Rs Agarwal Reasoning Book Pdf


  1. Rs Agarwal Non Verbal Reasoning Book Pdf
  2. Rs Aggarwal Reasoning Book Pdf File In Hindi
  3. Rs Aggarwal Reasoning Book Pdf
  4. Rs Aggarwal Verbal And Nonverbal Reasoning Book Pdf

Aug 07, 2018  RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book. ये PDF उन सभी छात्रों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है जो SSC, Banking, UPSC, RRB exams, Income tax departments, PO, Clerk, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, RBI, UPSC, MBA,CAT, MAT, CTET, GRE,Railway Examination, State Level Examination आदि परीक्षाओं की तयारी कर. RS Aggarwal Verbal/None-Verbal Reasoning Book: Hello Everyone Welcome to Friends Jaisa ki aap abhi jaante hain ki hum yahan har din Best study material aap sabhi ke liye share karte hain. Thik usi tarah aaj hum aap sabhi ke liye RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book PDF lekar aaye hain. Dosto jaisa ki aap sabhi jaante hain Lagbhag.

Hello Students, आज आप RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book PDF पढेंगे. क्युकी सभी विषयों की तरह Reasoning तर्कशक्ति भी एक ऐसा विषय है. जिसके प्रश्न अधिकतर सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते हैं. आज हम RS Aggarwal Sir के बनाये हुए Reasoning Notes इसलिए आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं. क्युकी हमारे Regular छात्रो ने इसकी Demand की है. साथ ये जानकारी भी दी आर एस अग्रवाल सर के रीजनिंग नोट्स सभी दुसरे नोट्स के मुकाबले अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है. अगर आप हमारी Website को प्रतिदिन नहीं पढ़ते तब भी आप इन Notes को नीचे दिए गए Download Button से Save कर सकते हैं

आप क्या पढना चाहते हैं

Rs Agarwal Non Verbal Reasoning Book Pdf

  • RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book
    • Logical Verbal Reasoning PDF
    • Reasoning Questions In Hindi By RS Agarwal

RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book

ये PDF उन सभी छात्रों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है जो SSC, Banking, UPSC, RRB exams, Income tax departments, PO, Clerk, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, RBI, UPSC, MBA ,CAT, MAT, CTET, GRE ,Railway Examination, State Level Examination आदि परीक्षाओं की तयारी कर रहे हैं. R.S Aggarwal Reasoning PDF Book को 2 भागों में बांटा गया है. जोकि Verbal Reasoning और Non-Verbal Reasoning हैं.

Book Description – This revised edition of A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (2 Colour Edition), while retaining the key strengths and structure of the previous edition, brings to the readers additional questions from various competitive examinations as per the latest pattern and trends. A section on recent questions (based on memory) and their answers/solutions from different competitive examinations like SSC, SBI-CGL Tier I, AFCAT, SBI (PO), RBI Grade B, etc. has been added.

Key Features – The book carefully guides the candidates through faster, shorter and intelligent paths to take up the study both parts of the book, namely, Verbal, and Non-Verbal:

(a) By suitably arranging the questions based on the latest examination patterns.

(b) By providing a huge number of questions for practice, with solutions that can teach one the right approach towards solving them.

(c) By providing solved examples with full explanation to bring out the essence of each topic. For competitive examinations like SSC-CGL Tier I, CSAT, SBI (PO), RBI Grade B, LIC/ GIC/UIICO AAOs, etc, UPSC – CSAT, SCRA etc; and other state services exams, Railway Grade ‘D’ & other technical & non-technical exams, MAT; CMAT; CET(MBA); SNAP; BBA; BBM & other B School Admission Tests, NTSE; CLAT; Hotel Management etc

Note: इस पीडीएफ में आपको नीचे दिए गए Topics पढने को मिलेंगे.

