who is 56, fought with Eric Gardener, after Eric tried to rob him in the street. However, later he tried to order a new leg, and the police arrested him. Gardener, 41, was jailed for three years after he said he was guilty.
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14/2/05 12:00:37 pm
Review and consolidation units 7–9 First conditional
Present Simple passive
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. If you go running everyday, you better. (feel) 2 I’ll come out later if I this report. (finish) 3 If it raining, shall we go for a walk? (stop) 4 If she her exams, we’ll buy her a new CD player. (pass) 5 You late if you don’t hurry up. (be) 6 If we time to visit her, we’ll phone instead. (not have) 7 Will you visit the British Museum if you to London? (go) 8 If I asleep now, I’ll be tired tomorrow. (not fall) 9 We might go and see a film later if Pete to come. (want) 10 If the course starts tomorrow, you to the first lesson? (come) 1
Complete the sentences using the Present Simple passive of the verbs in the box. clean build send deliver employ close recycle do make not use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The newspapers on Sundays. The office every morning. These houses in just three weeks. He by a big computer company. This car very much now, so we’re going to sell it. Most children’s toys in China. The bottles to help the environment. The letters at the end of the week. The work by professionals. The school during the summer.
Gerunds vs infinitives
Past Continuous vs Past Simple
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 1 I miss (go) to the beach at the weekends. 2 I didn’t expect (see) you here this morning. 3 We decided (change) the date of the meeting. 4 Will you consider (move) to America? 5 They have offered (help) me find a flat. 6 Will you promise (write) to me every day? 7 I don’t want (see) her again. 8 She didn’t enjoy (meet) all the managers. 9 He seems (be) happy in his new job. 10 We can’t afford (buy) a house in the centre.
Underline the correct verb form. 1 It was raining / rained when the accident was happening / happened. 2 When I was coming / came in everyone was talking / talked about me. 3 We were having / had a coffee when the stranger asked / was asking for Louise’s number. 4 I was travelling / travelled in Asia when I heard / was hearing the news. 5 It was / was being a beautiful morning. The sun was shining / shone and the birds were singing / sang. 6 I was walking / walked through the park when I met / was meeting an old friend. 7 Mike was listening / listened to music so he didn’t hear / wasn’t hearing the telephone. 8 I was going / went to work when I remembered / was remembering I didn’t have my keys. 9 As soon as I got / was getting home I went / was going to bed. 10 I was watching / watched television at 2 a.m. this morning.
TotalEnglishWbRC7to9.indd 62
14/2/05 12:01:07 pm
can/could/be able to
Complete the sentences using can/can’t/could /couldn’t/be able to. 1 I’m very busy next week, so I won’t meet you. 2 I open this door. Can you help me? 3 When I was in Kiev I understand what anyone was saying. 4 She’s very good at languages. When she was eight, she read Greek and Latin. 5 I’m sorry, but Mr Harding see you today. He’s out of the office. 6 I get tickets for the concert. They were sold out. 7 When I finish this course, I’ll to speak Japanese fluently. 8 When I was a student, I afford to eat out because I was poor. 9 I’m frightened of water because I swim. 10 you come for a drink later?
Past Simple passive 6
Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple passive. Start with the words given. 1 Someone took my bag. My ... 2 They arrested the thief outside the bank. The thief ... 3 People built the museum in 2001. The museum ... 4 They met the President at the airport. The President ... 5 Someone checked all their passports carefully. All their ... 6 Someone told them about the delays. They ... 7 Someone finished all the work over the weekend. All the work ... 8 Someone invited the employees to a party. The employees ... 9 Someone asked him to work seven days a week. He ... 10 Someone damaged the piano when they carried it upstairs. The piano ...
Complete the sentences with a word from the box. ill hard-working flu hurry sore chatty handsome broken toe skinny 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I need to see a doctor about my throat. She doesn’t eat very much and that’s why she’s so . I love Tom Hanks. He’s so . She never leaves work before 9 p.m. She is so . Ouch! I just banged my on the door. I feel terrible. I think I’ve got . I fell down the stairs, and now I’ve got a arm. I feel . I hope it isn’t food poisoning. We spend a long time on the telephone because Meera is so . Can you drive a bit faster because I’m in a ?
Complete the sentences using verbs from the box. You may have to change the verb form. run arrive do deteriorate have ask apply make work catch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
He enjoys his new job but he has to very long hours. If we don’t send the letter today, it won’t on time. Shaun Joanne out on a date. The quality of the material we use has . I missed last week’s lessons, so I need to up with the grammar. I’m very ambitious, so I would like to my own company. He for a job as an air steward. Don’t worry about your exams. Just your best. I study hard but I’m not very much progress. Yesterday, I an interview for a job as manager.
TotalEnglishWbRC7to9.indd 63
14/2/05 12:01:07 pm
10.1 Wildlife Vocabulary 1
Find fourteen animals in the word square. All the words go from left to right. t
Complete the sentences with an animal idiom. Use a word from the boxes in each gap more as sea the as mouse plenty quiet fish in a He isn't really sad. He's crying crocodile tears. 1
Some babies make lots of noise, but he's ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
She split up with her boyfriend, but it doesn't matter. There are ______ ______ ______ _____ ______. have eats a the horse kittens like race rat
That boy has had four plates of pasta. He ______ ______ ______ ______.
I hate living in a big city because I can't stand ______ ______ ______.
The kitchen looks terrible. If my mum sees it, she'll ______ ______. birds the two bag of with cat one stone let kill out the
This is a secret, so please don't ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
Let's eat here and check our emails at the same time. We can ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
TotalEnglishWbUnit10.indd 64
phrasal verbs
Match the underlined words to the phrasal verbs (a–h) with a similar meaning. 1
I learned Spanish without trying.
I have a good relationship with my sister.
She found some old photos by chance.
I respect my professor. He's very intelligent.
He liked London immediately, the first time he went there.
She sometimes takes care of her friend's baby.
He became an adult very quickly.
I raised and educated my children at home in the countryside.
look up to ______
get on ______
pick up ___1__
take to ______
bring up ______
grow up ______
look after ______
come across ______
Complete the text using the phrasal verbs from Ex. 3. Change the verb form where necessary.
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book in 1894. It tells the story of a boy called Mowgli. After his parents are killed, Mowgli is brought up by wolves. He (1)_____ _____ in the jungle. Mowgli is popular and he (2) _____ _____ with all the animals except Shere Khan, the tiger who killed his parents. He especially likes the panther, Bagheera, and (3)_____ _____ _____ him because Bagheera is so intelligent. One day, the wolves hear that Shere Khan is coming. They send Mowgli out of the jungle to live with people. When Mowgli goes on his journey, he (4)_____ _____ many other animals, by chance, who (5)_____ _____ him, giving him food and drink. One of these animals is Baloo, the lazy bear. Mowgli arrives and meets people, but he doesn't (6)_____ _____ life in the city, preferring the natural life of the jungle.
14/2/05 12:01:38 pm
10.1 2.2 5
Complete the questions using the phrasal verbs from Ex. 3. Write one word in each space. 1 A: Have ______ ______ ______ the language easily? B: Yes, I've learned a lot of new vocabulary. 2 A: Did you ______ ______ ______ Holland? B: Yes, I was born there and lived there for twenty years. 3 A: Have ______ ever ______ ______ any money in the street B: Yes, I found £10 last week. 4 A: Do you ______ ______ ______ your colleagues? B: Yes, we have a good time together. 5 A: Did ______ ______ ______ the new teacher? B: No, I didn't like her very much. 6 A: Are you ______ ______ ______ grandmother? B: Yes, she lives with me and I cook and clean for her. 7 A: Did you use to ______ ______ ______ your teacher? B: Yes, everyone respected him. He knew a lot about his subject. 8 A: Were you ______ ______ ______ France? B: Yes, I lived in France for my first fifteen years.
Pronunciation 6
I grew up in Bath.
I look up to my mum.
I brought her up.
I came across it.
I'll look after you.
I picked it up.
Listen and underline two stressed words in each sentence.
b Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.
Lifelong learning 7
Look at the student's notebook. Write the corresponding number next to each strategy the student uses. • write a definition • organise new words by topic
• write example sentences • write if there is an object with new verbs • write a translation
phrasal verbs - (1)Family and friends get on (with + (2)object) (3) have a good relationship (4)s'entendre bien avec quelqu'un (5)I get on with the other students. I don't get on with Marek , my neighbour. come across
How to … 8
a Put the letters in order to make conversational phrases. 1
I aemn
os, nayyaw
oyu ese
b 1 0 . 2 Listen or read. What do you think the speakers say next? 1
My friend is really rich. Really, really rich. He makes millions every year. I mean he's got . . .
I was crying. I didn't want to get on the aeroplane. You see . . .
We were on the mountain. Lost. We had no food, no water and no communication. I think it was a Monday or a Tuesday. So, anyway, . . .
Then he asked me to marry him. A 65-year-old man! Well, . . .
c Match the endings a–d to the sentences in Ex. 8b. a
I'm scared of flying.
I climbed down and finally saw some people.
I said no. I was only 22. Much too young for him.
five houses, eight cars and two boats.
TotalEnglishWbUnit10.indd 65
14/2/05 12:01:39 pm
10.2 Grammar 1
countable and uncountable nouns
Are the underlined words countable (C) or uncountable (U)? Write C or U. 1 Did you find much information? __ 2 She went to buy a newspaper. __ 3 I don't have much money. __ 4 He wants some advice about his career. __ 5 I've done many different jobs. __ 6 We're going to do a little work, then we'll meet you later. __ 7 I had a bit of good news: I passed my exam. __ 8 This flat needs some new furniture. __ Complete the dialogues with words from the boxes. a few
quite a lot
not much
5 6 7 8 9 10
There aren't many/some/any animals in this circus. I got some/a/the job. We're buying some/a lot of/many furniture tomorrow. Have you heard any/the/a few news? We didn't eat any/much/many chocolate last Christmas. I haven't spoken to a lot of/many/much people today
Reading 4
a How are the pictures connected? Read the text to find out, and choose the best title. Farmers' Food Is Too Hot For Elephants • The Elephants' Party • Dead Elephants Don't Eat Chilli •
A: How (1) _____ water did you drink after the
game? B: (2)_____. I was really thirsty. And you? A: (3)_____ because the bottle was almost empty! B: Sorry! (4)_____ of us nearly finished the water. a lot
a few
A: Did you see (5)_____ animals on the safari? B: We saw (6)_____ lions. Three or four. A: What about elephants? B: I've heard there are (7)_____ in the area, more
than 50. But there wasn't (8)_____ time to look for them. none
a few
a lot)
A: I didn't find (9)____ information in the library. B: There are (10)_____ of websites with
information. A: But only (11)_____ of them are good. B: That's true. And (12)_____ of them are free!
Mfuwe, Zambia, is a farming area. In 2004, the farmers had a problem: they lived near some elephants. Every few days these elephants ran over the farmers' land and destroyed a lot of food. Normally, when this happens, farmers shout at the elephants. When they hear a lot of noise, elephants get frightened and leave. The farmers tried this many times, but it didn't work. So Mr Samson Banda, a farmer, decided to do something different. He put some hot chilli on his fence. When they came to his farm, the elephants hated the smell of the chilli and they stopped attacking Mr Banda's land. Other farmers copied his idea, and it worked for them too. Now some of them have started to grow chilli, and Mr Banda travels around Zambia telling farmers about his idea.
Which alternative is not possible? Cross it out. I did a lot of/some/many work today. 2 I haven't got much/many/any money. 3 Can you give me a few/some/a little bit of advice? 4 I found some/a lot of/a bit information on the Internet. 1
TotalEnglishWbUnit10.indd 66
14/2/05 12:01:40 pm
10.2 2.2 b Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
There were some elephants near the farms in Mfuwe. The elephants ate all the farmers' food. The farmers shouted at the elephants. Mr Banda worked on a farm. Elephants like the smell of chilli. Mr Banda's plan was successful. The other farmers didn't like his idea. Some farmers in other parts of Zambia know about Mr Banda's idea.
Writing 5
Write two sentences using although. the ostrich is a bird/can't fly a Although the ostrich is a bird, it can't fly. b The ostrich is a bird, although it can't fly.
Listening 6
Cover the tapescript and listen. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). The speaker says: 1 in Europe and the US, dogs often live with families. 2 in Africa, dogs usually live in the house. 3 in Asia, an American advertisement was very successful. 4 in India, elephants have to work. 5 Africans love elephants. 10.3
b Read the tapescript. Find synonyms (words with the same meaning) for these words. The synonyms are underlined. 1 types ________ 2 scared ________ 3 it was not a success ________ 4 dirty ________ c Here are seven adjectives. Find their
parrots can talk/can't understand language a _______________________________________. b _______________________________________. 1
opposites in the tapescript. small ________ 2 safe ________ 3 weak ________ 4 clean (2 words) ________ 5 lovely ________ 6 serious ________ 1
TAPESCRIPT the exocoetidae is a fish/can fly a _______________________________________. b _______________________________________. 2
tigers are related to lions/are no tigers in Africa a _______________________________________. b _______________________________________. 3
Countries have different opinions of animals and different traditions. One example is dogs. In Europe and America, dogs are pets. They live in the house. They're part of the family. In other countries, in Africa and Asia, dogs are dirty animals. They live on the street. I remember an advertisement a few years ago, an American advertisement. It showed a man running with his dog. Man and dog as best friends. Well, they tried to show this advertisement in Asia and it was a disaster. No one wanted to see a man with a horrible, unclean animal like a dog. Another example is the elephant. In Europe, we love elephants. We think they're funny. In India, the elephant isn't funny at all. It's a worker. Elephants are used in all kinds of work because they're so strong. And then in Africa, elephants are killers. Every year they kill hundreds of people. They're big, dangerous animals and people are frightened of them.
chimpanzees can't talk/can communicate in sign language a _______________________________________. b _______________________________________. 4
TotalEnglishWbUnit10.indd 67
14/2/05 12:01:43 pm
10.3 2.2 Reading 1
Match the questions to the answers. 1 What do whales eat? 2 What do kangaroos wear in winter? 3 What keys do you find in trees? 4 What is a snake's favourite lesson? 5 Where do sick horses go? 6 What do you call a deer with no eyes? 7 What's the difference between a lion with a broken leg and a wet day? a b c d e f g
Hisssssstory. One roars with pain and the other pours with rain. Monkeys. No idea (no-eye deer). Jumpers. Fish and ships. The horsepital.
