Marine Cadence Downloads

Marine Corps Running Cadence

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Lo Right, A Lefty Righty A Lo

Even if you’re no Marine soldier, you can use these cadences for yourself to motivate you to work, exercise, or boost your self-esteem. Top 10 best USMC running cadence. These cadences were often used in the army and some of them have been contributed by military enthusiasts. Our number #1 running cadence has simply a wonderful beat and note.

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Lo Right, A Lefty Righty A Lay Lo

Momma told Johnny not to go down town

Marine Corps recruiter was hanging around

Suzy told Johnny go serve your nation

take a cab down to the MEPS station

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Momma told Johnny not to go down town

Marine Corps recruiter was hanging around

Suzy's in the bedroom, Jodie's at the window

Johnny's got his bags and he's ready to go

put Johnny on a greyhound bus

then there came the bends and thrusts

Drill Instructors trained him rough and hard

They taught him to fight, they taught him to march

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Momma told Johnny not to go down town

Marine Corps recruiter was hanging around

it was short but long it seemed

Johnny had earned the title Marine

Johnny survived like all the rest

Johnny got popped on a urine analysis

Johnny thought he was one in a million

a urine sample made him a civilian

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Lo Right, A Lo Righty A Lay O

Momma Told Johnny not to go downtown

Marine Corps recruiter was hanging around...


I had a pig and his name was Sam

Sunday he was bacon, on Monday he was ham

Grinding my Ka-bar in the barn

While my donkey runs the farm

Got a steer and his name was Jake

Tuesday he was burgers on Wednesday he was steak

Grinding my ka-bar in the barn

while my donkey runs the farm

bare with me 'cause this may sound sick

Gotta strip out some baby chicks

Me and my donkey gonna take a little trip

The Colonel's in need of some Crispy strips

Marine Corp Cadence Downloads

Lo Righty Lo Righty Lo Righty Lo

Lefty Right A Lo, Here We Go

Got two roosters named larry and Lee

One's going to Church's the other KFC

Grinding my ka-bar in the barn

While my donkey runs the farm

Got some lamb and a couple of sheep

Gotta have gyros and mutton ain't cheap

I still grind my ax in the barn

while my donkey runs the farm

Lo Righty Lo Righty Lo Righty Lo

Lefty Righty Lo, Righty Lo, Righty Lo

If you see what we mean, there’s some humor added to it and they placed Jodi and Suzy together in the story. There’s a little bit of obscenity there, but those elements have already compromised the running cadences rhythms in the military. The song has a light and fun element to it which can make any people get up and running.

C-130 rollin' down the strip,
U.S. Marines gonna take a little trip!
Mission top-secret, destination unknown!
Don't even know when we're comin' home!
Stand up, buckle up, shuffle to the door,
Jump right out and shout MARINE CORPS!
If that chute don't open wide,
I've got a reserve by my side
(or, I'll be the first one on the ground)
If that one should fail me too,
Look out devil I'm a'comin' for you!
A kickin' and a jabbin'!
Punchin' and a stabbin!


There was a girl who wore a yellow ribbon,
She wore it in the spring time in the merry month of May.
If you asked her why she wore that ribbon,
She wore it for the young Marine so far, far, away.
Far away, Far away,
She wore it for the young Marine so far, far, away.
Around the block she pushed a baby carriage,
She pushed it in the spring time in the merry month of May.
If you asked her why the heck she pushed it,
She pushed it for the young Marine so far, far, away.
Far away, Far away,
She pushed it for the young Marine so far, far, away.
In her house her daddy has a shotgun,
He has it in the spring time in the merry month of May.
If you asked him why the heck he has it,
He has it for the young Marine so far, far, away.
Far away, Far away,
He has it for the young Marine so far, far, away


Mission Top Secret, destination unknown,
We don't know if we're ever coming home.
Stand up buckle up and shuffle to the door,
Jump right out and shout 'Marine Corps!'
If my shute don't open wide,
I've got a reserve by my side.
If that one should fail me too,
Look out ground I'm coming through.
Hookin and a jabbin,
Slashin and a stabbin.
If I die in a combat zone,
Box me up and ship me home.
Pin my medals upon my chest.
Tell my momma I've done my best.


