Download Grub2 For Windows

Download Super Grub2 Disk in Windows 7 and using Mozilla Firefox. Get into your Windows 7 desktop. This wizard step will help you to get into your Windows 7 desktop. That’s the first condition you need to meet in order to be able to use Windows 7 to do something interesting such as downloading an ISO, putting it into a media or anything else.

Active4 years, 6 months ago

I have the latest Puppy Linux (5.20, I think) but it has a problem with grub install at the end of the setup process.

How can I install grub (or grub2, the easiest one will be great) manually using my Ubuntu 10.04 CD?

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1,0784 gold badges14 silver badges32 bronze badges

3 Answers

  1. Boot from CD.
  2. Run fdisk -l and see which is your linux partition, say /dev/sda2.
  3. Mount the partition to say /mnt using mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
  4. Now run the following magic command from anywhere:

    You will get the message

    no error reported

  5. Reboot.
33.5k21 gold badges123 silver badges188 bronze badges

If you prefer a GUI way then download Grub Customizer Portable then mark the applications ‘executable’ after download - Right click > Properties > Permissions > Check ‘allow executing as a programme’ then double-click and run and then click File -> install to MBR.

David Foerster
29.3k13 gold badges69 silver badges116 bronze badges
17.8k28 gold badges112 silver badges148 bronze badges

Please see link:

Keep me informed

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Active3 years, 9 months ago

I am trying to make a kernel in Visual C++ (Windows) using the tutorial here. What I am wondering is how to install GRUB from within Windows 7. If I have to download Puppy Linux or something I will, but I would prefer to install it from within Windows. In case you were wondering, I want to boot a PE EXE with a multiboot header that supports GRUB.


migrated from unix.stackexchange.comJan 23 '12 at 2:08

This question came from our site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems.

4 Answers

EasyBCD can automatically install a GRUB-based bootloader called NeoGrub. It'll be chainloaded from the Windows bootloader, and you can edit its configuration file from within Windows; it also supports NTFS so you can save the kernel to the NTFS partition and load it from there.

Disclosure: I wrote EasyBCD.

Mahmoud Al-QudsiMahmoud Al-Qudsi
2,7774 gold badges25 silver badges39 bronze badges

Another solution is Grub4DOS.

Despite the name it even works with Windows (XP) - propably with 7, too.

Grub2 Efi Windows 10


Grub2 Download Windows 7

I had this problem: had Kubuntu installed, then installed Windows 7 (Pro x64), then Kubuntu disappeared from the boot menu.

My Solution:

Install EasyBCD, add GRUB2 to boot menu, reboot, enter *Ubuntu, do this:

Download grub2 for windows vista

Run Boot Repair.

Choose Recommended repair.

Than again boot Windows and, using EasyBCD, remove GRUB2.

22.2k14 gold badges56 silver badges89 bronze badges

Another solution is to use Grub2Win that supports both EFI and BIOS loading on Windows 7-10/XP/Vista. Based on grub version 2.02 and give you a GUI to handle a boot.

13k18 gold badges88 silver badges132 bronze badges

Download Grub2 For Windows 8

Max VyaznikovMax Vyaznikov

Download Grub2 For Windows 7

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