Office Web Apps 2013 Updates

Active3 years, 10 months ago

461 rows  Provides information about the Office Web Apps Server 2013 update 2837634 that was.

  • Dec 26, 2018  3/22 update: The March update was initially released as a critical update. This caused it to be released via Microsoft automatic updates. If you had automatic updates enabled on your Office Web Apps Server this caused some grief. We heard the feedback. The March update is being reclassified so it will not be automatically applied. We'll be looking at the future updates as well to prevent this issue.
  • This article describes update 2837634 for Microsoft Office Web Apps Server 2013 that was released on November 12, 2013. The download links for this update are also included here. This update provides the latest fixes for Office Web Apps Server 2013. It also includes stability and performance improvements. Download and install the update.

I have development, test, and production SharePoint 2013 farms, all with Office Web Apps (OWA) 2013 servers connected to each.

Office Web Apps 2013 Updates

I want to apply the May 2013 OWA update but the process here says to 'remove the Office Web Apps Server that you want to apply the software update to from the load balancer pool' and 'create an updated Office Web Apps Server farm by using the cmdlet New-OfficeWebAppsFarm' using 'the same additional parameters that you used when you first created the Office Web Apps Server farm.'

I don't have those parameters; OWA was installed by a consultant who is no longer here.


How can I generate the New-OfficeWebAppsFarm command from my existing farm prior to updating?



1 Answer

I'd use the command Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm and copy the entire block. Use that for your New-OfficeWebAppsFarm going forward. The important parameters are:


Office Web Apps Server 2013 Update List


Office Web Apps 2013 Updates 2016

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Office Web Apps 2013 Updates

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