Vocabulary 2
animal sounds
Put the underlined letters in order to make animal noises. Bears lwgor when they are hungry. growl 1 Our dogs sometimes abkr all night. _____ 2 I love listening to my cat urrp. _____ 3 When I hear snakes sihs, it frightens me! _____ 4 The arro of a lion is the greatest sound in the jungle. _____ 5 Wolves lowh when there is a full moon. _____ 6 I think I heard a mouse keausq. _____
Vocabulary 3
verb + preposition combinations
Complete the sentences using words from the box. appeals worries listen depends responding apply spent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Choose the best words to complete the text. Pets for Christmas? No, thanks In the week after Christmas, thousands of pets are left on the streets – with no home and no food. Why? Because people buy pets for Christmas, and then change their minds. Pets (1) _____ to many people – the young and the old. But Chris Laurence, the chief vet for the RSPCA, says it is important to remember the cost of looking (2) _____ animals for the rest of their life. Pets are expensive. It depends (3) _____ the type of pet you have but, generally, people with pets (4) _____ £9,600 on a dog during its life, £8,000 on a cat and £7,600 on two rabbits. John Martin, a vet from Dublin, says, ‘I agree (5) _____ people who say pets are good for us. Pets are friends for old people and they help children to grow up. But we have to listen (6) _____ what the RSPCA is saying. If you (7) _____ about your child's ability to care for animals, don't buy a pet.’ If you want to (8) _____ to this article, write to [email protected] 1
A help C appeal
B work D give
A after C for
B to D with
A of C in
B to D on
A spend C buy
B cost D pay
A to C that
B on D with
A because C to
B for D on
A nervous C worry
B possible D frightened
A talk C respond
B write D discuss
Did you _____ to the radio programme yesterday? He _____ about his daughter because she's very lazy. She _____ $45 on this dress. I _____ with Boris. Let's go home. When did you _____ for the job? This book _____ to adults and children. She isn't _____ to treatment. I think we'll play today, but it _____ on the weather.
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10.3 Grammar 5
Complete the sentences with the or nothing (–). 1 _____ cats are good pets. 2 _____ best pets are dogs because they are friendly. 3 What's _____ name of your rabbit? 4 This is _____ bird I told you about. 5 This is _____ cat that ate my fish! 6 _____ tigers are the biggest animals in the cat family. 7 Do you like _____ cats? 8 _____ horse we saw earlier is called Red Rum. 9 Is it true that _____ elephants have good memories? 10 _____ tallest animals are giraffes. Complete the text with the (x7).
How to look after your pet snake! Snakes don't need much space. A strong box with small holes makes best home. Put paper or towels on the floor of box. Nicest climate for snakes is 80–85°F, and snake should be in direct sunlight, not artificial light. Put a large bowl of water in box. This is for snake to bathe, not drink. For meals, give the snake dead animals. Animals that are still alive sometimes fight and can cause problems. Most delicious animals for your snake are mice, frogs and lizards. Don't forget to tell your visitors that you have a pet snake!
How to … 7
a Put the words in order to make sentences about the pictures. Animals in the year 2100 AD A group of 10-year-old children drew the animals of the future. Look at three of the best pictures. 1
7 8 9 10
type be it lion a of could _______________________________________ Picture __ it like horse a looks _______________________________________ Picture __ bird it's a perhaps _______________________________________ Picture __ big it's I a think cat _______________________________________ Picture __ a could it robot be _______________________________________ Picture __ dangerous looks it _______________________________________ Picture __ bird it's don't I think a _______________________________________ doesn't animal like an it look _______________________________________ isn't perhaps lion a it _______________________________________ a couldn't it horse be _______________________________________
b Which pictures are sentences 1–6 about? B
TotalEnglishWbUnit10.indd 69
14/2/05 12:01:46 pm
11.1 Travel Vocabulary 1
Put the underlined letters in order to make forms of transport. Then put the words in brackets into the correct form to complete the sentences. Sarah took (take) a bus sub to the main square. 1
I prefer _____ (ride) a _____ cibelyc around the city. It keeps me fit.
We had to show our tickets before _____ (get) on the _____ rinat.
We should _____ (catch) a _____ xiat to the airport, or we are going to _____ (miss) the _____ nealp.
Should I _____ (get off ) the _____ ubs at the next stop for the museum?
We _____ (take) a _____ ryefr to Robin Island. It was beautiful.
We _____ (go) by _____ acohc to Amsterdam. It was cheaper than the train.
You have to pay if you want to _____ (drive) a _____ rac in the city centre.
He started _____ (ride) a _____ botmoreki when he was fifty.
Things to do: ✓1 collect plane
tickets 2 pack clothes ✓3 find passport ey ✓4 change mon es ✓5 buy sunglass
Present Perfect with just, yet,
Look at the list of things Julia needs to do before she catches her plane. Write sentences to describe what Julia has done already (✓) or hasn't done yet ( ).
Correct the word order in the sentences.
She has already collected the plane tickets.
Jim hasn't found yet a new job.
Jim hasn't found a new job yet.
We've come back from Turkey just, so we haven't seen your letters. _______________________________________
Fernando already has had his lunch.
_______________________________________ 3 A: Have you yet read that book? B: Yes, I've finished it just. _______________________________________ 4 A: Have yet you been to the museum? B: Yes, we've been there already.
Pronunciation 4
a Choose the correct sound for the underlined letters. 1
Can I have a glass of orange juice, please? /j/ or /dZ/
Already I have spoken to the manager about the problem.
Have you seen the Cathedral yet? /j/ or /dZ/
I put the milk in the fridge. /j/ or /dZ/
_______________________________________ A: Is Roberto still there? B: No. He's left just. _______________________________________
He’s going to be a lawyer. /j/ or /dZ/
That shop sells lovely jewellery. /j/ or /dZ/
You’ll need to ask the judge. /j/ or /dZ/
_______________________________________ 5
6 close windows 7 water the plants ✓8 write Erica a letter with instructions 9 take the cat to Erica's house
It is only 9.30, but Sam already has gone to bed. _______________________________________
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 70
Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the sentences. 11.1
14/2/05 12:02:23 pm
11.1 2.2 Vocabulary 5
Lifelong learning
Complete the sentences below. Use the words to complete the crossword. 1 3
Complete the vocabulary notebook with the opposite words.
2 A
L 4
Across 3
You can see more of the city if you use _____ transport.
During busy periods it's best to _____ your holiday early.
We like museums and churches so we go _____ and take lots of photos.
Did you use buses and trains or _____ a car?
Down 1
I'm a good cook, so I enjoy self-_____ holidays.
I love discos, so every night I go _____.
I usually lie on a beach and _____ all day.
When I go on holiday I always _____ a towel, suncream and shorts.
The cheapest holidays are last _____ deals.
1 cheap (little money) vs _____ (lots of money) eg The hotel was very cheap/_____. 2 busy (lots of people/noise)vs _____ (no people/ noise) eg I walked through the busy/_____ market. 3 empty (no people) vs _____ (lots of people in a place) eg The room was empty/_____.
How to … 7
a Put the words in order to make sentences. 1
friend with mine an went I old of _______________________________________
all We day sunbathed _______________________________________
holiday on been I've just _______________________________________
in stayed hotel beautiful We a _______________________________________
got early deal and We a booked good _______________________________________
was Greece a holiday two-week It beach in _______________________________________
b Match the functions to the sentences in Ex. 7a. a
When? _____
Who with? _____
What/Where/How long? _____
Where to stay? _____
Booking? _____
Activity? _____
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 71
14/2/05 12:02:25 pm
11.2 Vocabulary 1
greetings and presents
Complete the sentences with a suitable word. 1
She _____ me on both cheeks when we said goodbye.
Match the sentence halves. I wrote 2 He bought 3 My father taught 4 Can I offer 5 I have lent 6 I promised 7 I told 8 Did you bring 9 Dave owes 1
We bought some chocolates as a _____ to say thank you.
a b c d e
At the end of the concert the pianist _____.
f g h i
We _____ at the aeroplane from the departure lounge.
How to ... 4
The Prime Ministers _____ hands.
Grammar 2
verbs with two objects
Choose the best alternative. He told/promised me a box of chocolates. 2 We offered/owed him a lift in our car. 3 Can you bring/lend me €100 until next week? 4 I have sent/told the questionnaire to the organisers. 5 The man in reception told/gave me a map. 6 My friend Pablo brought/offered me Spanish lessons. 7 The company owes/tells a lot of money to the employees. 8 I told/gave Julia's secret to everybody in the class. 1
us some chocolate from Switzerland? you a cup of coffee? me €20 for the gas bill. me Portuguese. him the price of the new car. a letter to the bank this morning. her my CD player, because hers is broken. to give him a new bicycle for his birthday. me some flowers, and asked me to marry him!
Add the words in brackets to these generalisations. 1 Italians love eating ice cream. (the) _______________________________________ 2 Children watch too much television. (tend to) _______________________________________ 3 Students have to get jobs in their holidays. (usually) _______________________________________ 4 Rich are getting richer every day. (the) _______________________________________ 5 People in Australia spend a lot of time outside. (generally) _______________________________________ 6 British eat a lot of roast beef. (the) _______________________________________ 7 Japanese workers don't take much holiday. (tend to) _______________________________________ 8 Teenagers don't listen to jazz or classical music. (usually) _______________________________________
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 72
14/2/05 12:02:27 pm
11.2 2.2 Listening
Cover the tapescript. Listen to some advice. Number the pictures in the order they are talked about. 11.2
b Listen again and complete the tapescript. A
TAPESCRIPT Advice 1: The 1 _____ tend to be very punctual in business. For any business meeting, you should arrive 2 _____, or even early. If you know that you’ll be late, you should 3 _____ and tell someone about your delay. Advice 2: When people meet for business, they 4 _____ introduce themselves by shaking hands. When you 5 _____, don’t press too hard, or too lightly. A firm handshake is best. Advice 3: People don't always exchange business cards when they meet. But if you need contact information, it is OK to ask a colleague for their 6_____. It is also OK to 7 _____ someone your card. But you don't have to exchange cards, as in some cultures.
Read Greg's diary and choose the correct answers.
Tuesday 14th September
What a terrible mistake! I've tried to do ever ything right since arriving in Russia, and now I’ve made a stupid mistake. Yesterday, Dimitri gave me some advice abo ut how to behave in Russia. He explained that Rus sians are very polite. ‘You should always offer to help a lady,’ he explained. ‘Gentlemen should pour drinks, and open doors, and do other things to help them.’ So last night when I went out to dinner with Nicolai, and his wife, Yulya, I wanted to do my best. At the end of the meal I offered Yulya a banana from the fruit basket. She smiled, and accepted, but she didn't take one. I didn’t know what to do, so I picked a banana , peeled it and handed it to her. Yulya and Nicolai both smiled so I thought I had done the right thing. I told ever yone at the hotel that in Russia, the polite thing is to peel bananas for the ladies. But now I've learned my mistake. Grigorii has just told me that in Russia, when a man peels a ban ana for a lady it means he has a romantic interest in her. I feel so embarrassed. 1
Advice 4: It’s important not to offer 8 _____ or other presents as a way to help finalise a business deal. 6
Greg is A in the USA. B in Russia. Greg gets some advice about A what to do in Russia. B Russian restaurants. Dimitri says that gentlemen should A always offer to help ladies. B always invite ladies out to dinner. When he goes out to dinner, Greg A eats Yulya’s banana. B peels a banana for Yulya. Greg thinks he has done the right thing because A Yulya and Nicolai smile at him. B Yulya peels a banana for him too. Greg learns that in Russia if a man peels a banana for a lady it means A that he has a romantic interest in her. B that he likes bananas.
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 73
14/2/05 12:02:31 pm
11.3 Grammar 1
Past Perfect
Choose the correct alternative.