I don't know, but I've been told,
The Marine Corps is mighty bold.
And up upon the bolden scene,
Stands the United States Marines.
Sound off 1 2,
Sound off 3 4,
1 2 3 4 United States Marine Corps
The only ones with the gut's to fight.
They fight all day, and stand guard at night.
Sound off 1 2,
Sound off 3 4,
1 2 3 4 United States Marine Corps
Now on land, sea or in the air,
They get the job done no matter where.
So when they come home from all the battles,
To show off the all their heroic medals.
The Marine Corps is the job for me.
Sound off 1 2,
Sound off 3 4,
1 2 3 4 United States Marine Corps!


Mama, Mama can’t you see?
What the Marine Corps’ done to me...
They sat me down in the chair,
When I looked I had no hair
Mama Mama can't ya see???
What the Marine Corps’ done to me...
I used to drive a Chevrolet,
but now I march around all day
Mama, Mama can't you see?
What the Marine Corps’ done to me...
I used to drive a Cadillac...
now I carry one on my back...
Mama Mama can't you see?!?!?!?
What the Marine Corps’ done to me...
After I passed the really hard test...
They stuck a ribbon in my chest.
Mama,Mama Cant you see?
What the Marine Corps’ done to me...
I'm walkin tall and feeling good,
I'm doing things I never thought I could.


Lil yellow birdie with a lil yellow bill
Landed on my window sill
Lured him in with a lil piece a bread
Then I crushed his lil f***ing head
Me oh my I am such a clutz
I missed his head and hit his nutz


If I wanted to be a Doggy
Then I would've joined the stinkin' Army
If I wanted to be a Fly Boy
Then I would've joined the stinkin' Air Force
If I wanted to be a Swaby
Then I would've joined the stinkin' Navy
But I wanted a job that makes you lean and mean
Livin in the woods with my M-16, eatin hot dogs with pork and beans
The Marine Corps offered all of this
I said I wanted a job that gives me pride and joy
The Marine Corps offers all these things
Now the moral of the story is
When it comes to the Armed Forces
The Marine Corps has got'em all beat


Runnin through the desert with my M-16
I'm a mean motor scooter
I'm a U.S. Marine
If ya see me comin you better step aside
Cause many men didn't and many men died

Marine Corps Cadence Downloads


Mama told Jody not to go downtown
Marine Corps Recruiters are hangin' around
Jody didn't listen and went anyway
Now he is livin' the Marine Corps Way


Ain't no use in lookin' down
Ain't no discharge on the ground
Ain't no use in lookin' back
'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
Ain't no use in feelin' blue
'Cause Jody's got your lady too


They say that in the Marine Corps,
The chow is mighty fine!,
Chicken jumped off my tray once,
And marched right down the line!,
Oh Lord, I wanna go home!,
Platoon Sergeant, won't let me go home!,
They say in the Marine Corps,
The pay is mighty fine!,
Give ya a hundred dollars,
Take back 99!,
Oh Lord, I wanna go home!,
Platoon Sergeant, won't let me go home!,
They say in the Marine Corps,
The women are mighty fine!,
Look like Phyllis Diller,
March like Frankenstein!,
Oh Lord, I wanna go home!,
Platoon Sergeant, won't let me go home!,


Best Marine Corps Cadence


Old Lady Johnson had three sons,
They were eighteen, nineteen and twenty-one.
Everything was fine until 'sixty-four,
When all three sons went and joined the Corps.
In nineteen sixty-five they went to Vietnam,
Well, they went there to fight the Viet Cong.
They fought them of by 'sxty-eight,
And then they had to fight the NVA.
It stayed that way until 'sixty-nine,
When Number One Son stepped on a mine.
Number Two Son got it that same year,
When he took a sniper round in the ear.
Number Three Son is back on the farm,
He checks the mail every day for his leg and his arm.
Old Lady Johnson don't smile no more,
She says, 'Eat an Apple, forget the Corps!'