Virtual Painter Download

OK, so you can't really paint dramatic landscapes like the Renaissance greats, but Virtual Painter 5 can. The interface may lean toward the simplistic side, but the transformation of photo files into Van Goughesque oils, colorful pencil art, and sweeping water colors is impressive. Virtual Painter 5 gives you 16 artistic styles and 20 canvases to achieve your look, and lets you make further adjustments to focus, scale, and rendering, among other parameter. We prefer the sliding scale and numeric inputs of Expert mode to the vague descriptors of 'subtle,' 'normal,' 'intense' in the standard adjustment pane. Tweaks to contrast, brush angle and brush size, and color spectrum are sorely missed, but despite that, playing around with the painterly modes is addictive. The trial's allotted 32-uses disappeared all too quickly.

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Personal Color Viewer ® The Personal Color Viewer is designed for desktops and large format tablets. It does not currently support mobile. If you minimize your browser while in Personal Color Viewer, your photo may disappear. Welcome to the NEW Virtual Painter We've upgraded the Virtual Painter since the last time you used it. Everything you've saved is still here - but the painter is newer and better.

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Virtual Painter Download

Valspar Virtual Painter Download

OK, so you can't really paint dramatic landscapes like the Renaissance greats, but Virtual Painter 5 can. The interface may lean toward the simplistic side, but the transformation of photo files into Van Goughesque oils, colorful pencil art, and sweeping water colors is impressive. Virtual Painter 5 gives you 16 artistic styles and 20 canvases to achieve your look, and lets you make further adjustments to focus, scale, and rendering, among other parameter. We prefer the sliding scale and numeric inputs of Expert mode to the vague descriptors of 'subtle,' 'normal,' 'intense' in the standard adjustment pane. Tweaks to contrast, brush angle and brush size, and color spectrum are sorely missed, but despite that, playing around with the painterly modes is addictive. The trial's allotted 32-uses disappeared all too quickly.