Logical Verbal Reasoning PDF

General Mental Ability

  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Series completion
  • Coding- decoding
  • Blood relation
  • Puzzle test
  • Sequential output tracing
  • Direction sense test
  • Logical Venn diagrams
  • Alphabet test
  • Number,ranking and time sequence test
  • Mathematical operation
  • Logical sequence of words
  • Arithmetical reasoning
  • Inserting the missing character
  • Data sufficiency
  • Decision making
  • Assertion and reason
  • Situation reaction test
  • Verification of truth of the statement

Logical Reasoning

  • Logic
  • Statement-argument
  • Statement-assumption
  • Statement conclusion
  • Driving conclusions from passages
  • Theme detection
  • Question-statement
  • Miscellaneous logical puzzles

Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Series
  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Mirror images
  • Water images
  • Embedded figures
  • Completion of incomplete pattern
  • Figure matrix
  • Paper cutting
  • Paper folding
  • Rule detection
  • Grouping of identical figures
  • Cubes and dice
  • Dot situation
  • Construction of secures and triangles
  • Figure formation and analysis
  • Practice question set

इस बुक में ऊपर दिए गए सभी Topics को Cover किया गया है. जो सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते है. ये PDF Excellent Quality में है. जिसको आप आसानी से पढ़ सकते हैं.

Answer the following questions on Logical Puzzles based on the instructions given

  1. RQP, ONM, LKJ, _____, FED

    A. IHG

    B. CAB

    A. JKL

    B. GHI

    Sol: Option A
    This sequence consists of letters in the reverse alphabetical order

  2. KBJ, LCK, MDL, NEM, _____

    Sol: Option B
    This series is an alternating series in alphabetical order. The 2nd letters follow the order BCDEF. The 1st and 3rd letters are alphabetical beginning with K. The 3rd letter is repeated as a 1st letter in each subsequent 3-letter segment.

  3. Team A has scored more goals than Team B, Team C has scored fewer goals than Team B, Team A has scored fewer goals than Team C., If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

    A. True

    B. False

    C. Uncertain

    Sol: Option B
    From the first two statements, we know that of the three teams, Team A has the scored the highest number of goals, so the third statement is necessarily false.


    Sol: Option A
    This sequence consists of a simple alphabetical order with the first 2 letters of all segments: C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. The third letter of each segment is a repetition of the 1st letter.

  5. Find the next number in the sequence:
    3, 6, 9, 30, 117……

    A. 192

    B. 352

    C. 388

    D. 588

    Sol: Option D
    3 * 1 + 3 = 6
    6 * 2 – 3 = 9
    9 * 3 + 3 = 30
    30 * 4 – 3 = 117
    117 * 5 + 3 = 588

  6. Raju weighs less than Farhan., Raju weighs more than Bunty. Of the three friends, Bunty weighs the least., If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

    Sol: OptionA
    According to the first two statements, Farhan weighs the most and Bunty weighs the least.

  7. Find the next number in the sequence:
    104, 109, 115, 122, 130…..

    A. 119

    B. 125

    C. 139

    D. 134

    Sol: Option C
    104 + 5= 109
    109 + 6 = 115
    115 + 7 = 122
    122 + 8 = 130
    130 + 9 = 139

  8. Find the next number in the sequence:
    26, 63, 124, 215, 342…..

    Sol: Option B
    All the numbers in the sequence are 1 less than the cubes of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Therefore, 511 is the answer.

  9. . Find the next number in the sequence….
    15, 31, 63, 127, 255.

    A. 110

    B. 170

    C. 511

    D. 181

    Sol: Option C
    15 * 2 + 1 = 31
    31 * 2 +1 = 63
    63 * 2 + 1= 127
    127 * 2 + 1= 255
    255 * 2 + 1 = 511

  10. John has more coins than Sonu., Sonu has fewer coins than Danish., Danish has more coins than John., If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

    Sol: Option B
    If the first two sentences are true, both John and Danish have more coins than Sonu. However, it is uncertain as to whether Danish has more coins than John.

Reasoning Questions In Hindi By RS Agarwal

प्रश्न 1. प्रत्येक 3 वर्षों के अंतराल पर पैदा हुए 5 बच्चों की उम्र 50 वर्ष है। सबसे कम उम्र के बच्चे की उम्र क्या है?
(A) 8 साल
(B) 10 साल
(C) 4 साल
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 2. A, B की तुलना में दो साल बड़ा है जो C के रूप में दो साल बड़ा है। यदि A, B और C की उम्र के कुल 27 हो, तो B कितने साल बड़ा है?
(A) 7 साल
(B) 8 साल
(C) 10 साल
(D) 9 साल