The boy who kept walking
niel hen 13-year-old Edward Da La k's Sabillion arrived at New Yor He Guardia Airpor t, he was tired. m Honduras (1) walked/had walked for 37 days fro Florida. across Guatemala, Mexico, Texas and
Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. I went (✓) to Russia last year. I hadn't been ( ) before. (go) 1 I _____ (✓) very well because I _____ ( ) at all the night before. (sleep) 2 I _____ (✓) lots of photos on the last day because I _____ ( ) many before. (take) 3 I was very pleased that we _____ (✓) Jessica the other day, as I _____ ( ) for a long time. (see) 4 We _____ (✓) in a delicious restaurant. I _____ ( ) there before. (eat)
Answer the questions using the prompts. Why didn't you recognise her? I / not see / her for years I hadn't seen her for years. 1 Why did you leave so early? I / promise / to visit a friend _______________________________________ 2 Why was the house so quiet? We / go / to bed _______________________________________ 3 Why didn't you eat with them? I / have / my breakfast already _______________________________________ 4 Why didn't you stay in the hotel? I / not book / a room _______________________________________ 5 Why didn't you buy the suit? I / forgot / my credit card _______________________________________
grandfather Sabillion said his mother, brother and nduras. He (2) died/had died in a disaster in Ho his father, had travelled to New York to find t before. who he (3) never met/had never me n't find/hadn't When Edward arrived he (4) did the address found his father because he had lost (5) sent/had and telephone number his father spent a day sent him. The boy (6) spent/had ice Captain, at a police station. New York Pol /had eaten Thomas Kelly, said, ‘He (7) ate am cake.’ McDonald's and had some ice-cre A few days later….
The truth comes out
esterday, Edward Sabillion finally (8) told/had told the truth abo ut his story. He (9) didn't walk/hadn't walked for 37 days, from Honduras to Ne w York. He already lived in the US, and had run away from home. His grandmother said she didn't know why he (10) invented/had invent ed this story, and she wanted him to come hom e.
Pronunciation 4
Listen. Are had and hadn't stressed or unstressed? 11.3
b Practise saying the sentences. 74
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 74
14/2/05 12:02:32 pm
11.3 Writing 5
a Put two words from the box in each circle.
11 ______________________ 12 ______________________
shy exciting crowded mountainous sunny friendly green comfortable tasty regular delicious cloudy
People Countryside ______________________
10 ______________________
Weather Food 7
Transport 5
b Read the texts. What are they about? Choose from the six categories in Ex. 4a.
1 When it came down, it came down hard, with a sound like stones hitting the roof. Needles of water were flying out of the black sky. Within minutes the road became a river. 2 I've been on gondolas in Venice, European trains, even a helicopter that circled New York, but this was the best journey of all. We saw cow s in the street, people with baskets of food on the ir shoulders, sleeping dogs, whole moving marke ts, as one thin boy with bandy legs pulled our rick shaw.
3 The River Basayat, in front of us, snakes around the Charkandar Hills. If you look hard enough, you can see birds sky-dancing at the top of the mountain. There the trees are just matchsticks, the people tiny dots. c Use the vocabulary in Ex. 4a to complete the sentences, making them more interesting. We arrived at the _____ market. 2 There were _____ faces smiling from every corner. 3 A _____ girl walked past with a basket of flowers. She looked at her feet. 1
An old lady sold her _____ salads, ready to eat. 5 We drove in a _____ taxi through the _____ city centre. 6 The weather was good, so we enjoyed a _____ lunch on the _____ balcony, and looked at the _____ view. 4
TotalEnglishWbUnit11.indd 75
14/2/05 12:02:34 pm
12.1 Money Vocabulary 1
Complete the sentences with a word from the box in the correct form.
second conditional
Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.
withdraw win earn lend save borrow
Can you _____ me some money? I left my wallet at home.
I _____ £50 in a competition yesterday!
Can we stop at the bank? I need to _____ some money.
I _____ €50 an hour in my job.
We had to _____ money to pay for the car.
My sister _____ money every month. I spend mine immediately!
Choose the best words to complete the texts.
Memo: Advice for employees going to work in the UK To: All From: Jan Work: you will earn a (1) _____, which is paid every month. You have to pay (2) _____ and this goes to the government. When you retire (aged 65), you get a (3) _____. In Britain you pay (4) _____ on money that you borrow from banks. Shopping: most shops now take credit cards, but if you buy something in a market you usually pay in (5) _____. In small shops and on buses, etc. it's best to have the correct (6) _____. In restaurants, it is common to leave a (7) _____ of about 10% for good service. 1
A cost
A for
A tip
A for
A cash
A change
A money
salary pension spending interest time cost tip
price tax pension price money price cheque
1 My dream: be friends with Madonna. If I http://ww w.musici _____ (be) ansexcha friend s with Madon na, I_____ (take) her to Burger King. Miki, 10 2 My dream: have my own aeroplane. I _____ (visit) my grandfather in California every holiday if I _____ (have) my own aeroplane. Serhat, 11 3 My dream : talk to Julia http://ww w.musici Rober ansexcha ts. I _____ (have) dinner with Julia Roberts if I _____ (meet) her. Luke, 10 4 My dream http://ww : speak w.musici differe ansexchant languages. If I _____ (speak) many languages, I _____ (talk) to all the people in the world. Elle, 6 5 My dream: have my own computer. I _____ (write) emails to my friends if I _____ (have) a computer. Reuben, 10 6 My dream: be a singer. If I _____ (sing) well, I _____ (start) my own band. Li, 10 7 My dream: have a big car. I _____ (buy) a Mercedes if I _____ (be) rich enough. Tim, 7 8 My dream: meet my favourite footballer. If I _____ (go) to Argentina, I _____ (play) football with Diego Maradona. Elena, 10
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 76
14/2/05 12:03:35 pm
12.1 2.2 4
Match 1–6 to a–f and write sentences using the second conditional. 1 If I/be/better at football 2 If she/not be/so busy 3 If she/know/his number 4 If I/not already have/a dog 5 If he/eat more 6 If I/live/in Brazil get/a cat. not be/hungry all the time. c have to/speak Portuguese. d have/time to see us. e play/in the first team. f call/him.
The most honest boy in Britain 1
Nathan Gittings is the most honest boy in Britain. Nathan was standing at a bus stop when he found over £10,000 in cash in two shopping bags. At first he didn't do anything. He thought that someone would return for them. But the following day, the bags were still there. Nathan picked them up and ran home. He showed his mother what he had found and called the police. Nathan said, ‘I couldn't believe it when I found the money. I'd never seen that much in my life. But it wasn't mine so I knew I had to hand it in.’ The Gwent police were happy and surprised at Nathan's honesty. It was discovered later that the money belonged to a ‘confused man’. It was his life savings.
The most honest woman in Britain 5
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 If I had more time, I'd to learn a new language. 2 What would you do when you lost your wallet? 3 If I would have a holiday, I'd go to Mauritius. 4 We wouldn't driven to work if we lived nearer the office. 5 She'd be here now if it is possible. 6 If you left your country, you would miss it? 7 I would sleep all morning if I would have the chance. 8 If I wasn't be so lazy, I wouldn't enjoy beach holidays.
Reading 6
a Read the stories. Then look at the sentences. Write N (Nathan), W (woman), NW (both), or X (neither of them). 1 __ found a lot of money. 2 __ travelled on a train. 3 __ gave some money back. 4 __ stole some money. 5 __ ran somewhere. 6 __ wrote a cheque. 7 __ spent a lot of money. 8 __ called the police. 9 __ did something wrong more than fifty years ago. 10 __ won some money.
A woman who didn't pay for her train ticket returned to the station and paid for it . . . fifty years later. The woman, now in her sixties, said she was late when she arrived at the station in 1950. She ran into the station and jumped onto the train. She wanted to buy a ticket on the train but no one came to check tickets that day. Fifty years later the woman wrote a letter and sent a cheque to First North Western Railway Company. A single ticket is now £69 so she sent a cheque for £70. She had recently become religious and wanted to be honest about her past. The money will be given to charity.
b What do these words refer to? them (line 5) a two shopping bags b the bus stop c the police 2 it (line 11) a his home b the bags c the money 3 it (line 19) a the train b the station c the ticket 1
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 77
14/2/05 12:03:40 pm
12.2 2.2 Vocabulary 1
Look at the table and answer the questions. MATHS
12% 92%
90% 76%
1 1 2 3 4 5
Who took the Geography exam? _____ Who passed the Maths exam? _____ Who failed the Maths exam? _____ Who has to retake the History exam? _____ Who got two very good results? _____
Choose the best alternative. 1 Did you hear the exam results/rewards? 2 My favourite subjects/topics are: History, Geography and Biology. 3 I have to fail/retake my exam in June. 4 She attended most of her university lectures/lessons. 5 I took/passed my exam with a grade A. 6 I saw my old English professor/teacher from junior school yesterday.
Grammar 3
reported speech
Read the messages. What exact words did the speakers say? John said he couldn't come tonight 'I can't come tonight.'
Rupesh said he would meet John at home at 6. ___________________ 2
Mary told me that her sister wasn't going to Germany. _____________________________
3 Rob said that my dinner was in the oven. _____________
4 Katia Scarfoni said she
had been too busy to visit Renzo yesterday.
Mick and Lola are talking. Put the sentences into reported _________________ speech. Use the verbs in brackets and that. Mick: Lola, I'm hungry! (tell) 5 Stephanie to ld me she had Mick told Lola that he was hungry. a meeting at 10 ______ .30. ______ 1 Lola: You can go and buy some bread. ______ Lola ________________________________________________. (tell) 2 Mick: I don't have any money. Mick _______________________________________________. (say) 6 Dad said he had 3 Lola: That's nothing new. taken the keys. Lola ________________________________________________. (tell) __________ 4 Mick: I'll go to the bank. __________ Mick _______________________________________________. (say) 5 Lola: You don't have a bank account. Lola ________________________________________________. (tell) 7 Mum said we could buy some milk. 6 Mick: I'm going to open a bank account. ______________ Mick _______________________________________________. (say) 7 Lola: You're going to need a job first. Lola ________________________________________________. (tell) me 8 Mick: I'm not hungry any more. 8 Suleiman told y. ad re the car was Mick _______________________________________________. (say) _ ____________________
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 78
14/2/05 12:03:41 pm
12.2 2.2 5
These are the last things these people said before they died. Put their words into reported speech. 'I have no plans.' (Ramsay MacDonald, British Prime Minister) He said that he didn’t have any plans. 1
4 5
‘That was the best ice-cream soda I ever tasted.’ (Lou Costello, US comedian) _______________________________________ ‘That was a great game of golf.’ (Bing Crosby, US entertainer) _______________________________________ ‘Luisa, you always arrive just as I am leaving.’ (Massimo Azeglio, Italian politician, to his wife) _______________________________________ ‘I'm bored.’ (Gabriele D'Annunzio, Italian poet) _______________________________________ ‘It has all been most interesting.’ (Lady Mary Montagu, English writer) _______________________________________ ‘Dying is the last thing I will do.’ (Lord Palmerston, British politician) _______________________________________ ‘Last words are for stupid people who haven't said enough.’ (Karl Marx, German political theorist) _______________________________________
How to … 6
Put the words in order to make answers to the questions. 1 A: Do you earn a lot of money? B: say I'd not rather _______________________________________ 2 A: Are you into cricket? B: mean what , do you sorry ? _______________________________________ 3 A: Where will you be next year? B: question a that's good _______________________________________ 4 A: Do you think your team will win the championship this year? B: to difficult it's say _______________________________________ 5 A: What would you do if this happened to you? B: I it moment for think can a about? _______________________________________
Writing 7
a Complete the expressions with the correct words from the box. about 1 2 3 4 5
I _____ saw your . . . I'd be _____ if you could . . . Could you _____ me . . . I'd like to know more _____ . . . _____ you tell me . . .
b Write the expressions from Ex. 7a in the correct place in the letter. 4 Clarendon Road West Gorlip SE2 7BC Dear Mr Garvey, 1____________
________ advertisement in the Hounslow Chronicle, and I am ver y interested in the Russian language cou rse. 2____________ ________ the course, for example, 3____________________ how much it costs? Also, 4____________________ let me know what time it finishes, becaus e I pick up my children from school at 4.00. Anyway, 5____________________ an information pack? My address is as above.
Yours sincerely, Cecilia Rowntree
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 79
14/2/05 12:03:42 pm
verbs + prepositions
The underlined prepositions in the sentences are wrong. Correct them. 1 I like listening at music. ______ 2 I applied to a job in Jamaica. ______ 3 Look with the horses! ______ 4 Do you argue to your brothers a lot? ______ 5 I apologised to being late. ______ 6 We waited up you for twenty minutes. ______ 7 Maybe we'll have a picnic, but it depends for the weather. ______ 8 I paid to the drinks by credit card. ______ 9 Do you want to play by your friends? ______
Put the lines of the email in the correct order.
1 Hi Jim, I just had a terrible week. First I argued up, the boss was looking for a job in a restaurant in town. I had to wait for breaking it, but my parents said I had to pay for ages before my interview. I was listening with the dog and she broke an expensive vase. I apologised with my parents because I was playing for the vase. I didn't have any money, so I applied to music on my personal stereo and I fell asleep.
When I woke 10 at me. It was the worst week I've had for a long time.
Grammar 3
both / neither / either
Look at photos A and B of American presidents. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Both of them are with their wife. T 2 Neither of them is wearing a tie. 3 Bill’s child isn’t in the photo and John’s isn’t either. 4 Neither of them has got a beard. 5 Both their wives are wearing a hat. 6 I don’t think either of them looks unhappy. 7 Both of them have got short hair. 8 Neither of the presidents is wearing a suit.
