Pdf Api Library


Quick PDF Library 17. Want to create, render, print, secure, merge, split and manipulate PDF files with just a few lines of code on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android?Enhance your capability with Quick PDF Library: a powerful and royalty-free developer PDF SDK for adding PDF functionality to your applications. Toolkit is a developer's API library with hundreds of properties and methods that can perform almost any high-volume PDF-related task. With simple, straight-forward.NET and COM interfaces, the Toolkit SDK hides the complexities of PDF, saving days and even weeks of development time. The Apache PDFBox™ library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents.

Contains classes for converting a page in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document to an image file.



Represents a Portable Document Format (PDF) document.


Represents a single page in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document.


Represents the dimensions of a single page in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document.


Represents display settings for a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) document, such as the page's background color and its encoding type.



Specifies the number of degrees that a page in a Portable Document Format (PDF) document is rotated in the rendered output.


We recommend using the following API for these types of apps:

  • Use the RenderToStreamAsync method if your UWP app:

    • Uses JavaScript and HTML.
    • Uses C# and Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), and you're not comfortable writing an interop layer over the corresponding Component Object Model (COM) API RenderPageToSurface or RenderPageToDeviceContext by using C++.
  • Use the corresponding Component Object Model (COM) API RenderPageToSurface or RenderPageToDeviceContext if your UWP app:

    • Uses C++ and XAML.
    • Uses C++ and Microsoft DirectX.
    • Uses C# and XAML, and you are comfortable writing an interop layer over these corresponding Component Object Model (COM) API by using C++.
    • Needs to support a zoom factor of greater than 400%.

See also

Active10 months ago

Does anyone know a good pdf library for Java ? My specific requirement is to find co-ordinates of the text in pdf file. If anyone knows, some pointers will be helpful.

Mark Elliot
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closed as off-topic by Sotirios Delimanolis, Alon Eitan, EdChum, Makyen, PangSep 13 '17 at 1:51

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Sotirios Delimanolis, Alon Eitan, EdChum, Makyen, Pang
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

5 Answers

I've just started looking into Apache's PdfBox for exactly this purpose. It looks like one of their examples, PrintTextLocations.java, is a good starting point for what you're after.


Check out any of these:

(credit/see also: Free java library for converting existing pdf to a pdf/a)

Mark ElliotMark Elliot
60.7k15 gold badges128 silver badges152 bronze badges

iText PDF - http://itextpdf.com/

Apache FOP - http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/

PDFBox - http://pdfbox.apache.org/

Api Vs Library

PDF Renderer - https://pdf-renderer.dev.java.net/


Adobe Pdf Library Api Reference

5,7483 gold badges21 silver badges40 bronze badges

Have you tried Big Faceless - http://big.faceless.org/products/pdf/


I would say that iText is the one that is most widely used

Robin Green

Acrobat Pdf Library Api

23.7k11 gold badges78 silver badges158 bronze badges

Android Pdf Api Library


Pdf Api Library For Mac

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