प्रश्न 3. एक आदमी अपने बेटे की तुलना में 24 साल बड़ा है। दो साल में, उनकी उम्र उसके बेटे की आयु से दोगुनी होगी। उसके बेटे की वर्तमान उम्र क्या होगी?
(A) 14 साल
(B) 22 साल
(C) 18 साल
(D) 20 साल

प्रश्न 4. शरद 60 साल का है और संतोष 80 साल का है। कितने साल पहले उनकी उम्र 4: 6 का अनुपात थी?
(A) 20 साल
(B) 10 साल
(C) 15 साल
(D) 25 साल

प्रश्न 5. चार भाइयों की औसत उम्र 20 साल है अगर हम जोड़ते हैं तो उनके पिता की औसत वृद्धि 4 साल होती है दो साल बाद पिता की उम्र क्या होगी?
(A) 52 साल
(B) 38 साल
(C) 42 साल
(D) 62 साल

प्रश्न 6. सचिन 7 साल राहुल की तुलना में छोटा है। यदि उनकी उम्र 7: 9 के संबंधित अनुपात में होती है, तो सचिन की कितनी उम्र होगी?
(A) 16 साल
(B) 24.5 साल
(C) 18 साल
(D) 28 साल

प्रश्न 7. एक व्यक्ति की वर्तमान उम्र उसकी मां की उम्र का पांचवां हिस्सा है 8 वर्षों के बाद, वह अपनी मां की उम्र का आधा होना होगा वर्तमान में मां की उम्र कितनी है?
(A) 32 साल
(B) 40 साल
(C) 36 साल
(D) 48 साल

प्रश्न 8. छह साल पहले, कुणाल और सागर की उम्र 6: 5 थी, चार साल बाद उनकी उम्र का अनुपात 11:10 होगा। वर्तमान में सागर की उम्र क्या है?
(A) 10 साल
(B) 14 साल
(C) 12 साल
(D) 16 साल

प्रश्न 9. राहुल रोहन से 15 साल बड़ा हैं अगर 5 साल पहले, राहुल रोहन से 3 साल बड़ा होता, तो राहुल की वर्तमान उम्र क्या होगी?
(A) 27.5 साल
(B) 32.5 साल
(C) 25 साल
(D) 24.9 साल

Rs Aggarwal Reasoning Book Pdf File In Hindi

प्रश्न 10. निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से विषम शब्द चुनिए ?
(A) रोगाणु
(B) माइक्रोफोन
(C) सूक्ष्मफिल्म
(D) सूक्ष्मदर्शी

Download RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book PDF

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आशा करते हैं RS Aggarwal Reasoning Book PDF आपके लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे. अपने Exams की Preparation के साथ इन Notes को भी पढ़ सकते हैं इस अनमोल जानकारी को Social Media पर शेयर ज़रूर करें.

Rs Aggarwal Reasoning Book Pdf

About the Author

Dr. R. S. Aggarwal was born on 2nd January, 1946 in a village of Delhi. He graduated from Kirorimal College, Delhi. After completing his M.Sc. in Mathematics in 1969, he joined N.A.S. College, Meerut as a lecturer. In 1976, he was awarded a fellowship for 3 years and joined Delhi University for his Ph. D. Thereafter he was promoted as a reader in N.A.S. College, Meerut. In 1999 he joined M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad as a reader and took voluntary retirement in 2003. He has written 75 books ranging from Nursery to M. Sc. and for general competitions from clerical grade to I.A.S. levels.

Students Review

Every job exam has a reasoning section and this book is sufficient for that part. If you are preparing for banking jobs, ssc or any other job where there is a reasoning section, then blindly go for this book. There are about 40 chaps divided into verbal and non verbal section and each chap contains lots and lots of sums to practice. If one can complete this book, then he can surely get high marks in the reasoning section. And about the testbook promo code on the front page , forget about it . I don’t know what kind of adhesive they use , the code almost gets dissolved into it. Bought two books of rs Agarwal, both quantative and reasoning, both times i couldn’t use the promo code. Apart from this , very good book. And lastly about the price, i got it for Rs 495 while the mrp is Rs 825 , so keep an eye on the deal.Buyer

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Rs Aggarwal Verbal And Nonverbal Reasoning Book Pdf

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