Complete the sentences with both, neither or either. The Strange Story of Two Presidents 1 Abraham Lincoln worked on a boat. John F. Kennedy also worked on a boat. _____ of them worked on boats. 2 Lincoln was killed while he was President. Kennedy was also killed while he was President. _____ Lincoln nor Kennedy finished their presidency. 3 Lincoln became President in 1860. Kennedy became President in 1960. They _____ became presidents in the sixties. 4 Lincoln studied law, but didn't work as a lawyer. Kennedy also studied law, but didn't work as a lawyer. _____ of them worked as lawyers. 5 Many white people in the south didn't like Lincoln. Many white people in the south didn't like Kennedy. Many white southerners didn't like _____ them. 6 After Lincoln died, Andrew Johnson (born 1808) became President. After Kennedy died, Lyndon Johnson (born 1908) became President. Men called Johnson followed _____ of them. 7 Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theatre. Kennedy was killed in a Ford Lincoln car. _____ of them died in Fords. 8 Kennedy saw a ghost of Lincoln in the White House (but this might not be true). There is _____ a ghost of Lincoln in the White House or someone invented the story.
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 80
14/2/05 12:03:45 pm
b Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6
Listening 5
Cover the tapescript. Zeinab and Rob have finished a Spanish course. Number the ideas in the order they talk about them. Do exercises on the Internet. Read Spanish books and newspapers. Listen to cassettes. Write emails to a Spanish friend. 1 Do a conversation exchange. Travel to a Spanish-speaking country. 12.1
R: Z: R: Z: R:
Z: R: Z: R: Z: R: Z: R: Z: R:
Zeinab, are you going to continue with your Spanish? Oh yes, definitely. How? What are you going to do? That's a good question. I've got lots of ideas. I've got a Spanish friend and we write emails to each other. We always wrote in English, but now we can write in Spanish. That's great. And I'm hoping to visit her in Madrid too, so I can practise my Spanish. What about you? I want to find someone to do a conversation exchange. What's that? Conversation exchange? It's when you find, say, a Spanish person who wants to improve their English. Then you meet. And you speak together for half an hour in English and half an hour in Spanish. That's a good idea. Yeah. I hope I can find someone at a language school. Do you read much? Yeah, I like reading. I want to try reading books in Spanish. What type? I'm going to try short novels or children's books. Maybe newspapers too. Good idea. And there's always the Internet. There are lots of websites for language learners. That's true. And cassettes too, to improve your listening. Yeah, we've got the cassettes from the course.
Zeinab wants to write emails to a friend in English. Zeinab wants to visit her friend in Madrid. Rob wants to do a conversation exchange with a Spanish speaker. Rob and Zeinab don't like reading. Zeinab wants to read poetry in Spanish. They have listening cassettes from their Spanish course.
Pronunciation 6
a 1 2 . 2 Tick (✓) the sentences from each pair that you hear. 1 a Either of us will win. b Neither of us will win. 2 a Both boys bought a bag. b Beth's boys bought a bag. 3 a They're either French or Spanish. b They're neither French nor Spanish. 4 a He saw us both. b He saw the boats. 5 a It's either blue or grey. b It's neither blue nor grey. 6 a We're most interested in art. b We're both interested in art. b Listen and repeat the sentences.
TotalEnglishWbUnit12.indd 81
14/2/05 12:03:46 pm
Review and consolidation units 10–12 The definite article (the) and phrasal verbs
Present Perfect with just/yet/ already
Complete the sentences by adding one missing word. 1 When I was in Mexico I picked a little Spanish. 2 This is man who I told you about. 3 When she was a child she looked up her father. 4 John Brown grew in a big, happy family. 5 Golf is best sport in the world. 6 I was brought on a farm, so I’ve always loved animals. 7 There are two cinemas here – cinema on Brand Street is very small. 8 I’ve found a great restaurant – I came across when I went for a walk yesterday. 9 Jack was most intelligent student I’ve ever taught. 10 I have to after my little sister because she’s feeling sick.
Countable/uncountable nouns 2
One alternative in each sentence is incorrect. Cross it out. 1 I had a bit of / a lot of / many work to do yesterday. 2 We didn’t want much / many / any information. 3 There are a few / a little / some jobs I would never do. 4 I saw the same article in much / a lot of / a few newspapers last week. 5 I hope to do some / any / a bit of travel in the future. 6 We didn’t know there were any / many / much animals in the Amazon. 7 I asked for a little / many / some advice about which subjects to study. 8 Have you heard many / much / any news about the election results? 9 Did you find a bit of / any / a few furniture for the new office? 10 I wrote a little / some / a lot of cheques last week.
Complete the gaps with just, yet or already. 1 I haven’t seen the film . (I’m seeing it tomorrow.) 2 She’s done her homework. (She did it two days early.) 3 Have you heard Jamelia’s new CD? (I expect you have.) 4 My sister has had a baby boy! (She had him two hours ago.) 5 Has David finished? (The test only started ten minutes ago.) 6 I’ve met my new boss. She’s beautiful! (I met her one minute ago.) 7 We’ve studied this topic. (We studied it weeks ago.) 8 She hasn’t decided what to eat . (She is very slow to choose.) 9 They’ve opened a new school. (They opened it this morning.) 10 My cousins have visited me. (I didn’t expect them so soon.)
Past Perfect 4
Underline the best verb form. 1 We visited Syria. We didn’t go / hadn’t been there before. 2 I went to Bill’s house but he wasn’t there. He went / had gone into town already. 3 She switched off the television and went / had gone to bed. 4 I wanted to listen to my personal stereo but I left / had left all my CDs in the flat. 5 A new secretary arrived. She didn’t work / hadn’t worked in our office before. 6 I left my job in the hospital and after that I worked / had worked in a factory. 7 I didn’t recognise Josie because I didn’t see / hadn’t seen her for years. 8 He heard music from the flat below. The party started / had started already. 9 It was Dr Luber on the phone! Did he find / Had he found a solution to their problem? 10 I got into the car and drove / had driven for hours. The road was quiet.
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Second conditional
Make second conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets. 1 If I (have) enough money, I (buy) an aeroplane. 2 She (stay) here longer if (can). 3 If you (not/work) here, where (like) to work? 4 The city (be) perfect if there (not/be) so many cars. 5 (you/do) a presentation at the conference if we (pay) you? 6 If laptop computers (be) cheaper, I (get) one. 7 I (not/sleep) if I (drink) as much coffee as Paola. 8 If everyone (stop) smoking we (save) millions of euros every year. 9 (she/call) him if she (have) his number? 10 If I (had) the choice, I (not/live) in a small town.
Reported speech 6
Change the sentences from direct speech to reported speech. 1 ‘We both like fish.’ They told me that . . . 2 ‘Neither of my brothers went to university.’ I said that . . . 3 ‘I can’t dance.’ She told me that . . . 4 ‘It will rain later.’ He said that . . . 5 ‘I’ve lost my watch.’ He told me that . . . 6 ‘We don’t have any money.’ They said that . . . 7 ‘I won’t tell anyone your secret.’ She told me that . . . 8 ‘I’ll either go to China or India for my holiday.’ He said that . . . 9 ‘Both of my dogs sleep all day.’ She told me that . . . 10 ‘Neither of my sisters has travelled much.’ I said that . . .
Complete the sentences using verbs from the box. You may have to change the verb form. appeal depend book pass worry shake miss apply retake spend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
When you meet another businessman, you should hands. That sounds great. A week on the beach really to me! Hurry up! We’re going to the plane! I read the advertisement, but I didn’t for the job. I’m so happy because I all my exams! We a lot of money on food. I don’t know if we’ll go away this weekend. It on the weather. If you fail, you have to your exam. You need to your holiday early. Don’t about the test. You’ll do very well.
b Complete the sentences using nouns from the box. subject cash transport tip salary race deal mouse pension lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
She’s been quiet as a for the last hour. Will you get a when you retire? The waiter was excellent. I’m going to leave a . Did you go to the about Picasso? I’m leaving the city. I hate being part of the rat . What’s your favourite at school? For our holiday we got a last minute . It was really cheap. When I’m abroad, I use local to travel around. My is paid every month into my bank account. I always pay in . I hate credit cards.
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14/2/05 12:04:14 pm
Vocabulary bank Phrases with go, have and get
Describing people and places
Put the phrases in the box in the correct place in the table. Add more phrases as you learn them.
Complete the words in the chart. Add more words or phrases as you learn them.
on well with someone children on a diet to bed late by bus better/worse married in touch a shower
Describing people (appearance) th_____ tal_____
a lie-in
good-lo_____ overwei_____ skin_____
up early
Describing people (character) determ_____ ambit_____
Food and drink
Add more words to the word map as you learn them.
organis_____ chat_____
Describing places
frying pan
be situa_____ in
mineral water
regi_____ landsc_____ natural beau_____
Food and Drink
Tastes delicious
_________________ _________________
Phrases eat out
_________________ _________________
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14/2/05 12:09:25 pm
Jobs Write the job in the correct place in the list. Add other jobs as you learn them. firefighter secretary sales rep receptionist plumber fashion designer Who welcomes people to a building? __________ Who designs clothes? __________ Who fixes problems with water pipes? __________ Who travels around selling a product? __________ Who stops fires? __________ Who helps the boss get organised? __________
Verbs + prepositions Write the verbs in the correct place according to the preposition. Add to the list as you learn more verbs + prepositions. depend appeal agree respond argue apply spend (money/time) listen belong play apologise wait _____ _____ _____
Transport Look at the picture. Add the different types of transport to the table below. Add other types of transport as you learn them. Usually for one person
_____ _____ _____ _____
2 3 train
4 5
Usually transports goods/things (not people)
Put the correct preposition next to the verb. Add to the list as you learn more phrasal verbs.
Takes goods/things AND many people
Phrasal verbs
Can take 1 - 5 people
Usually takes many people
_____ _____ _____ _____
6 7 8
get _____ with = have a good relationship go out _____ = be someone's partner ask someone _____ = invite someone on a date with you put _____ with = accept a bad situation without complaining get _____ = stop feeling sad about something look _____ = take care of come _____ = find by chance look up _____ = respect
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14/2/05 12:09:28 pm
Answer key Unit 1 24 hours
Grammar: adverbs of frequency 5 1 I hardly ever forget to take my books to college.
Lesson 1.1 Vocabulary: everyday actions 1 a 1 j 2h 3d 4g 5b 6c 7 i 8 1 b 1 check my e-mails 2 chat on the phone radio 4 catch a bus
e 9 f 10 a 3 listen to the 6 watch TV
5 stay in bed late
Grammar: likes and dislikes 2 a 1 hate 2 love 3 keen 4 like 5 7 like 8 stand 9 quite 3 1 like 2 don’t mind 3 quite keen on 5 really like 6 not very keen on
love 6 mind 4 can’t stand
Reading 4 a Noon – Think about a problem
2 p.m. – Visit the dentist 5 p.m. – Eat your dinner 8 p.m. – Stretch b 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T
Vocabulary: time phrases 5 a 1 In 2 At 3 On 4 In 5 in
6 At/On 7 In 8 On
9 At
2 Jake is never late. 3 We often see Pablo and Juan after the game. 4 Do you always drink coffee in the morning? 5 We sometimes visit my grandmother in France 6 It is usually sunny in August.
Pronunciation: do/does 6b 1 A: What do you do? B: I’m an artist.
2 A: Do you like going to the cinema? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Do you have the tickets? B: No, I don’t. 4 A: Does she know we’re coming? B: Yes, she does. 5 A: Do you remember your dreams? B: No, I don’t. 6 A: Does he have a car? B: No, he doesn’t.
Lesson 1.3 Vocabulary: everyday actions 1 1 Yes, he does No, he isn’t. He’s skiing.
2 Yes, they do. Yes, they are. They’re playing guitar. 3 Yes, she does. No, she isn’t. She’s going to the cinema. 2 1 practise 2 teach 3 am dancing 4 are performing 5 think 6 work 7 don’t have 8 like 9 are skiing 10 are staying 11 is 12 ’m learning 3 1 don’t like 2 are celebrating 3 finishes 4 ’m not watching 5 ’s having 6 isn’t working 7 doesn’t think 8 ’s looking
Reading 4a The future of shopping b 1 a 2b 3c 4b 5
Lesson 1.2 Listening 1 a Sleep weekdays (hours)
Sleep weekend (hours)
Insomnia (yes/no)
Alarm clock (yes/no)
about six
about ten
yes (two)
seven or eight
six or seven
yes (sometimes)
no (not usually)
1 Liz 2 Liz 3 Paul 4 She can’t sleep 5 Because she turns the first one off and falls asleep again 6 When he has to get up very early
Writing 5 businness (line 5) (line 15)
realy (line 11) planing (line 16)
finnish (line 13)
Unit 2 Music Lesson 2.1 Vocabulary: music 1 a 1 lead singer = picture b
2 composer = picture d 3 band = picture a 4 guitar = picture f 5 concert = picture e 6 compilation cd = picture c
Vocabulary: daily routines 2
c 6 a
1 c 2 e 3 d 4 b 5 f 6 a
Grammar: Past Simple 2 1 sang 2 was 3 won 4 used
5 studied 6 met 7 was 8 changed 9 died 10 started 11 became 12 performed 13 sold
s h
1 What did you eat for lunch? 2 Where were you this morning? 3 What did you do on Saturday night? 4 When did you leave school? 5 When did you start this job? 6 What instrument did you play at school? 7 Where did you live as a child? 8 What did you study at college?
8 6
e p
Grammar: Present simple 3 1 doesn’t know 2 finishes 3 lives
4 works 5 has 6 enjoys 7 doesn’t smoke 8 does 9 doesn’t work 10 spends 11 watches 12 reads 13 goes 14 does 15 doesn’t cook 16 brings 4 1 A: Do you like swimming? B: Yes, I do. 2 A: Do they got to bed early every night? B: No, they don’t. 3 A: Does she speak Spanish? B: Yes, she does. 4 A: Does he go to university? B: No, he doesn’t. 5 A: Do you have lots of homework? B: No, I don’t. 6 A: Do we have her telephone number? B: No, we don’t. 7 A: Do they remember you? B: Yes, they do. 8 A: Do you want to come out later? B: Yes, I do.
