Astral Projection Guide Pdf

Astral projection – also known as the Out-of-Body Experience or OBE for short – is a phenomenon where the consciousness (while directly manifesting in the subtle body also known as the astral body or psychosoma) exteriorises from the physical body remaining. On each side of the gap is a high tower. The wall and the towers symbolize the boundary between the physical plane and the Astral plane. As you can see the path leads from the physical plane on thru the gap between the two towers and into the Astral plane. This is the path of progress for man. On each side of the gap is a high tower. The wall and the towers symbolize the boundary between the physical plane and the Astral plane. As you can see the path leads from the physical plane on thru the gap between the two towers and into the Astral plane. This is the path of progress for man.

Lie down and relax.

Astral Body Pdf

Position yourself on your back in your chosen room. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. Concentrate on your body and how it feels. The goal is to achieve a state of complete mind and body relaxation.

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Astral Projection Guide Book Pdf

  • Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head. Make sure every muscle is completely relaxed when you are through.
  • Breathe deeply and exhale completely. Don't hold tension in your chest and shoulders, just relax.
  • Focus your mind on your breathing. Don't get carried away with thoughts of outside worries, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.
  • It can be helpful to use a quartz crystal to raise and speed up your vibrations as preparation. Gently hold the crystal on your third eye slightly above the centre of your eyebrows with closed eyes and breathing deeply. Feel the vibrations and your head clearing; you can envision golden, white, purple or any colour light if you like. During the meditation and astral travelling you can hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your chest or abdomen. The crystal will empower and protect you because of its high vibrations; negative energies have lower vibrations.