1 didn’t like 2 had 3 didn’t sleep 4 ate 5 didn’t go 6 was 7 didn’t see 8 lived 9 didn’t do 10 gave
Pronunciation 5 1 played 2 washed 6a a ago b in c as b 1 e 2g 3c 4f
3 worked 4 ended 5 hated d after e up f of g at 5 b 6 d 7 a
Lesson 2.2 Vocabulary: word families 1 1 tiredness 2 intelligence 3 relaxing 5 relaxation 6 energetic 9 energy
4 tired 7 imagination 8 relaxing
TotalEnglishWbAnswerKey .indd 86
14/2/05 12:07:46 pm
Unit 3 Taste
2a 1
Lesson 3.1 Vocabulary: food, drink, people, kitchen equipment 11 h 2i 3j 4l 5k 6e 7f 8a 11 c 12 d
1 cook for myself 2 cut down on 3 a vegetarian 4 celebrity chef 5 on a diet 6 dinner party 7 eat out 8 gave up
Grammar: So do I/Neither am I 3 1 j 2 c 3 f 4 h 5 e 6) b 7 i 8 a 9 g 10 4 1 So did I. 2 I don’t. 3 So have I. 4 Neither can I 6 I don’t
7 I didn’t
8 I’m not
9 So do I
Listening 3a summary 2: Hannah is a vegetarian who likes eating at home. b 1 When she was at school. 2 No, she doesn’t. 3 Yes, she d 5 So do I
Listening 5a Rock

Helena ✓

1 into 2 listened 3 bands 4 music 5 to 6 really 7 would 8 read
Lifelong learning 6b stress (1) example sentence (4)
part of speech (2)
definition (3)
Writing 7 I like many different types of music.
Hip hop is my favourite, but I also listen to rap music. My favourite band is called Fugees. I love their CD, The Score – the songs are intelligent and have excellent tunes. Sometimes I listen to classical music. I like Verdi and Puccini. I don’t go to concerts because I prefer listening to music at home.
Lesson 2.3 Grammar: Present Perfect 1 1 I’ve made 2 I’ve performed 3 I’ve won sold 5 I’ve sold 6 Have you 8 haven’t changed
4 have you 7 have you changed
1 haven’t watched 2 haven’t been 3 haven’t tasted 4 haven’t played 5 haven’t read 6 haven’t met
1 arrived 2 sold 3 has changed 6 has won 7 watched 8 has been
does. 4 She does. 5 From cookery programmes on television. 6 Italian 7 No, she isn’t. 8 She is on a diet.
Vocabulary: phrases 4 1 chef 2 restaurant 3 tasty 6 abroad
Jazz Pavel
9 g 10 b
4 started 5 became
1 M 2 C 3 M 4 H 5 C 6 H 7 M 8 H
Vocabulary: achievements 4 I was born in Denmark in 1980 and I started playing the violin
when I was 3 years old. When I was 12, I won a prize for Young Musician of the Year. I came to England to study music. I also learned English. I passed my music exams in 1997 and travelled to the United States to play with an orchestra. I wrote articles for the ‘New York Musician’ magazine and made speeches at many music colleges. In 2004 I started my company The company organises international travel for music students.
Reading 5a 1 NO, G 2 G 3 NO, G, S 4 S 5 NO, G, S 6 S b Salzburg: it = the Salzburg Music Festival; its = the salzburg
4 success 5 experience
Grammar: going to 5 1 She’s going to leave her job.
2 We’re going to win the World Cup. 3 They’re going to play on the beach. 4 I’m not going to be a doctor. 5 He’s going to pass his exam(s). 6 They aren’t going to get married.
1 are going to sell 2 ’s / is going to start 3 Are the builders going to finish 4 ’s / is going to have 5 aren’t going to have 6 Are you going to visit 7 ’re / are going to try 8 ’m / am not going to be
How to … 7 1 A: Where are you going for your holidays?
B: We’re going to visit my cousins in South Africa 2 A: What are your plans for next year? B: I’m going to look for a job because I need to earn some money. 3 A: What are you going to do at the weekend? B: I’m going to stay at home on Saturday to study. 4 A: What are your plans for when you leave university? B: I’m going to work abroad.
Lesson 3.2 Reading 1a Fast Food, Fast Women – negative
My Big Fat Greek Wedding – positive
b c
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 1 has a date with
2 kids 3 movie 4 accept
Pronunciation 2a 1 My daughter hurt her knee.
2 The writer thought about her book. 3 It was a cold night in Autumn. 4 There were eight foreigners. 5 Could you take the dog for a walk? 6 I know you’re wrong. 7 The sign was high in the sky.
b Silent g
Silent w
Silent l
Silent k
Silent n
night eight foreigners sign high
Music Festivals. New Orleans: the city = New Orleans; its = jazz; them = the 350 people. Glastonbury: there = at Glastonbury; it = Glastonbury.
1 It 2 Its 3 They 4 They 5 its
TotalEnglishWbAnswerKey .indd 87
14/2/05 12:07:46 pm
Grammar: relative clauses 3a Down 1 who 2 which 3 who 4 which
Across 5 which 6 where 9 where 10 who
7 which 8 which
1 ’re / are going 2 ’re / are leaving 3 ’m / am visiting 4 ’s / is meeting 5 Are you playing …? 6 We’re not moving 7 ’s having / is having 8 Are they catching…? 9 ’re / are working 10 ’s finishing
i c e c r e
c u 5 s t t o m
a 6
w a i t e a r t
How to … 6a 4
m a
r e r c i p
Plans: staying at home Reason: to study for her exams
Plans (Sat): going to a concert Reason: Diane bought tickets Plans (Sun): going to Oxford
l u h e n c h 8
1 Sal is staying at home to study for her exams. 2 On Saturday, Bella is going to a concert. 3 On Sunday, Bella is going to Oxford.
1e A builder is someone who builds houses. 2f A cooker is a machine which makes food hot. 3g An airport is a place where people catch planes. 4a A pilot is someone who flies planes. 5d A pencil is something which you use for writing or drawing. 6b An author is someone who writes books. 7h A cinema is a place where you can watch films. 8c A menu is something which tells you what food you can eat.
Lifelong learning 5 1 It’s something which you use for opening bottles.
2 It’s the thing that you use to dry yourself. 3 It’s the stuff which you can put on bread. 4 It’s the thing which you use for changing the TV programme. 5 It’s something that you can cook in. 6 It’s the white stuff that you put on your food.
Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, but I only received the letter this morning. I have been away on holiday with my sister, and I only came home yesterday. We went camping in Cornwall, which was beautiful except for the weather. It rained nearly every day! It’s very kind of you to invite me to stay. I would love to come to Scotland, and it would be great to see you again. We haven’t seen each other for nearly two years now – I can’t believe it. I could come for the last weekend in September (27th / 28th). I am finishing my job, so I will have a few days free. Would that be OK with you? Anyway, I hope you’re well, and I am looking forward to hearing your news. How is your course going? Are you still planning to open a flower business when you finish? Speak to you soon. Love, Paola
Lesson 3.3 Vocabulary 1 1 Did you make this chocolate cake? It’s very tasty / absolutely delicious! 4 I don’t think the soup is very good. It’s a bit tasteless. 5 That meat looks absolutely horrible. I think it’s old.
1 location 2 high 3 appearance / texture texture 5 dishes 6 quality
1 sounds horrible 2 smells old delicious 5 looks expensive
Conversation 1 (2) Hello Jim. (8) Thanks Jim. I’ll tell you … (4) Not really. I am staying at home to study for my exams. (1) Hello Sal. It’s Jim. (7) OK. I’ll call you again next week. Good luck with your exams! (6) Oh, that’s really nice of you but I don’t like going out when I have to study. I’m sorry. Perhaps another time? (3) Are you doing anything this weekend? (5) I see. Well, why don’t you come out for a drink on Saturday evening? There’s a new bar opening on the river… Conversation 2 (3) What are you doing on Saturday evening? (1) Hello, Bella? It’s Jim. (7) Perfect! I can meet you on the river at 7pm. (4) Nothing. Why? (8) 7.30 would be better for me. I’m going to Oxford on Sunday to visit my aunt and I’m driving so I won’t be back … (5) Well, would you like to come out for a drink, or something to eat? (2) Hello. (6) Great idea! Oh, wait a minute. Saturday? No, I’ve just remembered. I’m going to a concert on Saturday. Dianne’s bought some tickets to see Guns and Roses. Why don’t we go out on Sunday evening?
Review and consolidation units 1-3
Writing: informal letters 6a Dear Anna,
Grammar 4 1 A: are you doing
e 7
k e n 9 k i t v 10 c h e f s
5 A: Are you coming B: ’re bringing 6 ’re not going / aren’t going … A: ’s going 7 aren’t arriving 8 A: Are you coming … B: I’m not working …
4 appearance /
3 feels so soft
4 tastes
B: I’m staying … watching 2 A: Are you cooking B: We’re having 3 A: Are you doing B: I’m not playing … it’s raining. 4 A: are you getting B: ’m not driving … ’m catching …
Present Simple vs Present Continuous 1 1 Are you leaving 2 doesn’t usually wear 3 never watch
4 is James talking to 5 Do you know 6 sometimes goes 7 am looking 8 often has lunch 9 are you doing 10 isn’t raining 2 1 What do you do? f 2 Where are you going? e 3 What is she eating? j 4 Where do they live? or Where are they living? c 5 What time do you get home? g 6 Are you going to the shops? a 7 What is Paul doing? i 8 Are you enjoying your course? h 9 How do you get to work? d 10 Does Jayne have a car? b
Present Simple vs Present Perfect 3 1 started 2 have made 3 sold 4 have won
5 have toured 6 have they been 7 have always loved 8 started 9 sang 10 was 11 have always been 4 1 A: Have you ever been to Brazil? B: Yes. I went to Carnival in Rio last year. 2 A: I have lived in Rome for five years now. B: Why did you move there? 3 A: Did you visit any interesting sights in Beijing when you were there? B: No. We didn’t have enough time. 4 A: Have you ever seen any famous bands in concert? B: I saw Pink Floyd when I was a teenager. 5 A: Did you watch the Spiderman film on television last night? B: No. I have seen it three times already.
Going to and Present Continuous (for future plans/arrangements) 5 1 We are leaving on Friday at 2 p.m. 2 Are you going to see Tariq
this weekend? 3 I’m having lunch with my mother tomorrow. 4 We are meeting in Hyde Park. 5 Are they coming to the party tonight? 6 I’m not flying to Hong Kong. 7 He is going to buy a new computer later. 8 We aren’t going to drive through the mountains. 9 Is Mark playing football on Saturday? 10 Maria isn’t coming to the restaurant.
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Defining relative clauses 6 1 where 2 who 3 which 4 which
5 where 6 where 7 who 8 which 9 where 10 which 7 1 I can’t find that bag which you gave me. 2 Are these the keys which you can’t find? 3 Do you remember the restaurant where we met 4 Do you know the name of that hotel which has double rooms for 50 euros? 5 That’s the woman who offered me her seat on the bus. 6 My sister introduced me to a man who has his own software company.
Vocabulary 8 1 food: delicious, disgusting, get a takeaway pizza, lamb, mineral water, onion, tasty, vegetable, yoghurt 2 daily routine: fall asleep, get up early, read a magazine 3 shops: customers, products, shop assistant, staff 4 music: classical, compilation CD, concert, go clubbing, lead singer, play the violin, 5 adjectives: energetic, intelligent 9 1 cook 2 nap 3 picnic 4 into 5 download 6 relaxed 7 started 8 tasty 9 checked 10 distinction
6 achieved 7 challenge
3 mental 4 controlled 5 rely
3 more 5 longer 6 greater variety than
3a 1 This one isn’t as fast as the other one. 2 It was much worse this morning. It rained for hours. 3 It was more interesting than his last one, and I liked the acting. 4 This one is cheaper than the other place, and breakfast is included. 5 She’s crazier than her sister. 6 It’s better than my last one because I have more independence. b 4 5
1 cars 2 weather 3 films 4 hotels 5 people 6 jobs 1 D 2 S 3 S 4 D 5 D 6 S
1 is bigger than 2 more dangerous than 3 as difficult as 4 isn’t as important 5 old as 6 deeper than
Vocabulary: adjectives to describe people 6 hidden word
g e n e r o u 2 d e t e r m 3 i n t e l l i 4 c o n f i d e 5 a m b 6 b r a 7 t a l e n e Reading 71F 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7 Lesson 4.2 Vocabulary: survival 11 b 2e 3a 4f 5c 6 d 2 1 challenges 2 skills 3 shelter 6 wilderness
1 the strongest 2 the most intelligent 3 the best 4 the smallest 5 the hardest 6 the most popular 7 the tallest 8 the fittest
1 is the fastest 2 best food I have ever 3 of the easiest 4 the most popular 5 most beautiful house I have 6 the smallest theatre in 7 is the heaviest 8 the best
Pronunciation 6a 1 F 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C b 1 The biggest day of your life
6 E
2 The best book of the year 3 The tastiest snack of the day 4 The funniest programme on TV 5 The fastest machine on the road 6 The hottest show in London
Writing 71 B 2 C
3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 D
3 where the nearest tube station is 4 what time the next train leaves 5 if the museum is open on Sunday 6 how much a ticket costs 7 how far it is to the airport 8 where I can buy a phonecard
Grammar: comparatives 2 1 more expensive than 2 better accommodation than
enjoyable than 4 friendlier than 7 younger than 8 fitter than
Lesson 4.3 Grammar: indirect questions 1 1 what the time is 2 where I can find an Internet cafe
Unit 4 Survival Lesson 4.1 Vocabulary 1 1 breath 2 physical strength
expensive hotels, but this is the most expensive. 6 I’ve had some long conversations, but this is the longest. 7 I’ve learned some important lessons, but this is the most important. 8 I’ve had some crazy moments, but this is the craziest.
s i g n i v t
1 Can you tell me what I can do if a snake bites me? 2 Do you know if mobile phones work in the Amazon? 3 Do you know how much the plane ticket costs from London? 4 Can you tell me where the nearest airport is? 5 Do you know if there is a hotel in the Amazon? 6 Can you tell me how far the nearest town is? 7 Do you know if I can drink the water from the river? 8 Can you tell me if I need any injections before I go?
a 4 b 5 c 3 d 8 e 1 f 6 g 2 h 7
Listening 3a 1 Dialogue 1 = Camden Market
2 Dialogue 2 = Buckingham Palace 3 Dialogue 3 = Tate Modern 4 Dialogue 4 = Regent’s Park 5 Dialogue 5 = Indian restauant, Brick Lane 6 Dialogue 6 = Paddington Station
1 closes 2 About 3 if 4 Enjoy 5 if 6 sign 7 nearest 8 about 9 what 10 try 11 leaves 12 over
Reading 4a 1 F 2 F b1 a 2a
3 T 4 T
Unit 5 Stages n e d e n t t t i o u s e e d
T 8 T
4 cope 5 myself
Grammar: superlatives 3 1 I’ve watched some boring films, but this is the most boring.
2 I’ve had some bad days, but this is the worst. 3 I’ve played in some great games, but this is the greatest. 4 I’ve lived in some quiet places, but this is the quietest. 5 I’ve stayed in some
Lesson 5.1 Vocabulary: stages of life 1 1 teenager (n) 2 elderly (adj) 3 middle-aged (adj) 5 old (adj)
6 child (n)
7 adult (n)
4 baby (n) 9 pensioner (n)
8 toddler (n)
6 r 7 g e b 9 r e l
2 4 g a l a r y o a o 5 d r k u t 8 h a v t t i r e
1 p l a c e
TotalEnglishWbAnswerKey .indd 89
14/2/05 12:07:49 pm
Grammar: should(n’t), can(’t) and (don’t) have to 3a 1 can’t 2 don’t have to 3 have to 4 shouldn’t have to 6 can 7 can’t 8 should 9 have to 11 should 12 have to
1 Diane: fashion designer 2 Clive: footballer businessman 4 Siegfried: dentist
5 don’t 10 shouldn’t
3 Rafael:
1 I can’t look after the children today. 2 Do you have to work at weekends? 3 Should we go to the shop this morning? 4 I have to buy a new guitar. 5 I can swim very well. 6 You shouldn’t play there. It’s dangerous. 7 Can you help me with my bags? 8 I don’t have to do any homework tonight.
1 C 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 D 8 C
Pronunciation 6 1 You shouldn’t go home.
2 We can’t see very well. 3 You have to do the shopping. 4 Can’t you read? 5 We should watch this. 6 I don’t have to work tonight. 7 Should he call me? 8 I can understand it. 9 They have to come.
How to … 7 1 A: In my opinion, you need a haircut.
B: I don’t think so. 2 A: What do you think? B: You look … interesting. 3 A: We need to clean this room. B: You’re probably right. 4 A: Beautiful scenery. Don’t you think so? B: I’m not so sure.
Lesson 5.2 Reading 1 1 CS 2 S 3 CS b 1 b 2 c 3 a 4
b 3
1 e 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b
1 Did you use to work here? 2 I used to eat junk food. 3 Didn’t she use to be a singer? 4 She didn’t use to smoke so much. 5 Did you use to get on well with your grandparents? 6 We used to have to work all the time. 7 I didn’t use to listen to the radio. 8 We used to have a house on the beach.
Listening 4a IS NOW
A supermarket
a school
B car park
a sports field
a hospital
D Old Pool Hotel
a swimming pool
(1) used to be (2) didn’t use to be (4) use to be (5) didn’t use to
Vocabulary: good and bad habits 6 key
2 f 4 N 5 CS 6 CS 7 C 8 CS d
Grammar: Present Perfect with for and since 2 1 I haven’t been to the cinema (a) for ages (b) since June (c) since
years. 2 We haven’t played tennis (a) since last year (b) ages ago (c) for months. 3 She’s worked here (a) for two weeks (b) since three months (c) for a long time. 4 I’ve played the piano (a) since I was a child (b) since ages (c) for five years. 5 Have you lived here (a) for a long time? (b) since January? (c) years ago? 6 Has she known him (a) for years? (b) since last July? (c) for February? 7 I haven’t seen you (a) since I was in India (b) for a year or two (c) since months. 8 He’s been in the team (a) since two weeks (b) since he scored his first goal (c) for too long.
1 here since last 2 has lived here for 3 known John since 4 hasn’t smoked for 5 haven’t seen Giorgio since 6 have played tennis since 7 have been here for 8 written poetry for
1 have they lived 2 He has been 3 I haven’t smoked 4 I haven’t seen 5 have you known 6 She has had 7 We haven’t spoken 8 has he worn
Vocabulary: friendship 51 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6
Writing 6 Since university I’ve worked as a sales representative for a
publishing company. It’s a nice job. My colleagues are really friendly and I travel a lot. At the moment I’m living in Milan. I’ve been here two years and I love the city. I’m not married. I haven’t been in touch with anyone from university for years but I’d love to hear from you, so send me an email. Sandy Smith
Lesson 5.3 Reading and listening 1a A Long, Long Life b long life, home town, smoke cigarettes, feel stressed, sense of
humour, ride a bike, grow old, get bored, true story, amount of money
1 long life 2 home town 3 smoked two cigarettes … drank red wine 4 felt stressed / got bored 5 sense of humour 6 rode a bike 7 grew old 8 true story 9 amount of money
Grammar: used to 2a 1 Did you use to watch a lot of TV?
2 Did you use to go abroad for your holidays? 3 Did you use to cook for your parents? 4 Did you use to help your mother around the house? 5 Did you use to do a lot of exercise?
(3) used to be
8 p o
5 a c 6 l 7 t i v
1 o 3 4 t a w e
t Unit i g 6 e Places r w o l f e Lesson l e p6.1h a n t j h i g e a g l e h s Vocabulary: k i c o geography w c a t s 1n t s p i d e r d o g f b e a rz 5 4 s w i t z e
5 4 S w i t z e l o v 6 J a p a n 99 k C i a 11 S p a n i s h 11 r 12 P o r t u 12
h o s p i t a l
t e h s s 33 P o r t u g a l
e d m h v e t y
i l i k n 22
a t
o k e y s i e
r c
e r
g e r w o l f e p h a n t j g e a g l e h 1 C I t a l y n a a n d a
8 77 G r e e k u 10 G e r m a n y 10 o p g u e s e
1 island 2 ocean 3 river 4 mountain 5 forest 6 beaches 7 desert 8 lake 9 Sea
Grammar: will 3 1 will carry 2 won’t be 5 will show
6 won’t know
3 will pay
1 I’ll see 2 I’ll go 3 Will you stay 6 I do 7 I visit 8 I’ll send
4 won’t sleep 4 I’ll finish
5 I’ll get
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Writing 6a 1 there: in the garden
Pronunciation: Å and ´U 5
$10 4 his: the dog’s name
Å – orange
´U – won’t
shop sorry clock shopkeeper promise got
closed no don’t open only most home know
Reading 61 S 2W 7 1 NI 2 T 81 e 2c
3 W
1 It was beautiful. 2 The people who live there are lucky. 3 I love watching it. 4 It felt like we were the only people there.
Comparatives and superlatives 1 1 hotter 2 more dangerous 3 the largest
4 younger 5 more interesting 6 the most romantic 7 smaller 8 the best 9 lazier 10 the prettiest 11 kinder 12 the fastest
Indirect questions 2 1 Can you tell me what time the bus leaves?
2 Can you tell me how much these shoes cost? 3 Do you know who the 41st US President was? 4 Can you tell me how this photocopier works? 5 Do you know what the capital of Mexico is? 6 Do you know when the next train leaves? 7 Can you tell me if the museum is open on Sundays? 8 Do you know if there is a train to Asiago? 9 Can you tell me if Josh works here? 10 Do you know if Penguins fly?
4 S 5 W
3 F 4 F 5 T 6 NI 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 a
8 too many
5 too 6 enough
1 too loud 2 tall enough 3 too many suitcases money 5 too crowded 6 too small
4 enough
1 too tired 2 hard enough 3 too much time 4 too expensive 5 too many hamburgers 6 good enough 7 too long 8 too many people 9 too busy 10 old enough
Vocabulary 4 1 mobile phone 5 answer phone
2 vacuum cleaner 3 CD player 4 freezer 6 radio 7 hair dryer 8 dishwasher
How to... 5 1 should / because main 4 take / too
2 ’d like / couldn’t 5 go / because
3 to choose /
b 3
3 likes 4 like 5 ’s he like
Vocabulary 7 1 adult 2 brave
Man A – Marc, Man B – speaker 5 is it
Pronunciation 4 1 What do you like doing at the weekend?
2 What would you like to do this evening? 3 What’s your mother like? 4 What does she look like? 5 Do you like swimming? 6 Would you like some help?
Reading / Listening 5b 1 A man was drinking coffee in his garden.
(c) 2 She used to be good at the guitar but she hasn’t played for two years. (e) 3 We didn’t use to like each other when we were children but we’ve been friends for the last few months. (a) 4 Mum and Dad used to travel a lot but they haven’t had a holiday since 1999. (d) 5 I didn’t use to cook much pasta but I’ve eaten a lot of it since I went to Italy. (b)
3 What do you like doing in your free time? e 4 What is John’s girlfriend like? f 5 Where would you like to go tomorrow? h 6 Who do you look like? b 7 Does your brother like Ireland? c 8 What is that book like? a
2 Do you like 3 would like 5 Do you like 6 ’d like
1 look like 2 like 3 Would you like 4 does it look 6 Would you/’d like 7 does he look 8 Do you like 9 is 10 What’s it
used to and Present Perfect with for and since 4 1 I used to smoke but I haven’t had a cigarette since last year.
like/would like/be like/look like 6 1 Would you like a drink? g 2 Does she look like her sister? d
Lesson 6.3 Grammar 1 1 Would you like
1 look like 2 don’t like 6 am I like 7 ’d like
3 You don’t have to pay for children. 4 She has to do her exam again. 5 Can I go home now? 6 We shouldn’t arrive late. 7 She can’t drive. 8 Do we have to read this book? 9 You should eat more vegetables. 10 Do I have to leave?
3 won’t stay / too 4 will they arrive / very 5 very / won’t need 6 will study / enough 7 too / will rain 8 very / won’t be 9 will you go / very 10 won’t go / too
2 technology 3 mobile telephones 4 programme 5 teenagers 6 television 7 confusing 8 car parks
should(n’t), can(’t), (don’t) have to 3 1 I can fly an aeroplane. 2 We should buy our tickets early.
will with too/enough/very 5 1 will be / too 2 will you have / very
Listening 6a Summary 1 b 1 interesting
4 would you like
3 it:
Review and consolidation units 4-6
Lesson 6.2 Grammar: too/enough/many 1 1 too 2 too many 3 enough 4 too much 7 too much
2 it: the washing machine 5 it: the fridge
2 An old couple walked past and asked if they could buy his washing machine. 3 The old man only had $10. 4 They bought the washing machine for $2.50. 5 Later, the man sold his fridge to a family with five children and a dog. 6 Then he sold his video player, his hairdryer and his sofa. 7 He had $8.70. 8 When a young boy returned with his dog, the old man told him that he was the richest man in the world.
3 challenge 4 desert 5 elderly 6 forest 7 generous 8 healthily 9 intelligent 10 junk 11 kit 12 lose 13 middle-aged 14 nightlife 15 ocean 16 pensioner 17 questions 18 rely 19 smoker 20 talented 21 umbrella 22 video recorder 23 washing machine 24 young 25 Zealand
Unit 7 Body Lesson 7.1 Vocabulary 1 1 waist 2 shoulder
3 elbow 4 wrist 5 ear 6 nose 7 back 8 knee 9 finger 10 cheek 11 ankle 12 eye 13 mouth 14 hair
2 3
1 like 2 put 3 on 4 makes 5 appearance
1 short 2 overweight 3 tall 4 thin 5 well-built 6 muscular 7 medium height 8 skinny 9 tall 10 handsome 11 good-looking
1 muscular 2 overweight 3 handsome 4 tall 5 medium-height 6 skinny
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4a b
Writing 6a 1 – C 2 – A b 1c 2b 3f
Grammar 5 1 we’ll celebrate with a party.
Listening 7a 1 c.) b
1 wai ST omach 2 mou TH in 3 wri ST ressed 4 handso ME dicine 5 sever AL ternative 6 ank LE ssons 7 sandwi CH eek 8 fa CE lebrity 9 mon TH umb 1 stressed 2 medicine 3 sandwich 4 waist 5 month 6 celebrity 7 several 8 lessons
2 we’ll stay in and eat a pizza. 3 I’ll go to the bank and get some. 4 I’ll buy you a copy for your birthday. 5 we’ll talk about it later. 6 there won’t be any left. 7 will you come?
3–B 4 e 5 g 6 d 7 a
SHIATSU What are the main beliefs?
1 see / will you 2 don’t come / will be 3 will be / don’t call 4 don’t leave / ’ll miss 5 won’t be / go 6 find / we’ll 7 ’ll be / aren’t 8 don’t sleep / won’t feel
1 If Pete does lots of exercise, his muscles will get stronger. 2 If Shaune does yoga, she will feel happier. 3 Their skin will look better if they drink lots of water. 4 They will feel more relaxed if they have massages every day. 5 If Shaune eats salads for a week, she will lose weight. 6 They won’t / will not feel so tired if they sleep for 10 hours a day. 7 If they don’t / do not smoke for a week, they will feel healthier. 8 They ‘ll be / will be less stressed if they don’t / do not think about work. 9 If Pete loses weight, he will have more energy.
Lesson 7.2 Vocabulary 1 1 ambitious
Like (1) acupuncture it believes that there are channels of (2) energy.
Where is it from?
It is a (3) Japanese massage.
What happens in a typical
• Firstly, the practitioner will
(4) ask you questions about your health. • Then, he/she will give you a (5) massage. • Lastly, he/she will (6) press points on your body.
What does it treat?
It is very good for (7) backaches, stomachaches and (8) headaches.
How long does it take?
A session takes about (9) 1 hour.
Do patients always feel better
(10) No. Sometimes it takes (11) more sessions.
2 chatty 3 organised 4 sensitive 5 hard-working 6 open 7 unreliable 8 reserved
Pronunciation 2
ambitious hard-working
chatty open
organised sensitive
Grammar 3 1 to think 6 to change
2 talking 3 meeting 4 to take 5 working 7 moving 8 to find 9 to tell 10 seeing
1 to learn 2 looking at 3 to read 4 to do 5 to try 6 to tell 7 to change 8 listening 9 to understand 10 to travel 11 winning 12 to say
1 correct 2 I miss seeing my friends and family. 3 I expect you to be here at 9 o’clock. 4 correct 5 He has decided to take a week off work. 6 We avoided telling you earlier because of your exams. 7 You can’t afford to go out every night. It’s too expensive. 8 I promised to go to her house this evening. 9 I want to tell you what happened. 10 correct
Reading 6b 1 B, C, 2 A, D
2 I don’t get it.
3 That’s not very funny.
5 feel sick
6 broken leg
1 Have you got an aspirin? I’ve got a terrible headache. 2 I can’t eat anything. I feel sick. 3 You don’t look well. Have you got / Do you have a high temperature? 4 Steve is in hospital. I think he’s got a broken arm. 5 I’m going to try acupuncture for my backache. 6 I don’t feel very good. I’ve got a cold. 7 I’m staying at home. I’ve got the flu.
Grammar: purpose/reason/result 4 1 that 2 in order 3 because 4 to 5 so 7 so that I
8 because it
6 not to
1 to 2 because 3 so that 4 to 5 because 6 so 7 so that 8 so that 9 to 10 so
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6 b 7 c 4 on 5 down
6 up
Grammar: Present Simple passive 3 1 are made 2 is written 3 is played 4 is stopped 5 am taken
6 is spent
7 are washed
8 am given
1 What food is Italy known for? 2 What meat is not served to Hindus? 3 How much milk is drunk in US compared to fizzy drinks? 4 What complaint is heard most often in US fast food restaurants? 5 Which animal is not eaten by Muslims? 6 How many teaspoons of sugar are contained in one glass of cola?
5 gives
Vocabulary: illness and injury 2 1 sprained wrist 2 sore throat 3 pain in my chest 4 high temperature
Lesson 8.1 Vocabulary: speed 11e 2g 3d 4f 5a 2 1 in 2 behind 3 up with
Reading 5a 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C b 1 are delivered 2 are checked
7.3 How to... 1 1 That’s really funny.
Unit 8 Speed
6 is given
How to … 6a 1 d 2c
7 is owned
3 are made 8 is known
4 serves
3 a 4 e 5 f 6 b
1 d = diagram D 2 c = diagram C 3 a = diagram E 4 e = diagram F 5 f = diagram B 6 b = diagram A
Lesson 8.2 Vocabulary 1 1 asked him out 4 put up with
2 going out with 3 grow apart 5 split up 6 got over
1 a 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 b
Grammar: questions 3 1 To William Shakespeare: Where did you get your ideas from?
2 To Bart Simpson: Why are you yellow? 5 To Britney Spears: Can you teach me to sing like you? 6 To Vincent Van Gogh: Why did you cut off your ear? 7 To Quentin Tarantino: Why are your films so violent? 8 To Pablo Picasso: Why did you paint people with three noses?
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4a 1 g 2 f 3 b 4 h b A 8d B 7c C 4h D 5 1 Where are you from?
5 e 6 a 7 c 8 d
5 write a new CV for each job
2f E 1g F 5e G 3b H 6a
Lesson 9.2 Vocabulary: make and do 1 1 He sits in his office all day doing absolutely nothing.
2 What is your job? 3 What did you study? 4 What are your hobbies? 5 How many brothers and sisters do you have? 6 Have you done speed-dating before? 7 When are you going back to Germany? 8 Will you come back to England? 9 What do you think of speed-dating? 10 What are you reading at the moment?
Listening 6a jobs
1 making progress 2 did research 3 done your homework 4 do a lot of business 5 making decisions 6 make an effort 7 made a complaint 8 makes a lot of money

Grammar: can/could/be able to 3 1 could speak 2 can’t understand 3 could catch
children family


sleep 5 can’t sing 6 can’t believe 7 can take hear 9 can finish 10 couldn’t even cook
1 can’t 2 can 3 be able to 4 could 5 can 6 be able to 7 can’t 8 couldn’t 9 Can 10 couldn’t

Reading 5
NOTES Mr Marius Cecillon Job: translator
Miss Judith Stein works in a bank
Met in Paris, four years ago Miss Stein studied Economics at New Mexico State University Hobbies: goes to the gym in the evening 3 or 4 times a week
Lesson 8.3 Grammar: Past Continuous and Past Simple 1 1 I was watching TV when the lights went out. 2 She got
up and had a shower. 3 Didn’t you meet him when you were at university? 4 We were driving across France when the car broke down. 5 I found $10 while I was walking home yesterday. 6 He lost his wallet when he was playing with the children.
1 was watching 2 heard 3 was 4 didn’t have 5 called 6 were listening 7 invited 8 was sitting 9 was 10 weren’t 11 was walking 12) didn’t know 13 was studying 14 was reading 15 heard 16 went 17 didn’t finish see tapescript
Writing 4a 1 last summer
with 5 So I decided
4 couldn’t 8 could
2 Have you made a decision about where to go on holiday? 3 She makes an effort to be friendly to all her employees. – correct 4 Can you do me a favour? 5 I have done a lot of research on the internet. 6 Good luck in the interview. You can only do your best. – correct 7 Have you made an appointment to see the doctor? 8 The food was cold so we made a complaint.
the weather
6 food 7 was given the job
2 after a while 3 In the end 4 To begin 6 One night 7 suddenly
b 1, 6, 4, 2, 5, 7, 3 5a 1 Y 2 Y 3 DK 4 Y b 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 c 1 recovered 2 training
5 N 6 DK F 6 A 3 crowds 4 amazed 5 unconscious
Unit 9 Work
Special talent
When did he/ she start?
Achievements or hopes for the future
Abigail Sin
Playing the piano
When she was two
Plays in Singapore Concert Hall
Ali Fukuhara
Playing table tennis
When she was three
Training for the Olympics
Nguyen Ngod Truong Son
Playing chess
When he was three
Won national tournaments. Wants to beat the grand masters of chess
Pronunciation 6a 1 U 2 U 3 S
Lifelong Learning 7a 1 d 2 e 3 f 4 a 5
b 6 c
Lesson 9.3 Vocabulary 1 1 The judge gave the criminal a 5-year prison sentence.
2 The thief stole a bicycle and had to pay a £100 fine as his punishment. 3 The police officer arrested a young woman. 4 The jury decided that the woman was innocent.
a thief b rob c burglar f shoplifter g murder
d mugging e pickpocket
1 shoplift 2 burgle 3 pick someone’s pocket 5 murder 6 mug 7 rob
4 steal
Grammar 3 1 was mugged
2 was arrested 3 was given 4 was taken 5 was robbed / took 6 decided 7 was stolen 8 was burgled 9 stole 10 was punished
Lesson 9.1 Vocabulary 1 1 plumber (B)
2 mechanic (H) 3 lawyer (G) 4 accountant (D) 5 firefighter (C) 6 nurse (E) 7 factory worker (A) 8 a sales rep (F)
2 3
1 e 2 h 3 g 4 b 5 a 6 i 7 c 8 d 9 f 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 A
Pronunciation 4 1 qualifications 2
application form 3 experience 4 salary 5 interviewee 6 receptionist 7 Managing Director 8 factory 9 company 10 CV
Listening 5 1 BI 2 GI 3 GI 4 BI 5 BI 6 1 bad 2 two pages long or less.
4 S 5 U 6 U 7 S 8 S
1 was asked 2 bought / was given 3 left / was stolen 4 took 5 were told / started 6 Were you invited 7 was met 8 was driven 1 When was the vase stolen? 2 What time was it stolen? 3 Where was it stolen from? 4 Who reported it? 5 How much reward was offered? 6 Where was the vase found? 7 When was it returned?
1 Money. 2 He went to a shop 3 Three times 4 No, he wasn’t 5 In the bin 6 To an Italian shop 7 He didn’t have his glasses 8 To get his glasses and telephone the police 9 The manager 10 They arrested the failed robber
3 lies 4 qualifications
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Writing 7a Introduction – 1, Story – 2 Conclusion - 3 b One-legged thief is caught.
1 as quiet as a mouse 2 plenty more fish in the sea 3 eats like a horse 4 the rat race 5 have kittens 6 let the cat out of the bag 7 kill two birds with one stone
A shopkeeper helped to catch a burglar who only had one leg. Ghanshyam Patel, who is 56, fought with Eric Gardener, after Eric tried to rob him in the street. During the fight, Ghansyam pulled off Eric’s false leg by mistake, but then the thief escaped by hopping with one leg into his car. However, later he tried to order a new leg, and the police arrested him. Gardener, 41, was jailed for three years after he said he was guilty. Mr Patel said, ‘ It was a real shock when his leg came off in my hands.’
Review and consolidation units 7-9 First conditional 1 1 will feel 2 finish
3 stops 4 passes 5 will be 7 go 8 don’t fall 9 wants 10 will you come
6 don’t
Gerunds and infinitives 2 1 going 2 to see 3 to change 6 to write
4 moving 5 to help 8 meeting 9 to be 10 to buy
7 to see
Present Simple passive 3 1 are delivered 2 is cleaned
3 are built 4 is employed 7 are recycled 8 are sent 9 is done
5 isn’t used 6 are made 10 is closed
Past Continuous vs Past Simple 4 1 was raining / happened 2 came / was talking
3 were having / asked 4 was travelling / heard 5 was / was shining / were singing 6 was walking / met 7 was listening / didn’t hear 8 was going / remembered 9 got / went 10 was watching
can/could/be able to 5 1 be able to 2 can’t 3 6 couldn’t
7 be able to
couldn’t 4 could 5 can’t 8 could 9 can’t 10 Can
Past Simple passive 6 1 My bag was taken. 2 The thief was arrested.
3 The museum was built in 2001. 4 The President was met at the airport. 5 All their passports were checked carefully. 6 They were told about the delays. 7 All the work was finished over the weekend. 8 The employees were invited to the party. 9 He was asked to work seven days a week. 10 The piano was damaged when it was carried upstairs.
Vocabulary 7 1 sore 2 skinny
3 handsome 4 hard-working 5 toe 6 flu 7 broken 8 ill 9 chatty 10 hurry 8 1 work 2 arrive 3 asked 4 deteriorated 5 catch 6 run 7 applied 8 do 9 making 10 had
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs 31 b 2 e 3 h 4 a 5 f 6 d 7 g 4 1 grew up 2 gets on 3 looks up to 5 look after
Lesson 10.1 Vocabulary: animals 1
1 you picked up 2 grow up in 3 you Ever come across 4 get on with 5 you take to 6 looking after your 7 look up to 8 brought up in
Pronunciation 6 1 I grew up in Bath.
2 I brought her up. 3 I’ll look after you. 4 I look up to my Mum. 5 I came across it. 6 I picked it up.
Lifelong Learning 7 • write a definition (3)
• organise new words by topic (1) • write example sentences (5) • write if there is an object with new verbs (2) • write a translation (4)
8a c 1
1 well 2 so, anyway
3 I mean
4 you see
d 2 a 3 b 4 c
Lesson 10.2 Grammar: countable and uncountable 11 U 2 C 3 U 4 U 5 C 6 U 7 U 8 U 2 1 much 2 Quite a lot 3 Not much 4 A few 5 many few 7 a lot
8 much 9 much 10 a lot
1 many 2 many 3 a few 4 a bit 7 many 8 a few 9 many 10 much
11 a few
6 a 12 none
5 some 6 some
Reading 4a Farmers’ Food Is Too Hot For Elephants b 1T 2 F 3T 4T 5 F 6T 7 F 8
Writing: although 5 1a Although parrots can talk, they can’t understand language.
b. Parrots can talk, although they can’t understand language. 2a Although the exocoetidae is a fish, it can fly. b. The exocoetidae is a fish, although it can fly. 3a Although tigers are related to lions, there are no tigers in Africa. b. Tigers are related to lions, although there are no tigers in Africa. 4a Although chimpanzees can’t talk, they can communicate in sign language. b. Chimpanzees can’t talk, although they can communicate in sign language.
Listening 6a 1 T 2 F 3 F b 1 types = kinds
= disaster
4 T 5 F
2 scared = frightened 4 dirty = unclean
3 it was not a success
c 1 small – big 2 safe – dangerous 3 weak – strong 4 clean (2 words) – dirty, unclean 5 lovely – horrible 6 serious – funny
4 a 5 g 6 d 7 b
Vocabulary: animal sounds 2 1 bark 2 purr 3 hiss 4 roar 5
4 comes across
6 take to
Lesson 10.3 Reading 11 f 2 e 3 c
Unit 10 Wildlife
8 c
6 squeak
Vocabulary: verb + preposition combinations 3 1 listen 2 worries 3 spent 4 agree 5 apply 6 appeals 7 responding 8 depends
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 c 8 c
Grammar: the 5 1 – 2 The 3 the 9 – 10 The
4 the 5 the 6 – 7 – 8 The
How to look after your pet snake Snakes don’t need much space. A strong box with small holes makes the best home. Put paper or towels on the floor of the box. The nicest climate for snakes is 80 – 85F, and the snake should be in direct sunlight, not artificial light. Put a large bowl of water in
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the box. This is for the snake to bathe, not drink. For meals, give the snake dead animals. Animals that are still alive sometimes fight and can cause problems. The most delicious animals for your snake are mice, frogs and lizards. Don’t forget to tell your visitors that you have a pet snake!
7 1 It could be a type of lion. Picture A 2 It looks like a horse. Picture C 3 Perhaps it’s a bird. Picture B 4 I think it’s a big cat. Picture A 5 It could be a robot. Picture B 6 It looks dangerous. Picture ABC 7 I don’t think it’s a bird. 8 It doesn’t look like an animal. 9 Perhaps it isn’t a lion. 10 It couldn’t be a horse.
Lesson 11.2 Vocabulary: greetings and presents 1 1 kissed 2 present / gift 3 bowed 4 waved Grammar: verbs with two objects 2 1 promised 2 offered 3 lend 4 sent 5 7 owes 8 told
Lesson 11.1 Vocabulary: transport 1 1 I prefer to ride a bicycle around the city. It keeps me fit.
2 We had to show our tickets before getting on the train. 3 We should catch a taxi to the airport, or we are going to miss the plane. 4 Should I get off the bus at the next stop for the museum? 5 We took a ferry to Robin Island. It was beautiful. 6 We went by coach to Amsterdam. It was cheaper than the train. 7 You have to pay if you want to drive a car in the city centre. 8 He started to ride a motorbike when he was fifty.
Grammar: present perfect with just, yet, already 2 1 We’ve just come back from Turkey, so we haven’t seen your
1 f 2 j 3 d 4 b 5 g 6 h 7 e 8 a 9 c
2 Children tend to watch too much television. 3 Students usually have to get jobs in their holidays. 4 The rich are getting richer every day. 5 People in Australia generally spend a lot of time outside. 6 The British eat a lot of roast beef. 7 Japanese workers don’t tend to/tend not to take a lot of holidays. 8 Teenagers don’t usually listen to jazz or classical music.
Listening 51 b 2 a 3
d 4 c 1 Americans 2 on time 3 telephone 4 usually 5 shake hands 6 business card 7 offer 8 money
Reading 61 B 2 A
3 A 4 B 5 A 6 A
letters. 2 Fernando has already had his lunch. 3 A: Have you read that book yet? B: Yes, I’ve just finished it. 4 A: Have you been to the museum yet? B: Yes, we’ve already seen it. 5 I have already spoken to the manager about the problem. 6 A: Is Roberto still there? B: No. He’s just left. 7 It is only 9.30, but Sam has already gone to bed.
Lesson 11.3 Grammar 1 1 had walked
1 She has already collected the plane tickets. 2 She hasn’t packed her clothes yet. 3 She has already found her passport. 4 She has already changed some money. 5 She has already bought some sunglasses. 6 She hasn’t closed the windows yet. 7 She hasn’t watered the plants yet. 8 She has already written a letter for Erica. 9 She hasn’t taken the cat to Erica’s house yet.
4 j 5 dZ
2 A
L 4 4
N 6
N 8
Lifelong learning 6 1 expensive 2 quiet
B 77
E 99
3 crowded
How to … 7 a I went with an old friend of mine.
b We sunbathed all day. c I’ve just been on holiday. d We stayed in a beautiful hotel. e We booked early and got a good deal. f It was a twoweek beach holiday in Greece.
1 slept / hadn’t slept 2 took / hadn’t taken seen 4 ate / hadn’t eaten
3 saw / hadn’t
1 I’d / had promised to visit a friend 2 We’d / had gone to bed. 3 I’d / had my breakfast already. 4 I hadn’t booked a room. 5 I’d / had forgotten my credit card.
Pronunciation 4 example: stressed
Writing 5a people: shy, friendly 1
2 had died 3 had never met 4 didn’t find 5 had sent 6 spent 7 ate 8 told 9 hadn’t walked 10 had invented
1 unstressed 2 unstressed 3 unstressed 4 stressed 5 unstressed
6 dZ
Vocabulary 5 3
6 offered
How to... 4 1 The Italians love eating ice-cream.
Unit 11 Travel
Pronunciation 4 1 dZ 2 j 3 dZ
5 shook
c6 d4 e5
weather: cloudy, sunny transport: regular, comfortable food: delicious, tasty countryside: mountainous, green city: crowded, exciting
b c
1 weather 2 transport 3 countryside
1 We arrived at the crowded / exciting market. 2 There were friendly faces smiling from every corner. 3 A shy girl walked past with a basket of flowers. She looked at her feet. 4 An old lady sold her tasty / delicious salads, ready to eat. 5 We drove in a comfortable taxi through the crowded city centre. 6 The weather was good, so we enjoyed a delicious / tasty lunch on the sunny balcony, and watched the mountainous view.
Unit 12 Money Lesson 12.1 Vocabulary: money nouns 1 1 lend 2 won 3 withdraw 4 earn 5 21 B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 B
borrow 6 sales
Grammar: second conditional 3 1 If I was friends with Madonna, I would take her to Burger King.
(Miki, 10) 2 I would visit my grandfather in California every holiday if I had my own aeroplane. (Serhat, 11) 3 I would have dinner with Julia Roberts if I met her. (Luke, 10) 4 If I spoke many languages, I would talk to all the people in the world. (Elle, 6) 5 I would write emails to my friends if I had a computer. (Reuben, 10) 6 If I sang well, I would start my own band. (Li, 10) 7 I would buy a Mercedes if I was rich enough. (Tim, 7) 8 If I went to Argentina, I would play football with Diego Maradona. (Elena, 10)
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4 1 If I was better at football, I would play in the first team. 2 If she wasn’t so busy, she would have time to see us. 3 If she knew his number, she would call him. 4 If I didn’t already have a dog, I would get a cat. 5 If he ate more, he wouldn’t be hungry all the time. 6 If I lived in Brazil, I would have to speak Portuguese. 5
1 If I had more time, I’d learn a new language. 2 What would you do if you lost your wallet? 3 If I had a holiday, I’d go to Mauritius. 4 We wouldn’t drive to work if we lived nearer the office. 5 She’d be here now if it was possible. 6 If you left your country, would you miss it? 7 I would sleep all morning if I had the chance. 8 If I wasn’t so lazy, I wouldn’t enjoy beach holidays.
Reading 6a 1 N 2 10 X
3 NW 4 X 5 NW 6 W 7 X 8 N 9 W
1 a 2 c 3 c
Lesson 12.2 Vocabulary: education 1 1 Brigitte 2 Juan 3 Alessandra 2 1 results 2 subjects 3 retake 6 teacher
4 Juan 5 Brigitte 4 lectures 5 passed
Grammar: reported speech 3 1 Lola told Mick that he could go and buy some bread.
2 Mick said that he didn’t have any money. 3 Lola told Mick that that was nothing new. 4 Mick said that he would go to the bank. 5 Lola told Mick that he didn’t have a bank account. 6 Mick said that he was going to open a bank account. 7 Lola told Mick that he was going to need a job first. 8 Mick said that he wasn’t hungry any more.
1 I’ll meet John at home at 6.00. 2 My sister isn’t going to Germany. 3 Your dinner is in the oven. 4 I was too busy to visit Renzo yesterday. 5 I have taken the keys. 6 I have a meeting at 10.30. 7 You can buy some milk. 8 The car is ready.
1 He said that that was the best ice-cream soda he had ever tasted. 2 He said that that had been a great game of golf. 3 He said that Luisa always arrived just as he was leaving. 4 He said that that he was bored. 5 He said that it had all been most interesting. 6 He said that dying was the last thing he would do. 7 He said that last words were for stupid people who hadn’t said enough.
How to … 6 1 I’d rather not say.
good question. moment?
2 Sorry, what do you mean? 3 That’s a 4 It’s difficult to say. 5 Can I think about it for a
Writing 7a 1 recently 2 grateful b 1 I recently saw your 2 you tell me
3 send 4 about 5 Could
I’d like to know more about 3 could 4 I’d be grateful if you could 5 could you send me
Lesson 12.3 Vocabulary: verbs + prepositions 1 1 to 2 for 3 at 4 with 5 for 6 for 7 9 with
7 Both 8 either
Read Spanish books and newspapers 4 Listen to cassettes 6 Write emails to a Spanish friend 1 Do a conversation exchange 3 Travel to a Spanishspeaking country 2
b 1 F 2T 6a 1 b 2
3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b
Review and consolidation units 10-12
The definite article (the) and phrasal verb 1 1 When I was in Mexico I picked up a little Spanish. 2 This is
the man who I told you about. 3 When she was a child she looked up to her father. 4 John Brown grew up in a big, happy family. 5 Golf is the best sport in the world. 6 I was brought up on a farm when I was a child, so I’ve always loved animals. 7 There are two cinemas here; the cinema on Brand Street is very small. 8 I’ve found a great restaurant; I came across it when I went for a walk yesterday. 9 Jack was the most intelligent student I’ve ever taught. 10 I have to look after my little sister because she’s feeling sick.
Countable/uncountable nouns 2 1 many 2 many 3 a little 4 much 7 many 8 many 9 a few
on 8 for
10 a little
5 any 6 much
Present Perfect with just/yet/already 3 1 yet 2 already 3 already 4 just 5 already 7 already 8 yet 9 just 10 already
6 just
Present Perfect 4 1 hadn’t been 2 had gone
3 went 4 had left 5 hadn’t worked 6 worked 7 hadn’t seen 8 had started 9 Had he found 10 drove
Second conditional 5 1 had / would buy 2 would stay / could
3 didn’t work / would you like 4 would / weren’t 5 Would you do / paid 6 were / would 7 wouldn’t sleep / drank 8 stopped / would save 9 She would call / had 10 had / wouldn’t live
Reported speech 6
1 They told me that they both liked fish. 2 I said that neither of my brothers had been to university. 3 She told me that she couldn’t dance. 4 He said that it would rain later. 5 He told me that he had lost his watch. 6 They said that they didn’t have any money. 7 She told me that she wouldn’t tell anyone my secret. 8 He said that he would either go to China or India for his holiday. 9 She told me that both of her dogs slept all day. 10 I said that neither of my sisters had travelled much.
Vocabulary 7 1 shake 2 appeals
2 1 (1) Hi Jim, I just had a terrible week. First I argued (2) with my parents because I was playing (3) with the dog and she broke an expensive vase. I apologised (4) for breaking it, but my parents said I had to pay (5) for the vase. I didn’t have any money, so I applied (6) for a job in a restaurant in town. I had to wait (7) for ages before my interview. I was listening (8) to music on my Walkman and I fell asleep. When I woke (9) up, the boss was looking (10) at me. It was the worst week I’ve had for a long time. Grammar: both / neither / either 31T 2 F 3 F 4T 5 F 6 F 7T 8 F 4 1 Both 2 Neither 3 both 4 Neither 5
Listening 5a Do exercises on the internet 5
3 miss 7 depends 8 retake 9 book b 1 mouse 2 pension 3 tip 7 deal 8 transport 9 salary
4 apply 5 passed 6 spend 10 worry 4 lecture 5 race 6 subject 10 cash
either 6 both
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Pre-intermediate Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. It provides solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day with a complete package of effective, easy-to-use resources. Total English Pre-intermediate Workbook contains further practice of key language areas covered in the Students’ Book:
Antonia Clare
• Additional grammar, vocabulary, skills and pronunciation exercises consolidate and extend language. • Four Review and consolidation sections enable teachers to assess learners’ progress. • Vocabulary bank encourages learners to record key words and phrases and build on what they know. • ‘Catch-up’ CD-ROM available with extra support for learners who miss lessons.
Total English Pre-intermediate
Total English
JJ Wilson
Total English Pre-intermediate is correlated to the Common European Framework. It covers A2 and goes towards B1 level. Each lesson guides students to a 'Can do' goal in line with the Council of Europe's 'Can do' statements.
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